Public => New Recruits => Topic started by: Sparticus_XIII on 28 March, 2010, 12:53:24 pm

Title: BFBC2 trial ending...
Post by: Sparticus_XIII on 28 March, 2010, 12:53:24 pm
Hey MoXies,

I've had my 2 week trial and boy has it gone quick. I've met lots of mad people which suits me coz i'm mad anyway lol. Have had some great times with you lot in game and on TS and hope to continue into the future.

All sponsers greatfully recieved,

Thank you,

Title: BFBC2 trial ending...
Post by: fr0ggy on 28 March, 2010, 03:46:28 pm
He's mad indeed ,

very easygoing chap, lots of laughters on TS and fun ingame, also he kept his missus awake for playing with us. HUUUGE PLUS

I do /Sponsor
Title: BFBC2 trial ending...
Post by: FallenEncore on 28 March, 2010, 03:48:58 pm
ill give spart a sponcer, good man, still need to work out how to use ts

Title: BFBC2 trial ending...
Post by: Achilles_XIII on 28 March, 2010, 09:08:26 pm
Totally support this bloke, he has the MoX attitude and fits in well with the other guildies in my opinon. He has a little work to do in terms of getting to grips with the game and with TS but with patience I think he'll get there and give us a run for our money.

He listens and is willing to learn and will always help a MoXie (when their tags are at risk lol) by blasting bad guys which is always good

Brings a good sense of humor and the right game face attitude to the guild


Title: BFBC2 trial ending...
Post by: Infinitron on 28 March, 2010, 10:20:33 pm
I'll happily sponsor aswell; played with and against him, works well in the squad. A good player, and definite MoX material.
Title: BFBC2 trial ending...
Post by: Behindu on 30 March, 2010, 10:16:23 pm
this was wasy  welcome to mox!
Title: BFBC2 trial ending...
Post by: Sparticus_XIII on 01 April, 2010, 02:35:00 pm
Thanks guys cheers for the sponsers