Public => New Recruits => Topic started by: Draldar on 27 May, 2011, 06:23:08 pm

Title: LF Sponsors - Draldar
Post by: Draldar on 27 May, 2011, 06:23:08 pm
I believe my trial time is over today and i need to ask sponsors so here i am.
I enjoy being in mox. it has a nice air in it and i want to be part of it. I applied as a social member and i found out this guild has everything i want. So please be my sponsor and let me enjoy wow fully.

Title: Re: LF Sponsors - Draldar
Post by: chaos founder on 02 June, 2011, 06:33:34 pm
I played wow with draldar more than a year. I did some of the icc raids with him.He was fine dps in those days and quick learner for any boss fight mechanics. He gave break to wow after cata launch for a while, and now returned to wow with MoXies. Most of the time, i go to heroics with him and did a raid.

I'm happy to say that he didn't lost any of those qualities which he obtained in the past. (he has a very bad quality: he never dropped decent weapon in wotlk content raids for months, and i think his curse on this matter still continues :D :D )

i hope you can find sponsors mate
good luck  ;)
Title: Re: LF Sponsors - Draldar
Post by: Gimhra on 02 June, 2011, 06:37:37 pm
Must admit I haven't really seen much of you but that might also because I really lack time these days to be online :S

Good luck in finding sponsors though.. I believe Chaos when he says you are a cool guy :D

- Gim
Title: Re: LF Sponsors - Draldar
Post by: Draldar on 02 June, 2011, 07:22:21 pm
i am online most of the days but i just cant participate alt raids on saturdays so most of the members didnt see me :D. You can ask alex or feth i done hcs with them. i done one bh10 with sagiv i think.
Title: Re: LF Sponsors - Draldar
Post by: Kletsnat on 03 June, 2011, 08:36:20 pm
Seeing in your application you applied as social, I would like to sponsor Draldar

I see you online quite often and even helped out with the raid twice now I believe.
You're a nice guy to chat with and you know what you want in WoW.
I would like to urge you to be a little more active with joining up for heroics/BH etc, seeing as you don't really have all that many sponsors.
Dont see any harm in letting this guy hang around some more.

(Also: Moaaar theorycrafting buddies for Kazmer, so I don't have to hear all that nonsens about warlocks :D)

Good luck with getting the rest of your sponsors ;)
Title: Re: LF Sponsors - Draldar
Post by: Gimhra on 03 June, 2011, 09:07:36 pm
Just need one more sponsor :) Happy continued hunt ^^

- Gim
Title: Re: LF Sponsors - Draldar
Post by: Fethalen on 04 June, 2011, 01:59:22 pm
He is active at chat and i see him online alot but we need to see him more at raids  :) he knows and likes to craft some theory for his lock (some one to nag kazmer) he helped out us at bwd last thursday he did ok on first 3 bosses
-nice guy to talk to
-active player with nice online time
-good player catches on quickly boss fights and tactics
-epic roll capability he can roll 1 , 2, 3 so it will take alot of drops for him to get any loot he is cursed and he never gets the loot he wants. Ps. there is a stangely high plate drop chance when he is around  :lol:
Title: Re: LF Sponsors - Draldar
Post by: Xan on 05 June, 2011, 07:28:12 pm
And that's your sponsor! I'll get you promoted on the forum and in game asap ;)