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Author Topic: Blogs by Achazia Songweaver  (Read 6019 times)

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Offline Achazia

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Blogs by Achazia Songweaver
« on: 07 August, 2009, 08:42:20 am »
Concert: Celebrating The Shadows Kin 1st anniversary

Our goal with this event was to make an event in style with Middle-Earth. And we tried our best to make a event that would suit Laurelin RP server. But we also wanted it to be an open event. So everyone that wanted to come listen to The Shades had the possibility to do that. So I was a bit concern about the outcom. Mixing non-rp players and rp-players together. I din't know if that would work at all. But we didn't want to exclude some sort of players. We just wanted to see if it was possible to host a ME-event. And see if people got carried a way by the atmosphere we tried to create..

Besides my owncomposed songs. We had Mugendo to help to tell a story about our Kin the way he can. Who is a good Lotro friend of mine.
And besides The Shades, we made a extra hobbit band called Proudfoots. Just to have some varity and special guest stars.

I announced the concert on several forums. codemasters, Mad house tavern website and allakhazam site. I also made a little movie ad on youtube. Suprisingly Codemasters put my event on their news site on the main frontpage. It was really nice of them, and the ad had a lot of viewers.

Well. I was a bit nervous to be honest when I logged on the afternoon 15th june. I did put a lot of effort in this event and was very excited.
But my dear Kinmembers tried their best to calm me down. I didn't know if people would come. It was summer/sunday/footballEM. So I didn't had high expectations. But I hoped there would come some. Atleast I hoped members from my Kin would join as audience.
Our location was Breeland festival ground, and I had some concern about the place aswell. Because I suddenly start thinkin that all of the audience would start fishing.. hehe. There is a little pool by the location I chose for The Shades. And I didn't think of that before after I announced.
And I also had concern about the lag-issue. If there should be a large crowd. But I wasen't that concerned that a huge crowd would come... So it didn't trouble me that much.

Before the concert started I was crafting outfits for the Shades and Hobbits, and dyed them in different colors. While I was doing that with help from my Kin. Some of my Kins said he saw a message in OOC channel: About: The Shades fanclub recruiting members!: I couldn't believe my eyes, and I couldn't help smiling. A guy/girl called Giselle from Snowbourn had start a Kinship called The Shades fanclub. He was making an alt on Laurelin so he was able to see us. So he stood on Breeland Festival Ground since 3 o'clock and waiting for the Concert. I think he manage to recruit three more members. And I don't know if the fanclub still excist. Well is very sweet though. And he said he wanted to have contact information from us. For a minute I felt like a star/famous. haha.. Very weird feeling..
There was some other players aswel that showed up 2-3 hours before event. Amadreruil for example

Cantesa a friendly lady from one of our friend-Kinship Phoenix legion. Helped us to guide the low lvl players from Bree west gate to the festiavl grounds right before.

The Shades: Bullborn, Lithia, Semjase, Aeronhaf, Abergar, Morosi, Kosei, Shadros, Squard and the little hobbit Salvatore gathering behind a rock a bit far from the place we should play.. 10 minutes before .. I din't saw anyone! So I must admit I become a little nervous. Only one I saw was Amadreruil... Then I thought..Ok show must go on. We could play for Amadreruil atleast and Giselle. But suddenly I saw 10 dwarf running all over the place. Members from Bharuk Khazad was coming. And supporting us. Thank you.. So atleast some came. I din't follow to much what was happening in say/ooc channel. We were preparing us for the first song. And waiting for Mugendo to introduce us. And when he did. We entered the "stage". And I was shocked when I saw the crowd. Where did they all come from??. It was like 100+ players there. And emotes/say channel was like crazy.. Never seen so many people on one place before. And... hmm.:The Lag was really bad.

And it was kind of nervewracking.. First Semjase one of The Shades members chrashed, and then Abergar.: So we did ad-hoc changes beetween the members. Bullborn that was leading the band. He did a great job.: And I don't think anyone noticed the problems we had within the band.

Mugendo were doing a great job!! Fantastic.. He was presenting the Shadows story in a "adventure" way. And he created a wonderful atmosphere and the music and the communication beetween all the members went very well..

