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Author Topic: Gruntfuttock: PS2 Application.  (Read 3169 times)

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Offline Roop298

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Gruntfuttock: PS2 Application.
« on: 06 August, 2013, 11:38:16 am »

Name: Roop(ert)
Age: 48
Country: UK
What other games apart from Planetside 2 do you play?: Arma/EvE/IL2 (inactive)

A bit about yourself:
I don't have time to play loads of games so tend to invest time and effort in one.  Currently PS2.  I'm a self employed mechanical engineer but currently sell bike spares online.  It's like being in a big fucking sweet shop. I have 6 bikes.


Character name: GruntFuttock
Main class: Engineer/Lightning
Secondary class: Max
Battlerank: 26

What are you mainly certing into (main class, vehicle, leadership etc.)?:
Full certification into the above before moving on (if I ever do).

How often do you play Planetside 2 (typical weekly playtime and which hours)?: FAR TOO MUCH.  I'm now dreaming about it in my sleep.  I'm on most evenings although I do have another existence which can spring up at very short notice.


Do you have Teamspeak 3? (Voice communications is essential to our playstyle and it's highly recommended you get a microphone if you don't have one already): Yes

Have you been in another outfit? (Yes/No): Yes

If so: Which one(s)? And why did you leave?: SoV.  They tend to play all at the front and that doesn't suit my playstyle (I'll explain later).  The command structure and unit formation/discipline isn't very tight (sorry guys) and they don't train away from the front.


Now when you are done with the "basics", we want you to explain a little about different aspects of your main class.

Main Class:

Why did you choose the class you are now playing as your main class?:  After trying them all the engineer seems to be the most flexible (particularly for cert acquisition) combat class and suits my playstyle.

Certification specialisation:

What is your main focus when it comes to spending certs?:
Full certification for the two classes and the Lightning.

If certification refund is implemented and we ask you to cert into something specific, would you do it?:  If you have a good enough reason.


Do you know anyone in MoX who can vouch for you?: No.

Why do you want to join MoX?: I like your command style.  It is clear, with direction and when there's so much shit going on it's good to hear a calm voice with a specific order.  You have a training day/work on technique.

What type of guild are you looking for?:Dunno what one is.  I'm looking for a group of individuals who coordinate, execute orders and achieve results.  Summing like that.

What are your goals when playing Planetside 2, what do you want to achieve and how long do you plan to keep playing?:  Personally, I play games instead of watching telly, so as long as it keeps me amused and I am able to contribute, I'm happy.
As at least one new continent is in the pipeline there's plenty of life in the game.  I never played PS1 so the novelty hasn't worn off yet.

Additional Information:

Confirmation that you have read, understood and agree to abide by the MoX Charter (Yes/No): Yes.

Is there anything else you feel is relevant to your application or that you would like us to know?
Yes. My reason for leaving SoV is that they played at the heaviest combat areas in CQC situations. Deathmatch has never been my thing and, additionally, my PC isn't capable of keeping framerates high enough to be effective in that kind of situation.
As a result, I focused on the Engineer Class where I can be effective in a support role and still potentially contribute to a battle.  I spend at least 50% of my engineer time in a Lightning.  In a way, the max complements the engineer (and my play style) as it's a tough old boot and has a good spread of ranged weapons (although I don't mind locking down in a doorway if there's a repper on hand).

"The pen is mightier than the Sword", but I've always found a gun works better.  Except for writing with.

Offline Archangel

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Re: Gruntfuttock: PS2 Application.
« Reply #1 on: 06 August, 2013, 12:00:48 pm »
Hi Roop, and thanks for your application.

We will get you an outfit invite sorted, our TS3 details are in the outfit message of the day, so please make sure you log onto TS when your online.  We have a 2 week trial proccess for all new members and at the end you require 3 sponsors to grant you full MoX membership.  As we are a multi-game community, we have many other members who are playing other games outside of PS2 so the public forums can by quiet as most of the forum chat is on our private forums.

In PS2 we are mainly an infantry outfit, and we try to find targets of opportunity, or in larger fights we try to change the direction of a fight, perhaps by creating a diversion, or creating a new spawn point on the opposite side of a base from where the main battle is being fought.  We also enjoy setting up AV ambushes from vantage points (as you saw last night) but due to the nature of fights, we eventually will end up in CQC.  I would sugest that in those situations you bring a MAX, or use your engineer to support any MAXes we bring with us as I see you prefer the support role.

We also platoon up with SoV quite often and have a good relationship with them, so I hope you have no issues with still grouping with the SoV guys?


Offline Pirate Cat

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Re: Gruntfuttock: PS2 Application.
« Reply #2 on: 06 August, 2013, 01:26:04 pm »
Hi, welcome aboard

I noticed you in your MAX suit last night, its good to see you here.

Offline Roop298

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Re: Gruntfuttock: PS2 Application.
« Reply #3 on: 06 August, 2013, 01:35:44 pm »
I like you're style Archy.  Are you doing the 'training' thing tonight as it's a toosday?

"The pen is mightier than the Sword", but I've always found a gun works better.  Except for writing with.

Offline Archangel

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Re: Gruntfuttock: PS2 Application.
« Reply #4 on: 06 August, 2013, 02:50:31 pm »
Yes provided we get enough members online.  Training nights have lapsed somewhat due to most members being versed in our standard assault tactics, but we always try putting them into practice and we are more than happy to run through them with newer members.

There is also an event on the Player Test Server organised for Sunday 11th so I will also be getting everyone into the [MILR] outfit in preparation.

