Public => New Recruits => Topic started by: Hordecore on 25 January, 2012, 07:23:53 pm

Title: [WOW] Hordecore - Blue team apply
Post by: Hordecore on 25 January, 2012, 07:23:53 pm

Applications type (Social/PvP/Raider): Raider.
Name: Jos
Age: 25
Country: The Netherlands
What other games apart from WoW do you play?: Saints row 3
A bit about yourself:

My name is Jos Willems, I am 25 years old and I live in Maastricht(The
Netherlands) I studied business economics and now i'm working for a
company called Brunswick Marine in EMEA where I'm a credit analyst. I
like indoor soccer and doing stuff on the computer. which results in
stable pc with nice internet connection :D
I like beer and South African KFC. < Worth to mention imo.


Armory Link: (

Character name: Hordecore
Class: Druid
Level: 85
Current server: Chromaggus
Spec(s): Resto / Moonkin
Professions: Leatherworking / Skinning  Max
How often do you play WoW (typical weekly playtime and which hours)?: +/- 14 hours Tuesday: 18.00-24.00, Thursday 20.00-24.00, Sunday 19.45-24.00
What high level alts do you have?: 85 Priest and 85 Hunter but I dont play them alot as I focus on being good at 1 class.


Do you have Teamspeak? (Voice communication is essential to our raiding and it's highly recommended you get a mic if you don't have one already): I have teamspeak and a good working headset

List the relevant raiding add-ons you use:
- Bigwigs
- Powerbar tracker
- Recount
- tidyplates
- Bartender
- Dot tracker
- Big brother
- Quartz
- Yogshar prio

We expect all members to attend any raids with food and flasks to last the whole raid night and being repaired and ready to pull at 20.00
I'm better prepared then Illidan back in TBC time.

Our Raid times are from 20:00 to 0:00 server time with invites starting at 19:30. On which days will you be available for the whole duration? (A raidgroup usually only raids up to 3 nights a week)
Thursday: I will log in at 20.00 or few mins before. But I will be close to the instance and prepared.
Sunday:  I will log in at 20.00 or few mins before. But I will be close to the instance and prepared.
Tuesday: I'm online from 18.00-19.00 hours

The end of the raid is never a problem. Except when my gramma dies... but then.. Picz or it didnt happen..

Have you been in another guild? (Yes/No):

Which one(s)? And why did you leave?:
Prime II - Guild Master
4 of my main raiders are not motivated and dont want to continue hc
progressing. As Chromaggus is a realy low populated server its hard or
almost impossible to recruit players with a Ilvl above 390 for hc
progressing and we keep up gearing people all the time which causes
players to stop again... The circle is round and there is no progress
at all.

Please list your relevant raid experience, stating which encounters you have personal experience of at the current level cap:

I play wow since Vanilla.
Vanilla Cleared:
BWL 1st boss

TBC Cleared:
Gruuls lair
Coilfang Lady vash (Before patch)
TK Keal thas (Before patch)
MH Archimonde
BT Illidan
Sunwell 3/6 upto Felmyst

Wrath Cleared:
Sartharion 3d 25m
Ulduar upto Yogg-saron
Totc HC
ICC normal cleared. HC upto putricide

Cata normal all cleared
Bot 3/5 HC
BWD 5/6 HC
Tot4W 1/2 HC
FL 6/7 HC (3/7 before patch)
DS 1/8 HC

Its possible that I forget something but I Prolly killed it.


Now when you are done with the "basics", we want you to explain a little about different aspects of your character.


Why did you chose the class you are now playing and the professions you selected?:  I changed main alot specially
according to guild needs. I played Warrior priest DK paladin Rogue but
only Druid since cata. A druid can play tank melee ranged and healer. No more rerolling!
I choose leatherworking and skinning. Skinning to provide my leatherworking and it gives a nice crit buff now. Leatherworking for
the nice things you can make with it in the start of a patch. And it gives Int on bracers and cheap melee legs enchant.

Talent specialisation:

Would you be willing to change your build for the guild?: I will if i can help the guild with this.
Do you have two viable PvE speccs?: Yes Resto/Moonkin

Do you feel your character is sufficiently geared to compete in the Dragon Soul encounters?: Yes it is. 394 Ilvl
Where do you think your current equipment is lacking now?: A good trinket and for the rest HC gear! :)

Do you know anyone in MoX who can vouch for you?: No I dont, I just spoke a little with Sagiv for some basic information.
Why do you want to join MoX?: To be honest. The raid days and the progress:
The raid days as I can only raid on thursday, sunday and tuesday.
And I feel I can contribute in progressing in DS more then I do now.

What type of guild are you looking for?:
I like to be able to be proud at the guild and have a nice
hc progress but without being too hardcore. I think the
time you raid should count and if you work as a team it
doesnt matter if you raid 5 times a week or 3. You make
the same progress! So i'm looking for a guild that doesnt
raid hardcore times but raids hardcore the few times they raid!

What are your goals in wow, what do you want to achieve and how long do you plan to keep playing?