Of course we struggled with the usual problems like forced-class emotes and sparring.. But overall the audience acted very nice.. And they were all polite/thankful and very apreciating. I couldn't really ask for more. So thank you all that were there..And I actually saw some non-rp players RP a lot.. It was really fun to see. So I think the atmosphere/mood influented the audience to act in ME-way.

The top of the evening was when Satine came. The friendly codemaster community boss.. he he
She was joining the audience/dancing. And she also had a speech and gave us gifts! It was lovely.

Our hobbitband was also a success. People danced/fireworks. And everyone seems very happy. And we did a encore.

I was really tired after the concert and had a huge headache.. And we were relaxing. Listening to Amadreruils tunes. The Shades/The Shadows and some good friends...

Thank you all that attended. And thank you for the support. And all of you that frapped the event/took screenies: Ryu from our guildforum: And members from Stout n Sturdy: Very nice videos and screenies! Thank you!!!!

PS: Sorry for all my misspellings/grammar. But english is not my motherlanguage. And Im writing this blog pretty fast.

Playing both LOTRO and TSW at the moment.

Offline Achazia

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Blogs by Achazia Songweaver
« Reply #1 on: 07 August, 2009, 08:49:04 am »
Concert: Celebrating The Shades Kin 1st anniversary. And a tribute to Mines of Moria

This time The Shades moved to Thorins Hall. The theme was Drums in deep. And was a tribute to Mines of Moria. But also a tribute to our self  The Shades have excisted 1 year now.

During this year. I have made a lot of songs. I believe I have like 30 songs. Only 14 was played. The playlist contained a mixture of old and new songs.

The most fun part of the event. was all the organization. Lithia was in charge of the outfits. Abergar and me charge of the songs/playlist. And we also planned how to choordinate uselfs at the stage.. And the announcing went well.
Mugendo did a lot of work with the presentation aswell

Yesterday(2 nov) I was unusual calm. I remember last time I was so nervous. Afraid noone would come.. And nervous about the lag issue. And if some players would ruin the event. This time I wasen't nervous at all. I was just very excited about the whole event.
one hour before the event. Abergar, Morosi, Billwen, kosei, Lithia, Bullborn and myself met up at Thorins Hall. Our leader Haffy was there to. To choordinate the audience
Must fun part of it all. Was that some guys from Snowbourn came over to Laurelin and they all have made this Kin called "The Shades Fanclub" I really felt like a real star.. hahaha.
We stood on the top of the stair at the Forges in Thorins Hall. To do our last preparation. How we should enter the stage etc. And we played a couple of songs..

Mugendo then called us. We were ready to enter. And there was a huge crowd meeting us. I really don't have a clue how many were there.. Because it was impossible to count. And everyone stood in certain place because of the soundrange of the instruments. Someone told me he could count 100. But again..people was standing in top of eachother. Really difficult to know the amount..
And it was lag! Terrible.. The same as Breeland festival ground. And there were players that really couldn't behave.. haha.. Oh well.. It will always happens things like that. With so many players. But overall. I think the audience was great! And I think they enjoyed it very much..

One of the Codemaster Community bosses where there again. +Faya+ Really suprising. And I must say it makes me so happy that we are so much apreciated that also the CM peoples take their time to come.

I know many took pictures. And someone frapped the whole event! I will post those pictures+ videos very soon!!

Achazia Songweaver
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 Comment by Laird HexDSL on November 3, 2008 at 6:23am
Delete Comment did no one record it? (there was no reminder posted, i missed it  )
 Comment by Achazia on November 3, 2008 at 6:49am
Delete Comment Aww sorry.. I should set up an reminder! I forgot, guess to much on my mind..  Anyway. Someone did frap the whole event  So I will post it as soon as the person have fixed the movie  And there will be more concerts!
 Comment by Jin on November 3, 2008 at 9:14am
Delete Comment Can't wait to see the video! I love these kind of player-driven events  What server are you on?
 Comment by CJ on November 3, 2008 at 9:18am
Delete Comment aww... i forgot as well... i was gonna make a dwarf on the server so i could watch you guys!!!
 Comment by Bad_Panda on November 3, 2008 at 9:58am
Delete Comment The English RP one that I cant spell or pronounce.
 Comment by Laird HexDSL on November 3, 2008 at 11:29am
Delete Comment lol panda, i have hte same problem lol.. the one that starts with L And ends with RP lol
 Comment by Achazia on November 3, 2008 at 12:23pm
Delete Comment Oh..It's Laurelin  
 Comment by Jin on November 3, 2008 at 2:41pm
Delete Comment Game looks beautiful
« Last Edit: 07 August, 2009, 08:52:18 am by Achazia »

Playing both LOTRO and TSW at the moment.

