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Author Topic: MoX Planetside 2 application  (Read 3357 times)

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Offline Moriyatta

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MoX Planetside 2 application
« on: 09 January, 2014, 08:25:38 pm »
MoX planetside 2 Application

Name: Anders
Age: 28
Country: Denmark
What other games apart from Planetside 2 do you play?: EvE Online, LoL, CS:GO, MWO.
A bit about yourself: Likes computer games, japan, food and mysteris. lots of knowledge about randome stuff. working with programming atm.
Character name: Moriyatta
Main class: infiltrator (sniper) & Heavy.
Battlerank: 14
What are you mainly certing into (main class, vehicle, leadership etc.)?: Infiltrator, heavy and medic. nothing vehicle or leadership yet.
How often do you play Planetside 2 (typical weekly playtime and which hours)?: 2-3 times for 1-2 hours. in the gmt+1 time of  1900 to 2300 roughly.

MoX essentials

Do you have Teamspeak 3? (Voice communications is essential to our playstyle and it's Mandertory to play with us.) Yes.

Please also confirm you have read and agreed to the MoX Charter Found here:
read and agreed to.

Also by the end of your two week trail you Must have AMS and squad beacon 1 certifications

About you.
Have you been in another outfit on Miller? (Yes/No): No

If so: Which one(s)? And why did you leave?:


Why did you choose the class you are now playing as your main class?: As a old cs player I have always been struck by how often people don't cover each other. so while I like being in the action I also love being in the back putting down the coverfire or securing the back.
For the in action I like the heavy and its firepower. if I gonna be up close to my enemy might as well make as many holes in them or blow them to as many pieces as possible.

Certification (ie what you have spents certs on what you plan for the future:
Mosly upped the base tools for the infiltrator, heavy and medic to 3 or 4 (suit and tool of the trade) also the base lvl 1 or 2 for most other classes except max in suit and tools..

Do you know anyone in MoX who can vouch for you?: No.

Why do you want to join MoX?: I once read a PS2 article from a mox member on which got me to try PS2. Now coming back I wanted to get together with some people to up the fun of playing and I remembered the article. Since Looked further in to MoX and concluded it looked like a place I could fit in to and have a good time.

What type of guild are you looking for?: One where there are people up for playing and doing stuff. trying out things so as to have a laugh but also push each other tp play even better.

What are your goals when playing Planetside 2, what do you want to achieve and how long do you plan to keep playing?: Fun is a big number one but followed by challanging myself to improve and try new things. also have a like for strategy and how to play with it.
As PS2 is a free to play game the things impacting would be a functionin pc and internet (should hopefully not be anny issues the next year+) else as long as there are people to talk and work with. I played wow  til a few months back and had only 3 guild since open beta that I stuck with only changed cause they died out. or I might just be bad moving on when I first dedicate myself to a groupe of people :)

Additional Information: Not sure if I should link to my char or something but just started with PS2 again after some months. also never linked it in a browers before.

Offline Guppet

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Re: MoX Planetside 2 application
« Reply #1 on: 09 January, 2014, 08:43:22 pm »
An occifer will be along to do all the official gubbins soon.

If you enjoy sniping, get yourself the Rams bolt action ASAP, I would even get it with station cash, if you are able, it changes things that much. One shot kills, enough said.

Moi Kilmer VR9 Templar
Kilmer VR3 Night Blade

Offline Archangel

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Re: MoX Planetside 2 application
« Reply #2 on: 09 January, 2014, 10:20:20 pm »
Hi Moriyatta.  All new recruits  have a 2 week trial, so try to be active and join us when possible. At the end of the 2 weeks you need to post requesting 3 sponsors from our existing members.   Our most active hours are 19.00 GMT to 22.30 GMT and this is when you will find the most members online.

Please send an in game message to Archy (myself) or PirateCat so we can get you invited to the outfit.

Good luck, and see you in game.