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Re: The time has come…again… by Kwik
[29 November, 2022, 08:34:06 pm]

Re: The time has come…again… by Tinbum
[27 August, 2022, 11:17:27 pm]

The time has come…again… by Tinbum
[27 August, 2022, 11:17:04 pm]

Re: Hello old friends by Chip
[29 August, 2021, 01:03:48 pm]

Re: Hello old friends by Tinbum
[25 July, 2021, 04:24:49 pm]

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Welcome to Malevolents of Xibalba!

MoX is a multi-game guild created in 1998 which puts fair-play and teamplay first and foremost. Enjoy your stay!

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xx TF2 fun with MoX | 24 Apr 16

22:09:05 by Archangel | Views: 10118 | Comments: 1

Community game night

So here we are, our first night of what will hopefully be many.  This Saturday 30th April, we will be holding an evening of fun on a private TF2 server kindly set up and provided by Farrow.

Please see [url=http:...
12:44:22 by Tinbum | Views: 9944 | Comments: 0

Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest Complete

After literally months of grinding and running the Firelands Raid solo every week, Tinbum has finally earned himself the Legendary Staff known as Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest.

A member of the Blue Dragon fl...
19:10:37 by Durugai | Views: 9413 | Comments: 0

Desert Bus for Hope 9 goes live!

So once again the guys at LoadingReadyRun is doing their yearly fundraiser for Child's Play over on twitch.

Now you may ask yourself, what is Desert bus? Well it is about a week of fundraising madness put on b...
02:04:18 by Tinbum | Views: 13246 | Comments: 5

The Council get schooled by MoX

New week, new kill by MoX raiding squad. Last week the council stopped us but this week we showed them whos the boss! Good job team....

xx WoW Flex Sunday | 27 Oct 15

20:09:06 by Tinbum | Views: 9327 | Comments: 0

First Flex Sunday a success

On Sunday MoX WoW enjoyed their first flex sunday. It started with a few world boss killings including Rukhmar the avian sun goddess and Commander Dro'gan. Due to time restraints we started the Seige of Ogrimmar once again welcomin...
20:18:01 by Tinbum | Views: 11224 | Comments: 4

MoX Raid Wipes a few times!

It's Wednesday, and that Means it's RAID NIGHT!! Which probably means Yam is going to Pm me asking to move a Post from the news section onto the Home page! So I've jumped the gun, and informing you all that that the Raid p...
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