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Author Topic: AssaultArcher's Planetside 2 Application  (Read 3515 times)

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Offline AssaultArcher

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AssaultArcher's Planetside 2 Application
« on: 29 December, 2014, 06:23:29 pm »
What other games apart from Planetside 2 do you play?:
Dota 2, Total War games, Elder Scrolls games, and whatever I feel like playing at the moment realy.
A bit about yourself: 
Well, I am 21 and live in Portugal as stated above, I am in my last semester at university, only doing my intership now so I can finish my degree in computer engeneering. I play way to many videogames to be healthy, I play the guitar as a hobby, terrible at it even though I have been taking classes for 7 years, mostly in for the people though. Not much to tell other than that.
Character name:
Main class:
Heavy Assault
What are you mainly certing into (main class, vehicle, leadership etc.)?:
I am mainly certing into heavy assault I do however have a few certs in other classes.
How often do you play Planetside 2 (typical weekly playtime and which hours)?:
I usualy play planetside after 8pm or so almost evey day, sometimes I cannot do so at weekends. If I have to do some sort of project or report for university I will be a bit less on.

MoX essentials
Do you have Teamspeak 3?

Please also confirm you have read and agreed to the MoX Charter Found here:
I have read and agreed to the MoX Charter

Also by the end of your two week trail you Must have AMS and squad beacon 1 certifications

I have both, even had the AMS cert.

About you.

Have you been in another outfit on Miller? (Yes/No):

Yes I have

If so: Which one(s)? And why did you leave?:
The Gryphon Guard:
 I didn't actualy leave the guild as much as it happened to be disbanded a while ago since the outfit leaders left planetside and it was decided that whe outfit was to be disbanded, the last few members of the guild ( bout 5 of us) still played from time to time but most eather joined a new outfit or left planetside 2 like I did for the last year or so.


Why did you choose the class you are now playing as your main class?:
Because I love to go in guns blazing and taking whatever enemies are in a room with me to the grave( I mostly get assist points I must add)
But in all seriousness I am best at being in the front lines and I enjoy being able to take a decent amount of punishment before dieing.

Certification (ie what you have spents certs on what you plan for the future:
Getting more certs for my Heavy Assault for I am still missing alot of the weapons and atachments I would like to have. I also plan on getting some weapons for the Max class as well for the Prowler and Lightning.

Do you know anyone in MoX who can vouch for you?:
I was invited by PirateCat but I am not sure if he would vouch for me.

Why do you want to join MoX?:
Planetside 2 is not fun to play alone and you seem like a well organized and fun bunch.

What type of guild are you looking for?:
A guild to have fun playing with. I also enjoy guilds with a good structure.

What are your goals when playing Planetside 2, what do you want to achieve and how long do you plan to keep playing?:
I like shooting NC and VS. And I do think this is the best kind of FPS you can play, so what I want to achive is... I wana get everything, I am a collector by nature so I like getting everything ingames.

Additional Information:
Just a point I should bring to atention, I have a heart condition that might sometimes cause me to be absent for a few days or even a week if the situation demands it. This can come without any warning but it is rare that it happens, only happened twice in the last 3 years.

Offline Archangel

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Re: AssaultArcher's Planetside 2 Application
« Reply #1 on: 29 December, 2014, 08:52:17 pm »
Hey Archer.  Welcome to Mox Planetside :)

Offline Pirate Cat

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Re: AssaultArcher's Planetside 2 Application
« Reply #2 on: 29 December, 2014, 11:24:36 pm »
welcome indeed, nice to have you on board

