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Author Topic: MoX planetside application Beppe  (Read 11977 times)

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Offline Beppe

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MoX planetside application Beppe
« on: 05 August, 2014, 01:50:51 am »
Name: Andreas Erlandsson
Age: 28
Country: Sweden
What other games apart from Planetside 2 do you play?: Wildstar, War of the Vikings, Factorio
A bit about yourself: Traindriver and father, humility and patience is the greaters virtues in my opinion
Character name: Beppe86
Main class: Medic
Battlerank: 17 on Woodman, but I did not find a guild I liked there
What are you mainly certing into (main class, vehicle, leadership etc.)?: I prefer the support part of the game, there are better gunslingers than me
How often do you play Planetside 2 (typical weekly playtime and which hours)?: 10-12 hours a week

MoX essentials

Do you have Teamspeak 3? (Voice communications is essential to our playstyle and it's Mandertory to play with us.) np

Please also confirm you have read and agreed to the MoX Charter Found here:, check

Also by the end of your two week trail you Must have AMS and squad beacon 1 certifications ok

About you.
Have you been in another outfit on Miller? (Yes/No): No

If so: Which one(s)? And why did you leave?:


Why did you choose the class you are now playing as your main class?:

Support is the name of the game, I play healer in mmo:s, I play medic in TF2, I like synergy and teamwork

Certification (ie what you have spents certs on what you plan for the future: The biggest enjoyment I get out of certing is getting what is needed

Do you know anyone in MoX who can vouch for you?:
Sorry no. I found you on the internet

Why do you want to join MoX?:
I don´t want to play planetside 2 alone and I really appriciate structure and roles for people to fill, a good group effort is what gets me going.

What type of guild are you looking for?:
I am looking for a guild with solid squadleaders who expect their orders to be obeyed, and squaddies who don´t mind walking for 10 mins because their Squadleader said so.
I´m hoping this guild can offer that along with good squad tactics and discipline

What are your goals when playing Planetside 2, what do you want to achieve and how long do you plan to keep playing?: I´m a father so I can´t spend a shitton of hours behind the computer so I try to make the hours count, I´m hoping I get to play with a tight group who accomplishes cool stuff. It´s hard to say how long I will play

Additional Information:
I hope you are what I am looking for and I hope you find some value in what I can offer, lastly I would like to add that I ain´t as dry as I might appear in the text above I just want you to know what I am looking for
« Last Edit: 05 August, 2014, 02:22:56 am by Beppe »

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Re: MoX planetside application Beppe
« Reply #1 on: 05 August, 2014, 01:57:24 am »
Nice app, Beppe =) - sounds like MoX will be a good fit for you, and vice versa.

Look forward to seeing you in-game.

Edit: I'm sure someone higher up than me will be along soon to officially start your trial, etc. =)

Offline Pirate Cat

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Re: MoX planetside application Beppe
« Reply #2 on: 05 August, 2014, 08:36:44 am »
Hello Beppe :)

Myself (PirateCat), Archy or StillMostlyClueless can get you added to the outfit in game, I wont be around tonight but im sure one of the others will.

Main outfit night is Sunday, with training night on Tuesday.

You seem like a great fit, and we have a number of parents in MoX currently (I have 2 children)

Offline Archangel

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Re: MoX planetside application Beppe
« Reply #3 on: 05 August, 2014, 10:45:46 am »
Hi Beppe, got your invite on login this morning, we'll get you into outfit asap :)

You seem like a great fit, and we have a number of parents in MoX currently (I have 2 children)

Yes, and they are called Clueless and Squishling ;)

Offline Beppe

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Re: MoX planetside application Beppe
« Reply #4 on: 05 August, 2014, 12:17:34 pm »
Sounds awesome, looking forward to playing with you guys!

Offline Pirate Cat

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Re: MoX planetside application Beppe
« Reply #5 on: 05 August, 2014, 08:49:06 pm »
Hi Beppe, got your invite on login this morning, we'll get you into outfit asap :)

You seem like a great fit, and we have a number of parents in MoX currently (I have 2 children)

Yes, and they are called Clueless and Squishling ;)

I did suggest Doogle as a name to Clare on the way to the hospital

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Re: MoX planetside application Beppe
« Reply #6 on: 05 August, 2014, 11:52:49 pm »
Hi Beppe, got your invite on login this morning, we'll get you into outfit asap :)

You seem like a great fit, and we have a number of parents in MoX currently (I have 2 children)

Yes, and they are called Clueless and Squishling ;)

I did suggest Doogle as a name to Clare on the way to the hospital

Because when water broke it smelled of wet dog?


