Public => New Recruits => Topic started by: Vitiosus on 08 August, 2011, 03:30:08 am

Title: VITI FOR PRESIDENT, errr i mean application.
Post by: Vitiosus on 08 August, 2011, 03:30:08 am


Applications type (social/raider): Raider
Age: 24
Country: The Netherlands
What other games apart from WoW do you play?: Fps games when i feel like it
A bit about yourself: A bit about me: Iam a university student, have enough natural sceptisism, becide studying, wow, Gf i like to go snowboarding.

it actualy involves 2 characters my lock and hunter i start playing lock in vanilla and my hunter 1 week before the cata release. alltho i have to say my lock is decently geared but lack the stats i would like to have. And my hunter is almost boner material

Character name: vitiosus and vitíosus
Class: lock / hunter
Spec(s): destro/demon  mm(pve)/MM/pvp
Level: 85 / 85
Professions: engi/scriber    alch(transmute master) tailor (cause i wanted the carpet)
How often do you play WoW (typical weekly playtime and which hours)?: some say to many and always on the right hours. but basicly on when i can/want
What high level alts do you have?:
85 druid 85 rogue (pvp only) and some randoms

ABOUT YOU AS PLAYER: me as a player: assertive, passive/agressive. and sometimes full of shit.

Do you have Teamspeak? (Voice communication is essential to our raiding, although it is not required to have a mic unless you apply as tank): yes and yes

List the relevant raiding add-ons you use:
omen, dbm.

We expect all members to attend any raids with food and flasks to last the whole raid night and being repaired and ready to pull at 20.00

Our Raid times are from 20:00 to 0:00 server time with invites starting at 19:30; are you able to be available for the whole duration?
Thursday: yes (unless i got exams or some social irl thing to attend to)
Sunday: yes (unless i got exams or some social irl thing to attend to)
Monday:yes (unless i got exams or some social irl thing to attend to)
and i will give a prior notice on when i can or cannot attend

Have you been in another guild? yes
Which one(s)? And why did you leave?  DoS(defenders of Sanity) to join/build Fracture, Fracture, argue amongst officers (inc me)/moving to horde side on the horde side iam currently in house tekenduis and want to leave because it simply has died and became a social shithole. and been a officer/class officer in basicly every guild ive been in.

Please list your relevant raid experience, stating which encounters you have personal experience of at the current level cap: all from out vanilla to 3/7 firelands


Now when you are done with the "basics", we want you to explain a little about different aspects of your character.

Why did you chose the class you are now playing and the professions you selected?:
lock because its a appealing class, it grabbed me and made wow for me as it is. and becide that its  a realy nice class to play looks awesome with awesome abbilty`s
engi because of the pvp ive done in vanilla/tbc and scribing for the money
hunter cause their damn sexy, alch for the trinkets and potions and tailor for the carpet

Talent specialisation:
Would you be willing to change your build for the guild?: yes but wont be needed
Do you have two viable PvE speccs?: lock: yes. Hunter no can be changed to a other OS

Do you feel your character is sufficiently geared to compete in the Fireland encounters?: Lock: yes lack some statts but will be sorted by approx the end of the week
hunter: damn yes
Where do you think your current equipment is lacking now?: lock: haste/critt balance in destro and a bit more mastery wont hurt in demon.

Do you know anyone in MoX who can vouch for you?: yes, just try and shout Vitiosus in your guild chat, cept for Warguard, his responce will be different for the state of mind hes in or wether he needs tampons.
Why you want to join MoX?: cause of all the House tekenduis members in there, cozyness the cuddling, raiding progression
What type of guild are you looking for? a active raiding guild that has a vivit guildchat

What are your goals in wow, what do you want to achieve and how long do you plan to keep playing?  is this a serious question? and if i have to awnser it: progression.

Additional Information:

Confirmation that you have read, understood and agree to abide by the MoX Charter: Yes

Is there anything else you feel is relevant to your application or that you would like us to know?
yes, crying ppl tick me off. and i do not like gnomes.
(posted the first app as a reply on magevincent, simple missclick)
Title: Re: VITI FOR PRESIDENT, errr i mean application.
Post by: Kletsnat on 08 August, 2011, 10:38:43 am
You copied my sig and used it for your title :O ! Not cool! Keep your hands of my sig!

On a more serious note, really nice application.
I see you're applying with two characters both of which Firelands ready; you are going to need a main character tho :)

To me it would seem (correct me if I'm wrong) that you put a little more time in gearing your hunter than your warlock. That's why I'm going to bring it to you straight; we really don't need another hunter. Some evenings we already have 4 huntards signing for raids, all of them more or less suited for the job so if you were to pick your hunter as main you would need a lot of patience in rotating around.

As for your warlock, we only have one actively raiding at the moment and he's always curious to see what other suicidal locks can bring to the table, so that would be perfect ;)

Anyways, this post was just to give you a heads up.

