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Author Topic: Planetside 2 MoX  (Read 3390 times)

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Offline CrazyDutch91

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Planetside 2 MoX
« on: 06 December, 2012, 03:57:59 pm »
Hi there,

i'm interested in applying to MoX on planetside 2.

I have a few questions,

1: how large are the organized outfit nights and how often per week do these happen?

2: How are the organized battles achieved? is there 1 main commander that gives orders to platoon/squad leaders?

3: Do you for example, order everyone to suicide once in a while, in order to spawn back at the warpgate to load up galaxies for a drop or to do an airstrike with mosquitos?

Offline FallenEncore

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Re: Planetside 2 MoX
« Reply #1 on: 06 December, 2012, 04:23:05 pm »
1: how large are the organized outfit nights and how often per week do these happen? most nights we have around 2 full squads on the go after 7, we currently in the process of having dedicated nights for the outfit currently its Tuesdays and sundays but not 100% decided on

2: How are the organized battles achieved? is there 1 main commander that gives orders to platoon/squad leaders? we kinda of believe the best experience is away from the zerg so we try to be useful in other ways, tech plant drops and hold the top floor, quick gal drops and redeploys to cut of an enemy base, we have our own flying corps headed up by doogle and we try and mix that up with armor and other cool things. we do have squad and platoon leaders to keep us organized

3: Do you for example, order everyone to suicide once in a while, in order to spawn back at the warpgate to load up galaxies for a drop or to do an airstrike with mosquito? we dont suicide its normally when you die respawn at warp gate, as explained before were a spec ops outfit and working hard on sneaky behind the zerg warfare

hoped that helped informing you.
« Last Edit: 06 December, 2012, 07:47:46 pm by FallenEncore »
I should have WTF!? tattooed on my forehead

"Curse you Sudden but Forseable Betrail"->Wash Firefly[/color]
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Offline Archangel

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Re: Planetside 2 MoX
« Reply #2 on: 06 December, 2012, 04:42:26 pm »
Hi CrazyDutch.

I’ll see I can answer your questions.

1: How large are organized outfit nights and how often per week do we do these?

Our first organised outfit night is this coming Sunday.  We have only just opened up to outside recruitment so for the last 2 weeks have been getting out own members up to speed, and testing new tactics out at squad level.  We did a formal training evening Tuesday and we had 30 people online.

Moving forward we are currently aiming to be running as close to a full platoon as possible on outfit evenings, but we realise we will need to new recruits to join to bring the numbers up to the required level.

We currently have 2 outfit evenings organised Sunday will be operations night, and will be run with strict communications and discipline.  Tueasdays will be training nights, where we will try out new ideas, and give new recruits instruction on how we operate.

2: How are the organized battle achieved? Is there 1 main commander that gives orders to Platoon/Squad leaders?

There is one nominated lead officer from our 5 outfit officers and outfit leader.  That person is in charge, and will communicate his decisions to the squad leaders.  The squad leader will then organise his squad to get to target and confirm what their objective is.  When we do this, we split up the platoon into different coms channels so not to be confused with orders.

3: Do you for example, order everyone to suicide once in a while, in order to spawn back at the warpgate to load up vehicles ect.

If we can see the fight is not going to end well and we need to take a different approach we will recall to the warpgate.  That said we try not to do so too often as we know it can get tiresome to keep leaving the battle.  However if the lead officer issues the recall, everyone is expected to return to the warpgate regardless of what they are doing.

One last thing I would like to say.  Mox Fight together, Mox die together.  We work as a team at all times.  We have no time for lone wolfs or kill whores. We fight for the Terran Republic and our right to sit down in the back of the Sundy and have a nice cup of tea and chocolate biscuits!


Edit. Damn you fallen and your ninja posts! ..... LoL

Offline FallenEncore

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Re: Planetside 2 MoX
« Reply #3 on: 06 December, 2012, 05:01:51 pm »
2 officers are better than 1 archy! but yeah im in your thread stealin ya posts! D:
I should have WTF!? tattooed on my forehead

"Curse you Sudden but Forseable Betrail"->Wash Firefly[/color]
Winner - MoX Non-Stop Talk Radio - MMX 2008
Winner - MoX Duel Syncronize Loss of Glasses on  a water slide - MM 2009

Offline CrazyDutch91

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Re: Planetside 2 MoX
« Reply #4 on: 06 December, 2012, 05:56:33 pm »
Thanks for the rapid replies.