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News / Tomb of Sargeras opens!
« Last post by Satchamoo on 22 June, 2017, 11:43:07 am »
Day one of the opening of the Tomb and MoX defeated on normal

Demonic Inquisition
Mistress Sassz'ine
Sisters of the Moon!

A few legionaries and some pretty high ilvl loot dropped! Great all round raid :-)

New Recruits / Re: Wow Guild application: Grim Batol
« Last post by Plastix on 22 June, 2017, 02:10:55 am »
Assigned "New Member" rank.

You are still subject to our probationary period, but you now have access to the forum and Discord (please use the same name so we can grant a role, but if different please nudge me or another admin in #generalchat).
New Recruits / Re: New recruit "Retallica"
« Last post by Plastix on 22 June, 2017, 02:06:47 am »
Assigned "New Member" rank. You are still subject to our probationary period, but you now have access to the forum and Discord (please use the same name so we can grant a role, but if different please nudge me or another admin in #generalchat).
New Recruits / Re: Recruit name : Daggerdìck
« Last post by Plastix on 22 June, 2017, 02:05:02 am »
Assigned "New Member" rank. You are still subject to our probationary period, but you now have access to the forum and Discord (please use the same name so we can grant a role, but if different please nudge me or another admin in #generalchat).
New Recruits / Re: WoW Guild Application: Mahkah - Aggra
« Last post by Plastix on 22 June, 2017, 02:03:26 am »
Assigned "New Member" rank. You are still subject to our probationary period, but you now have access to the forum and Discord (please use the same name so we can grant a role, but if different please nudge me or another admin in #generalchat).
New Recruits / Re: WoW Guild Application: Mahkah - Aggra
« Last post by Satchamoo on 21 June, 2017, 01:50:49 pm »
Trial/probation started 21/6
New Recruits / Re: WoW Guild Application: Mahkah - Aggra
« Last post by darkangle on 20 June, 2017, 09:22:31 pm »
Good to see a nice application for a change.

And yes, I still troll /1 and /2 ;).
New Recruits / Re: WoW Guild Application: Mahkah - Aggra
« Last post by Satchamoo on 20 June, 2017, 02:41:25 pm »
oh dear god you know Darkangle you poor thing, yes we should chat :-)

Raid times are 2030 - 2300 hrs realm time although once on clear/farm we are usually quicker.

New Recruits / WoW Guild Application: Mahkah - Aggra
« Last post by Mahkah on 19 June, 2017, 10:20:14 pm »
Name: Miguel Rocha
Age: 31
Country: Portugal

A bit about yourself:

Madeira born and bred, went to Uni at a Lisbon engineering institute, when i met a few guildies during my stay at the capital, but now came back to Madeira to get a job with my studies. Never got anything in my area and had to branch off to other jobs but currently unemployed (55+ hours/week for minimal pay and no vacations can take a toll on a person)

WoW specfic

Character Name:
Class: Shaman
Spec: Elemental

Link armoury:

How long have you been playing WoW, tell us briefly about your experience (raids/alts) :-)

I've been playing since the end of 2005 I believe, never raided through Vanilla nad only began raiding (if you can call it that) with a prot warrior only in Karazhan through TBC.
During WotLK, i switched sides and server to Horde and soon began "real" raiding as a resto shaman, completing each tier before the next one popped up. (Naxx 25, EoE 25 and Ulduar 25 cleared on normal with a couple of hard modes, ToC 25 N cleared, ToC 10 HC with 49 attempts (QQ) and ICC 25 N cleared with 6 or 7 HC's, can't recall.
With Cataclysm I cleared the intial tier with a couple of hcs, not being able to clear HC Nefarion, Cho'Gall/Sinestra and Al'Akir, clearing 6/7 Firelands 10 HC and full clear of DS on 25 HC.
On MoP, I cleared MSV 25 HC, 5/6 HoF 25 HC, 6/6 HoF 10 HC and 4/4 ToES 10 HC, ToT 10 HC (with Ra'den's imba achiev) and SoO 25 HC (this last tier as a elemental shaman).
Then came the absence of raiding through WoD, due to losing interest in elemental shaman and WoW in general after its mastery became everyone's multistrike, just rejoing the raiding scene a month or so before Legion came.
During Legion I've tried to regain a raiding momentum but I wasn't able to adjust to the raiding guild I was (after WoD I became tired of the hardocre/semi-harcore raiding scene), just clearing 6/7 EN HC with the guild I was with and 10/10 NH HC once with a PuG.
Sorry if ths wasn't so "brief". =P

Do you know anyone in MoX?

Not personally, but I've always been fond of Darkangle's trolling rants on trade chat during WotLK (at least that's what it seemed at the time hehe).

Why would you like to join us?

I'm still not sure I'd be of much use in the guild, since I can't seem to find your raiding times, can only tell which days of the week you usually raid and they are fine with me.
But my main reason would be to be able to raid again without the "mythic progression" race that all guilds seem to be up to in our servers, trying to take a more relaxed take on raiding as a whole.

Tell us a joke!

What's the difference between a poorly-dressed man in a tricycle and a well-dressed man in a bicycle?
Attire. *ba-dum tshh*

Confirmation that you have read, understood and agree to abide by the MoX Charter (Yes/No): Yes

Is there anything else you feel is relevant to your application or that you would like us to know?

Since I quit raiding at the beggining of Legion, I've focused on some mythics dungeon runs (albeit no more than +6) and LFR. In order to get to do those, I've been playing as resto shaman and as such I don't have any specifical elemental legendaries, only the shared ones (Roots of Shaladrassil, Sephuz's Secret and Prydaz) besides the restoration belt.
Also, I've only got Concordance of the Legionfall on resto weapon, but at 46/52 on the elemental one and all my AP is now being spent on it.
New Recruits / Re: WoW application: Ooxx-(Grim-Batol)
« Last post by Tabasco on 13 June, 2017, 10:34:17 am »
Promoted to member status.

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