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Offline Beppe

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Re: MoX planetside application Beppe
« Reply #7 on: 07 August, 2014, 07:49:56 pm »
So I played with you guys for the first time yesterday and while it was highly entertaining it sure was confusing also. I have had a long break from this game and never played in an outfit so there's reasons and I'm quite sure most knowlegde will come to me in time but I still want to clear the air and ask some questions

First and foremost its hard to know what is expected of me, with all the green/yellow blips on the minimap Its hard to know were I am supposed to be. I tried following the squad waypoint when it was up but alot of the ti7me we were just defending and I found it hard to know where I as a medic could do most good.

Next thing I found tricky is what to do when I die, if a sundy or spawn beacon is up its easy but a couple of times I didn't know if I should spawn in a bordering territory or wait for a sundy or spawn beacon. Do you guys frequently ask for a new spawn beacon or just respawn and start running?

Last point is more of an observation,  I found that with the decreased spawntime it was hard to ress people before they spawned elsewhere.  Maybe I do more use as an engineer?

As I said before I have never played in an outfit so I'm feeling a bit noobish but I rather ask than fake it til you make it
« Last Edit: 07 August, 2014, 07:52:00 pm by Beppe »

Offline FallenEncore

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Re: MoX planetside application Beppe
« Reply #8 on: 07 August, 2014, 07:56:06 pm »
Alot of that was me fault mate, i haddnt lead a squad in over a Year and last night was my first night in a long time and i failed hard. im going to ask pirate to make sure your in his squad for next time so you can see how its done properly.

wiith the new patch were still working out the spawning and dieing there probably going to run a training night to help you get used to it. last night was a jump into the deep end for both of us
I should have WTF!? tattooed on my forehead

"Curse you Sudden but Forseable Betrail"->Wash Firefly[/color]
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Offline Pirate Cat

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Re: MoX planetside application Beppe
« Reply #9 on: 07 August, 2014, 09:32:39 pm »
Last night was a bit weird to say the least, we dont often run open squads (but will run more soon) and in game voip is broken so confusion all round.

Answering the questions:

If in doubt ask, if you dont feel you can then you cant go far wrong if you follow the squad leader (normally the big gold star unless we have a platoon running).

Respawn procedure should be:

1. wait for a revive (again ask if you need one). We rely on medics to keep us together and the only time you will not get a revive is when you are either too far out to get a revive, or all the medics are dead in which case we're all buggered.

2. Spawn beacons. Feel free to ask for one as I frequently forget to place them, these are passed around but seem to be bugged if we are running as a platoon. If you can reenter a fight quicker (and at the squads location) then feel free to use the beacon.

3. Sunderer / Base spawns. We normally dont use these too much because it splits the squad and causes confusion as to where we all should be

4. Grab a vehicle from a nearby base. Almost never used, but if we are all at a location and for some reason someone cannt get there, then occasionally this will be the preferred option. Generally if you are forced to respawn on your own somewhere something has gone wrong and expect a squad -wide redeploy or sunderer/galaxy call soon.

Of course use your common sense with all this, if you are a medic and have just died you are a priority revive target, but if you will be quicker and safer using the beacon, or if we are right next to a Sunderer then use that. We survive as a squad by being a very close knit outfit (reposting to main boards as some regulars could do with the reminder)

I would suggest sticking as a medic, they are the most valuable sqad members, what we use the most of, and allows you the opportunity to stay behind the very front lines to see how we operate.

I will run a basic training, training night on tuesday to try and get everyone up to speed as we have a number of new members. If you have anything you would like covered let me know and I will do that too.