I want over 9000 achivement points! And kill Spine hc!
I'm a dedicated person to wow. I have my 1 year subs and paid it allrdy(6months).

Additional Information:

Confirmation that you have read, understood and agree to abide by the MoX Charter (Yes/No): Yes

Is there anything else you feel is relevant to your application or that you would like us to know?

Please note that I dont wanna make this transfer just to kill 1 boss a
week. I wanna be a full part of the team(I know this is not to achive in 1 day).
If you accept me I would like to start my trial Feb 2nd.
I cant raid 19 +21 feb due to IRL (carnaval)

World of logs: (

I am:
A steady raider which is almost always available,
A raider with brains.
A prepared raider... Not like Illidan... He wasnt prepared
A Raider who can say in advance if he makes the raid or not AND SHOWS!.
A Raider who wont mind sitting out an evening.
A Raider willen to respec if needed
A Raider knowing the class he plays, doesnt matter which one.
A core member for a long time.

Regards Hordecore

Title: Re: [WOW] Hordecore - Blue team apply
Post by: Kletsnat on 25 January, 2012, 08:46:46 pm
Hey Hordecore,

Awesome application, confirms once again my feelings that Dutch people make the best applications :D
Application looks perfectly fine, although I have one question. You're saying you can only raid Thursday, Sunday and Tuesday, which is perfectly fine, since those have been our raiding days for quite a while now. However we're trying to go back to raiding Thursday, Sunday and Monday; questions is, would that be a problem for you?

Other then that I'll leave it up to our Healing class leader and anyone else who has something to comment on your character as a healer to ask any additional questions :)

Good luck on any questions that might follow :)

Title: Re: [WOW] Hordecore - Blue team apply
Post by: Kletsnat on 26 January, 2012, 01:15:10 am
Hi again!

I know you whispered my in-game that you can't make it on Mondays, but could you please reply here, so we got all the info we need right here in a single thread?
So It's not possible to switch days around with work or hobby or whatever it is that's preventing you from raiding on Monday ^^ ?
If that's the case we could stick to Tuesday as our third raid night, like we have been doing since 4.3. But obviously that'll have to be discussed with the team, when everyone is there :)

So I'll get back to you when it comes to the raiding days!

Title: Re: [WOW] Hordecore - Blue team apply
Post by: Hordecore on 26 January, 2012, 09:22:50 am
It was my plan to post it here but I was like...
''Ahh, He doesnt reply.. Let go to bed and put a post on the forum tomorrow at work''
So I'm at work now! :D

Monday will be a problem. I can't re-scadual my GF for about 1.5 years. I raided alot on monday but due to her study on tuesday evening so I'm free the whole evening tuesday instead of monday. And as many of you prolly know... You need to have at least one evening together with your girl.


Title: Re: [WOW] Hordecore - Blue team apply
Post by: NĂ¡ril on 26 January, 2012, 11:17:16 am
I know what u mean bro ;)
Title: Re: [WOW] Hordecore - Blue team apply
Post by: Boolcrap on 26 January, 2012, 12:17:26 pm
everything seems spot on. you got haste cap perfect and spec seems fine.

if i was being extremely critcal you could prob ditch skinning for another proffesion and stick a reckless gem in the yellow slot on your chest.

good luck with ur app!, p.s. dutch is definetly a +1
Title: Re: [WOW] Hordecore - Blue team apply
Post by: Hordecore on 26 January, 2012, 12:25:51 pm
stick a reckless gem in the yellow slot on your chest.

Title: Re: [WOW] Hordecore - Blue team apply
Post by: Poochi on 26 January, 2012, 12:56:24 pm
Okay. so statwise it's looking awesome, dont know what boolcrap means with the reckless gem into the chest  tho, seeing as you're haste capped. and as boolcrap said spec glyphs etc looking good! First healer apply which I dont have any questions on. Good job!

-Healing classleader ( backalive )
Title: Re: [WOW] Hordecore - Blue team apply
Post by: szemere on 26 January, 2012, 02:31:58 pm
Chest has a blue and yellow socket, changing to reckless or artful would be useless towards the socketbonus, unless you also change the blue slot to a purple gem, so just keep it as it is I'd say :) Your experience looks really good, and you seem to put a lot of effort in your character. As we could use a 12th raider in team blue, with a nice healing MS for when one of the healer's gramma dies, I see no issue at all, I do assume your OS is in order of course.

The only thing is that we'd have to switch our raiding days to be Thursday+Sunday+Tuesday from now on, but this has been changing from week to week already, so I'll check up on the rest of the team, to see if it is no problem. If all is well with them, I would love to offer you a trial :)
Title: Re: [WOW] Hordecore - Blue team apply
Post by: Boolcrap on 26 January, 2012, 02:42:05 pm
aha! excuse my noobness it looked red and yellow :P
Title: Re: [WOW] Hordecore - Blue team apply
Post by: Hordecore on 26 January, 2012, 02:50:10 pm
aha! excuse my noobness it looked red and yellow :P

Colourdeafness is pretty common lately ;) And I knew you ment for the socket bonus hehe :)

My OS:
My OS gear is alot of gear from my MS gear only with different reforges. I lack 1 trinket and i still use Healing tier for it 3/5. As the 4 setbonus for resto druids kind off sucks and I have the Chest token in my baggs to buy either the resto or moonkin token. Prolly Moonkin one depending what and howmuch I will raid.