Offline Achazia

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Blogs by Achazia Songweaver
« Reply #2 on: 07 August, 2009, 08:53:42 am »
Concert: Walk in time - Stories from Shire

This was our 4th concert. Is strange to think about how the time flies by... We started as a band in 2007. And March 2008 We had our first real event at Breeland homestead Ravenmere (Abergar's homestead) Where about 60 people arrived. I remember back then how wonderful it was.. So many people came to listen to my music...My owncomposed music that is a very personal thing for me. People came because they liked it. hopefully
And 3 concert later. We did our 4th one in Shire at The party Tree, And still it amaze me how fun and exciting those events are. And I am still very nervous. Because it's so many things that could go wrong and ruin an ingame event like this. And I also put a lot of work in events like this. So I feel a bit prestige to make those events as good as possible. Not because of myself but for my Kin and for the people that take their time to come and listen

As always the most fun part of the event is all the organization. Lithia and Bullborn was in charge of the outfits. Abergar and me charge of the songs/playlist. Deynah for the recording. Mugendo with the presentations. Malthalras leading our band. Is a Kin effort event, and many helps out. And you get to know this people behind those pixelcharacters very well. Is a fun social time.

Sunday (31 May)

The band: Kosei. Bullborn, Squard, Eovina, Lithia, Bullborn, Abergar and me gathered behind the party Tree one hour before the concert. And again many players already were there, confused about the timezones as always  So I couldn't quite concentrate about the rehearlse. But we did the songs that I needed to test. And we also needed to check our hobbits that they were ready with instruments and outfits.
And then the Shades were ready in green outfits (as a contribution to the Shire and the hobbits) And I couldn't see anyone from the distance where we were standing. But I could see a lots of emotes. And Mugendo then introduced us. And we were ready to enter the stage. A magical moment... I felt like a real person walking to a stage, very nervous and excited. Yeah a bit silly I know.. Hehe.

And there were a lots of people there. Someone counted 125 people. Most of the audience was of course hobbits. And I couldn't see Mugendos tells in say because of the rush of the emotes..
At the front row our lojal friends from Snowbourne (The Shades Fanclub) was there to support us. And from that moment I knew it would be a fine event.
What amazed me this time..It was no forced emotes at all! No sparring! And noone that came up on stage to interrupt us.. The audience was a dream. It was absolutely fantastic. And I didn't experienced any lag at all strange thinking about the amount of audience. And I really enjoyed myself this time.

We had Malthalras on teamspeak all night. And he choordinated us and organized us.. And led the band whole evening, And because of that everything went so smooth. Also we did a lot of emotes like synced firebreath, fireworks. throwing feathers. Danced at same time. And bowed/waved etc at same time. I think we looked quite organized.

At the end we also had to do the most difficult thing of it all, the hobbitchange. We needed to go behind the party tree, log off our mains and log on on our hobbit alts. And we needed to do it fast, we made it while Mugendo had his introduction. And then we played 6 songs non-stop. And acted a bit more silly, unorganized. Just to create a contrast to The Shades. And people started to dance, and we had help with the fireworks.
And the evening came. The lamps on the Party Tree was lit. So wonderful! !

My choice of songs was a bit different that on the previous events. I chosed the uptempo ones. And I introduced many new ones this time. Like Esgaroth, Wrath of Winter, To Rosie, Walk in time and Blueberry Kiss. And I think people liked it.

The concert lasted for 2,5 hour. And nearly everyone was there from the beginning to the end.. And we also had to play 3 songs on encore.

I was exchausted after this event. And it was so fun! Thank you everyone that were there!! You are the real stars for me

But...I missed someone there....Morosi! i hope you will be back with us soon!

The Shades

« Last Edit: 07 August, 2009, 08:54:02 am by Achazia »

Playing both LOTRO and TSW at the moment.