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I mean deep cover operatives.
Is there any value on being on the 'other side' or would this be considered cheating?
Ive been team killed many a time by a noob (low BR) and not in a situation like I look like I'm wearing a different shirt.
Could this be a case of double entendre of have I been smoking too much weed?

F2P game + no barrier to entry = lots of kids and, well, less team focussed individuals joining.  Heck, I remember talking to my step brother in law about his shenanigans in Battlefield.  Apparently he thought it was hilarious to spawncamp his own team mates - and that from a man of 25.  Which is to say that no, I generally don't think if you get TK'd on purpose it was by a spy on the other faction. 

As for doing something similar back to them, I'm sure there's something against it in the charter.  The bit about Ethics basically.  If it's not an ingame mechanic (i.e. the game doesn't allow you to play the role of a "double agent") it's basically an exploit.  That sort of thing I hear it quite popular in EVE Online, but personally?  I can't stand that sort of thing. Bad sportsmanship I'd say.

Kal sums it up nicely.

TKs happen, some times on purpose. But the changing faction to deliberatly TK is poor sportsmanship and not something we would condone.

No I didn't mean TK :sorry:  I've been TK'd for no perfectly good reason at all and even griefing doesn't appear appropriate.
Obviously, running an alt is a waste of cert grinding on your main.
I wondered what peoples comments were on the subject of espioage and the tactical advantages thereof, not griefing.
It happens a LOT in EvE. 

I understand what you mean.  Its underhanded in my opinion, and due to the F2P me mechanics of the accounts, there is nothing to stop it from happening.  However I would not do this myself as it goes against the ethos of why we play competitive online games.


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