@Fallen: nope you didn't fail hard, I was having a very off night with silly internets to boot.
Plus you had the randoms squad, in future im having the randoms :)
« Last Edit: 07 August, 2014, 09:42:37 pm by Pirate Cat »

Offline Archangel

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Re: MoX planetside application Beppe
« Reply #10 on: 07 August, 2014, 09:36:15 pm »
Hey Beppe, im glad you got to join us last night even if it was confusing :)

First off, let me apologise if things were confusing because of our play style.  Many of us have been in the outfit since beta and we forget that not everyone has played in an organised outfit before.

Rule of thumb is follow your squad leader as best as possible.  Pirate normally keeps the WP updated, but unfortunately some of us forget to do so at times, so if in doubt stick to your squad leader.  As to what we expect of you as a player, we expect you to be a team player.  By that we mean not going off on solo kill hunts, and playing your class as a benefit to the team.  As a medic as long as your reviving us when you can and not trying to farm kills leaving our revive timers to expire, your doing fine.  In a defensive situation, medics are best positioned near the back preferably in cover where you can lend supporting fire.  Heavy Assaults and Max's are the bullet sponges so should be up front, with engineers in the middle ground.

I regards as to what to do when your dead, its a bit up in the air at the moment as Fallen said with the new spawn mechanics.  If you can be revived its best to wait for one, if not, use the closest spawn option and return to the squads position.  If the position was compromised and the squad has been lost, its best to wait on the squad leaders order so we can all regroup and move out together.  Sometimes i admit we can be a little slow on that one while we look at the map and make the best decision we can with the information at hand.  Often we will issue a recall to warpgate or a redeploy to a galaxy to get the squad all in one place and move to a new objective as quickly as possible.

As we have had a few new members join us over the last week, we will be doing Tuesday Night Training, which we refer to as TNT, to go over a tactics and get the newer players up to speed on how we play.  They are normally laid back, with the emphasis on trying things out in a controlled environment like the WG, VR or in a base we hold well away from the front lines.

Finally, please dont think 'OMG this is too serous, its only a game'. We really do appreciate that on the outside can look like we are, but honestly we aren't.  We enjoy the more organised side of things, and the feeling you get when you pull off an unexpected win. Saving a base at the last second, or hearing the praises of your peers in command for a job well done.  You cant have those things if you dont organise to be effective and efficient, hopefully as you can see from joining us on TS we are a fun bunch of people who enjoy playing the game, and having a laugh at the same time.

Edit, pirate probably said it better than me :)

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Re: MoX planetside application Beppe
« Reply #11 on: 09 August, 2014, 03:39:07 pm »
If possible, please attend our outfit training night on Tuesday where we can go over our basic tactics and how we operate.


Offline Beppe

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Re: MoX planetside application Beppe
« Reply #12 on: 10 August, 2014, 09:40:52 pm »
I´m sorry to say I won´t be able to attend on Tuesday, working

Offline Archangel

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Re: MoX planetside application Beppe
« Reply #13 on: 10 August, 2014, 11:03:27 pm »
No problem, we can go over it another night.

Offline MostlyClueless

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Re: MoX planetside application Beppe
« Reply #14 on: 13 August, 2014, 10:29:12 am »
Beppe's cool, I'll sponsor him!

Offline FallenEncore

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Re: MoX planetside application Beppe
« Reply #15 on: 13 August, 2014, 12:40:11 pm »
Ill sponsor beps too
I should have WTF!? tattooed on my forehead

"Curse you Sudden but Forseable Betrail"->Wash Firefly[/color]
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Offline Pirate Cat

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Re: MoX planetside application Beppe
« Reply #16 on: 14 August, 2014, 09:57:22 pm »
Writeup from Training night

Offline Pirate Cat

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Re: MoX planetside application Beppe
« Reply #17 on: 15 August, 2014, 06:55:46 pm »
You have two sponsors. Welcome aboard

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Re: MoX planetside application Beppe
« Reply #18 on: 26 August, 2014, 12:49:12 am »
Makes me happy guys! I have been in the middle of moving so I haven't been active much. It will take a while longer until I'm back. Can't wait!

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Re: MoX planetside application Beppe
« Reply #19 on: 16 September, 2014, 08:57:23 pm »
I'm just giving you a update telling you I'm living in a temporarily apartment now with my main computer in storage so it will take a while longer for me to show up! Take care