Contact me in-game then we'll have a little talk about what you would like to be your main and I'll explain your trial to you ;)

Hasta la vista!

(Poke either Sagiv, Segev or Apeiros)
Title: Re: VITI FOR PRESIDENT, errr i mean application.
Post by: Joclemen on 08 August, 2011, 11:09:45 am
Another hunter that fancies their chances.

Title: Re: VITI FOR PRESIDENT, errr i mean application.
Post by: Vitiosus on 08 August, 2011, 02:47:23 pm
Ah iam sorry kletsnat, dint know u were running for president. i will withdrawl my run for president (or maybe make it a nice competition i mean u cant run for president w/o some comeptition)

And my main is my warlock (will always be my main), i want to bring em both to MoX. The problem is, iam kinda unlucky with loots on my lock the time ive spend to get my lock epic could get me 5 full epic geared chars.

i need 3 items and will spend this week (trying) getting them.

Title: Re: VITI FOR PRESIDENT, errr i mean application.
Post by: Kletsnat on 08 August, 2011, 02:55:14 pm
Haha it's not me you'll have to compete against if you join with your warlock ;)
Title: Re: VITI FOR PRESIDENT, errr i mean application.
Post by: Angeldeelite on 08 August, 2011, 03:08:29 pm
Yeah! It's me! On my Druid! I luffs all that yummy tinterlect!
Can't have stupid tanks now eh?...

Let me be the first, Whalecum to MoX and GL on your trial, I'm sure you'll do great! :)
P.S give Kazmer a run for his money! He's gotten to cocky these days lol
Now Joe? Mmm dont bother, you'll only hurt yourself LoL
Title: Re: VITI FOR PRESIDENT, errr i mean application.
Post by: Joclemen on 08 August, 2011, 03:56:10 pm
Now's the best time to compete with Kazmer; he's just come back from holiday so he's pretty rusty.

I heard you'd have a job beating our hunters though ;p
Title: Re: VITI FOR PRESIDENT, errr i mean application.
Post by: szemere on 08 August, 2011, 04:18:12 pm
I beat hunters and mages for breakfast. Where's my lunch?
Title: Re: VITI FOR PRESIDENT, errr i mean application.
Post by: Joclemen on 08 August, 2011, 04:25:20 pm
It's funny because you don't.
Title: Re: VITI FOR PRESIDENT, errr i mean application.
Post by: Kletsnat on 08 August, 2011, 05:10:07 pm
Keep it application related please :P
Title: Re: VITI FOR PRESIDENT, errr i mean application.
Post by: Yam on 08 August, 2011, 05:11:18 pm

first look at this: (

then read this: (

Title: Re: VITI FOR PRESIDENT, errr i mean application.
Post by: Angeldeelite on 08 August, 2011, 05:21:10 pm
Just before you go back onto application zzzZZ what the F am I talking about interlect for? O.o
Think I got some feckin wires crossed there! Lol
Hey Kazmer! Go check last nights rhyolith logs, I kicked your ass and I'm the tank! (Shh don't tell him about the damage buff) hehe
Lol @ "your the best!" just can't argue at that!
Title: Re: VITI FOR PRESIDENT, errr i mean application.
Post by: Vitiosus on 08 August, 2011, 05:28:44 pm
RAWR! no need to keep it related to Apps i guess since iam in here to make you feel warm and cozy around my being.

Viti the evil living jesus!.
Title: Re: VITI FOR PRESIDENT, errr i mean application.
Post by: szemere on 08 August, 2011, 05:38:51 pm
Looked up your char on the armory, specs look okay, one prime glyph in destro you might want to change (incin->conflag, big dps boost), in terms of gear, you might want to get that last bit of hit-rating in, not-forget to reforge your wrist, and STOP gemming haste, int gems should be in almost all slots, int>haste, always;) Also farm VP etcetc ofc to get some upgrades, seeing how you apparantly only did T11 normal so far, so might get that nice boost by doing molten front daily's and farming VP. Hope I can get some competition in a while, I know i have a small gear-advantage, but seeing how other locks in the guild are cba to gear/sign for Firelands, you're pretty much my only competition.

Good luck on the trial!

PS.: type /join moxlock ingame, need some people in that channel to troll:/.

PPS OffTopic: I can still remember how I joined my first raid on my trail, and Joe dared me to out-DPS him in tBoT, and I did on both Halfus and twin drakes XD We'll see tonight on Raggy who tops the meters.
Title: Re: VITI FOR PRESIDENT, errr i mean application.
Post by: Kletsnat on 08 August, 2011, 06:01:37 pm
Trial started: 08/08/11.
Title: Re: VITI FOR PRESIDENT, errr i mean application.
Post by: Vitiosus on 08 August, 2011, 06:44:36 pm
Kazmer haste is not the problem iam on 1.85 sec casts on incin`s i need more critt haste balance.
iam not happy bout my gear tho untill i get the 3 items to balance it, iam currently trying to get m.