Public > Alliances

My final words

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I have pondered for a few days on whether i should even reply to this thread but felt that at least a goodbye was due.  Deleting your characters may to some look like a very extreme thing to do but i know for you it was the right decision to make.  Your feelings that you have mentioned above barely scrape the surface of how you really felt and some may think that your a immature selfish prick and a jerk for doing it but everyone has the right to their opinions.

You brought so many memorable moments to this game and i for one want to remember you for that not for being the guy that deleted all his characters.

So let me share a few that will hopefully make you and a few other people smile and maybe they could share a few too.

My first ever encounter with the famous Gulbrand was in Thorins Hall when he commented on my nice gear, this was long before the alliance was in full swing.  I had never spoken to him before or did i even know of him but it was such a nice comment and me being my usual sarcastic self asked if he was calling me a twink.

The banter in alliance chat which was normally at the expense of myself or Malth which had us all laughing for days.

Our 6 man attempt on the Balrog when the 5 other people in that group saw a totally different side to him, the side that i see every day now.  Which was also the first time we ever heard his voice, all be it him screaming over the mic when the Balrog hit the floor.

The first time i finally got him to speak on voice after many months of trying, bloody hell that was hard work and one which i did live to regret cos after that he wouldn't shut the hell up.....

An excited level 55ish guardian when i was still only around level 52 sending me tells of quick Essy send me an acorn you need to see this, do it, do it now!  To get summoned into the 21st just to see the Guardian trainer and the gear that was available for Guardians in end game.

To the day of a very close friend of mines funeral when i logged into alliance chat and said i needed a hug and a hunter from the Shadows (Barachir) came running through the gates of Bree within seconds and ran up to me where i stood on the wall and gave me a hug.

The insane pulls in the rift......

Our 2 man attempt on Ivar on minstrel and warden, that must of been at least 20 attempts over 2 days and your stubborness to do it and not give in and the feeling when we finally did it.  Let me tell you the frustration had me close to tears at one point but you picked me up and said i could do it and you were right

These are just a few of my memorable moments with you and there were hundreds more.  I thank you for making the last 6 months in game the best i have ever had.

I will miss you.


I am sorry it came down to this and you feel like you do. There's time and place for everything and all good things must come to an end eventually.

I remember the SoA times with all that Angmar instance stuff we used to do together. The laughs we shared, the fun we had back then. And for that a part of me will respect you and I will miss you.

Good luck with what ever is on your way during the years ahead of you

Surma of Forochel, Champion of The Shadows

I have to say I'm quite shocked and sad to see how few people have responded to Gul's last thread.
Is this it?!

No matter what reasons/grudges/differences/dramas/whatever Gul's departure involved, I can't see why it should be so hard to at least aknowledge the good times we had the priviledge to experience with him during these past months, for there were good times I'm quite sure.

How hard is it to write?
- Hey Gul, I will remember the good times and laughs we had. Thanks. Take care.


No, it's not it.

I know that Colt and I've not been in game for a while now, and for a while that held me back from saying anything here. But reading Essy's post here meant a great deal. Gul, you've been a big part of the good times I had in LotRO, and that's what matters to me. Whatever road you take, to quote a certain loremistress, I wish you luck, love and fine things, and hope the stars will shine brightly and vibrantly on it for you.


--- Quote from: Yuroo ---How hard is it to write?
--- End quote ---

I think it's down to the fact that I raised some issues in my post. Some don't dare to voice their opinion, cause they're afraid of being left out in the cold for doing so, some wants as little activity in the thread as possible, as they don't want any issues brought up at all, and some don't really mind seeing me leave.

Their preferred action is the same - to not respond.

Thanks to the ones that did respond though. I'll miss you


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