Public => New Recruits => Topic started by: Zorin on 22 December, 2007, 03:40:24 am

Title: Please May I Rejoin Mox
Post by: Zorin on 22 December, 2007, 03:40:24 am
Nick: Zorin
Class: Priest
Level: 70
Server: Grim'Batol
Professions: Tailor\Enchanter
/played (type it in WoW):60 days, 12hours

Do you have Teamspeak? (voice communication is essential to our raiding, although it is not necessary to have a mic):
Yes with mic

Country: UK

Would you be willing to change your build for the guild?

How often do you play WoW (typical weekly playtime and which hours)?
Too much.... most weekday evenings 19:00 - 0:00. + more over the weekends.
Our Raid times are from 20:00 to 0:00 server time with invites starting at 19:30, are you able to be available for the whole duration?
Yeah no restrictions here.
Have you been in another guild? Which one(s)?
Yes. Omerta(disbanded), Dark Souls

Post a link to a profile so we can see your equipment, or post your equipment along with your application. World of Warcraft Armory is sufficient in most cases. (

Resistance gear of note:

Are you attuned to Karazhan? Yes


Now when you´re done with the "basics", we´re on to what´s important in the application! Here we want you to explain a little about different aspects of your character and the game, so we can ensure you are suitable.

So, write a few sentences about:

Talents: Currently i'm 28/33/0. Aimed for Mental Strength and Divine Spirit buff down the disc tree. with Spiritual Healing and Holy Concentration down the Holy tree

Explain why you´re using the spec you are, what specs you´ve tried, and why you came to the conclusion that this specs suits you the best.

I have tried all specs out. Leveled to 70 with shadow specc which was excellent fun and half decent in PVP. When I reached 70 I went for a disc/holy build which was good for PVE and soloing. I have since, leveled up some alts to do the soloing/farming  
I didn't paritcularly like full holy. I felt too gimped and it didn't suit the way I play. Plus due to my equipment not being that great i found my mana regen in combat awful. I believe i have now found a spec that suits me.


Talk a bit about what gear you´re aiming for, this is EXTREMELY important for those without good gear. Basically just give us a list of what gear you´re aiming to get (what you think is the best possible gear for your class+spec). Where is your current equipment lacking now?
I am lacking in a few areas... or most.. I have been trying to farm enough honor to get Gladiator's Salvation mace and the Gladiators Repreive offhand still about 20k honor off  
Saving up and started gathering the mats for the Whitemend Hood and Pants, So hopefully i will have those soon. They are my short term goals in equipment changes, I'm sure that list will grow as time moves on.


Why you want to join MoX, what type of guild you´re looking for, and what you´re looking for in a guild.

I would like to join MoX as I have 3 RL friends here. (Carym, Iskaral, Maleficus). Also I want to get into raiding more, I have never really had a stable guild to progress with. I like the close community feel about the guild and want to be a part of it again.


What are your goals in wow, what do you want to achieve and how long do you plan to keep playing?

My goals are to finally save up enough cash for my epic flyer, Join a nice guild, View end game content and of course ejoy every minute of it. I have tried quiting once before when my old guild disbanded and many of my friends seems I caught the disease again. I have no plans to stop playing and no reason to.

Thanks for the consideration


Title: Please May I Rejoin Mox
Post by: Carym on 22 December, 2007, 08:16:41 am
Hi mate. will speak to you in game