I see the Log-in times are no problem to you?


Title: Re: [WOW] Hordecore - Blue team apply
Post by: szemere on 26 January, 2012, 02:59:35 pm
I see the Log-in times are no problem to you?

The time between 19.30 is usually filled by raiders getting their flasks/food/pots ready, getting slaughtered in front of the instance, and waiting for the setup. As long as you are ready for pulling trash by 8, and you make sure to sign up or sign off 24 hours up front, all should be well, as long as we know whether we have you available for the night or not.

As said, I'll get back to you, probably after tonight's raid :)
Title: Re: [WOW] Hordecore - Blue team apply
Post by: Hordecore on 26 January, 2012, 04:21:34 pm
What else are you recruiting? For blue and/or red team?

Red team needs casters I could see. Need something else?
Title: Re: [WOW] Hordecore - Blue team apply
Post by: szemere on 26 January, 2012, 05:06:55 pm
Mainly casters yeah, particularly looking for Heroic Ready people, mage/shaman would be particularly good, having a good Heal (or even Tank) OS is a big plus.

Due to the nature of several encounters, we're not recruiting Melee at the moment, as having 2 MS Melee is kinda the limit on several fights, and there is always the 1-tank fights that has one of the tanks in Melee OS, so melee is quite full.
Title: Re: [WOW] Hordecore - Blue team apply
Post by: Kletsnat on 26 January, 2012, 07:04:53 pm
What else are you recruiting? For blue and/or red team?

Red team needs casters I could see. Need something else?

You would be getting the last spot in Blue and if we like what we see, we'll close recruitment for Blue.

Red on the other hand is having problems filling up DPS spots, since not everyone in that group can be there 100% of the time. So what we need there to make the group complete is: Resto Shaman/Ele Shaman/Mage/Hunter/ If we get two out of these 4 classes, MoX will have two absolute solid raiding teams and will be unstoppable the next few months and hopefully also in MoP :)
Title: Re: [WOW] Hordecore - Blue team apply
Post by: Kletsnat on 27 January, 2012, 08:46:24 pm
Hey Hordecore,

I've got good news for you.
We've discussed the raiding days with everyone of Team Blue and there's only one person that needs to hurry home on Tuesday to be on time for raid invites, but says he can make it work.

That means there's no stopping me from offering you a trial in Team Blue. We will have a total of 4 healers, so there will be some rotating around. And of course during your trial we first like to see how you're doing on our farm bosses before throwing you infront of the lions/progress bosses ;) Which should also give you a chance to get to know the team members better and get used to the new atmosphere.

You said you'd like to have your trial started 2nd of February, but just want to say you're welcome to poke one of the Officers/Leaders for an invite whenever you decide to migrate!

Looking forward to having you!

Title: Re: [WOW] Hordecore - Blue team apply
Post by: Hordecore on 28 January, 2012, 09:19:39 pm
Thank you very much.

I'm always prepared so dont be ashamed to ask me for more then only farm bosses(which I understand you will inv me for first).

I'm now on a beer drinking weekend so sorry for the fast reply.

I will considering coming tuesday or wednesday to Grim Batol and I will pop a whisper to any officer for inv.

Btw. I will prolly namechange as hordecore is taken on the server? Can I change my forum name and such then? Or should I make a new account then?


Horde out!
Title: Re: [WOW] Hordecore - Blue team apply
Post by: szemere on 28 January, 2012, 10:09:48 pm
Name doesn't really matter, look at Sagiv, his forumname is Kletsnat... :P
Title: Re: [WOW] Hordecore - Blue team apply
Post by: Poochi on 29 January, 2012, 06:38:31 pm
Duh' my forumname is poochi, should be slackalive aswell :/
Title: Re: [WOW] Hordecore - Blue team apply
Post by: Hordecore on 08 February, 2012, 03:58:23 pm
I never had an official post that my trial started....


Am I a Norwegian troll now?
Title: Re: [WOW] Hordecore - Blue team apply
Post by: Kletsnat on 08 February, 2012, 04:06:44 pm
That slacking healing class leader again. Tsk tsk!

Your trial was started: 2012/02/01
Title: Re: [WOW] Hordecore - Blue team apply
Post by: Poochi on 09 February, 2012, 08:36:57 am
Dude, you are Recruitmentoverlordmasterperson!
Title: Re: [WOW] Hordecore - Blue team apply
Post by: Kletsnat on 09 February, 2012, 12:40:01 pm
Hey, I'm just honouring your name: Slackalive!

In other words anything slack/healing related, you gets the blame :D