Public => New Recruits => Topic started by: Remaglar on 28 December, 2007, 12:00:19 pm

Title: A New Recruit Reports To Service!
Post by: Remaglar on 28 December, 2007, 12:00:19 pm
Hello everybody,

coming from work, heading to work, so I will be a little short-spoken right now, but do not worry, more details are to come. Just wanted to quickly register and let Wicked Mouse, whom I learned through Ellerane and who recruited me yesterday, know, that I didn't forget about registering and applying

So, hereby I formally apply for a trial membership and am looking forward to prove myself worthy of becoming a member of MoX. I've read the LotRO-sticky, didn't have time to read the Charter yet, but will definitely do so later today, just before telling a lot more detailed stuff about myself

So, see you soon and thanks in advance!
Title: A New Recruit Reports To Service!
Post by: Wicked Mouse on 28 December, 2007, 07:00:25 pm
Hey Remaglar

Welcome  Indeed we'd like to hear a bit more about yourself. I hope you like your stay here
See you in Middle Earth!
Title: A New Recruit Reports To Service!
Post by: Remaglar on 28 December, 2007, 07:51:15 pm
See, this is why you should never post on forums when you are drunk (a very rare case with me though) or in a hurry - maybe, I mean, just maybe I should have stated clearly that I am applying for the LotRO-squad.

Well then, here the promised details:

I am 26 years old, turning 27 in January - clearly over 18 - and live in Berlin, Germany.
LotRO is my first MMORPG and I play it something close to 2 months now. Gaming-wise I spent the last 7 and a half years as what could be called a competitive FPS-gamer - Unreal Tournament, UT2003, UT2004, that was my realm. I was supposed to be playing UT3 by now, but somehow, the game and me just didn't click - wouldn't have mattered much, would have played it anyway I guess, if a friend wouldn't have seduced me into trying LotRO. And it was fun. Fun - a word that wasn't allowed around me for a long time. And suddenly I discovered, that I'm tired of competitive gaming, tired of looking up league rankings and train results, tired of endless flames about playing on this or that server. So I decided to go for the fun and see how it develops.

One reason for me to choose LotRO over other MMOs is very simple: it's Middle-earth - and one created with lots of love and dedication. While I'm not such a die-hard Tolkien fan as many (well, as LotR3 premiered I spent a full 12 hours at the cinema with the triple feature, so that makes me somewhat hart anyway, I guess ), I really liked LotR (the book more than the movie - *wink* @ Elle) and the whole world, with its rich history, it was settled in. By contrast, I never really liked Warcraft, so its World has a far lesser appeal to me.

My first char was a Dwarf-Champion on [EN]Gilrain, whom I played until level 25. That was when named friend finally convinced me, that on Laurelin you have nicer people, more roleplaying (well, who would have guessed ...) and a generally better, setting-fitting behaviour. So I finally gave in - it turned out to be a good decision. The Champion still being the class I enjoyed and wanted to play further, I re-rolled as a Man Champ - well, you need at least some variety, don't you?
After having done the basic stuff in Bree (Archet, Combe, Staddle - not Bree-Town) I felt like going to Ered Luin once again and taking a look at what deeds may wait there to be accomplished. That turned out to be gold, since on the windy sides of the Blue Mountains I met the beautiful Elf maid Ellerane. We quickly became friends and adventured a lot together since.
Now, as we were more or less looking for a nice kinship, where people actually assist each other, Elle learned Mathews through their common farming (the crafting skill, not that other evil meaning of that word ) and he turned out to be quite a wicked mouse!

Long story short, here I am, anxious to meet and learn the Malevolents of Xibala who guard over Middle-earth and being met and learned by them

Just a few more words on my understanding of the class I'm playing, because, well, you know .. "eww, champs...". Ellerane is a Huntress, and we play a lot together and it works fantastic - on Gilrain I also teamed with a Hunter most of the time. That alone should be sign enough, that I'm not mislead by the class name into believing to be the ultimate centerpiece of everything. As I already pointed out in the chat, I would have liked it much more, if it was called "Fighter" or "Warrior" rather than Champion. LotR, and thus LotRO, is not about single-person-heroism anyway (even since no one explained that point to Peter Jackson), when the plot takes place, all the great heroes are gone or hiding. It is about endurance, rather than about strength; will, rather than power; sacrifice, rather than glory (just in the very improbable case, that you have not read the book or watched the movie yet and plan to do so: DO NOT READ ON, SPOILERS INCOMING). It is a Hobbit and a Woman, who were not supposed to be there in the first place, who together combine all their courage, will and desperation and defeat the Witch King of Angmar, while the one who should have been in their place is held up. It is not Frodo, who destroys The Ring, it's Gollum, who stumbles over his own feet and accomplishes what no one could have accomplished freely. And, it is not Aragorn, who walks up to Sauron himself, swings Anduril and claims his heritage. No one does. No single man accomplished anything great by himself in LotR. No Champion could accomplish anything meaningful by himself in LotRO.
My job is NOT to single-handedly defeat whatever is threatening the fellowship. My job is to be the firefighter. The panic button. To hammer away at the EM - and to deal with the adds, if they spawn. To off-tank the minstrels, to not let the mobs get at the Hunters and LMs. To help everyone to get their job done. I like the Champion because of its style of fighting, not because of its name or a false sense of actually being a champion. I can patiently stay by my Huntress and watch her dealing with single mobs, not getting much more work than a couple of sword strikes on most of them. I know my action is coming, when we have to take 3 of them. Or 4. Or, maybe, even 5. I play a little different when I solo, of course

As for the crafting: I am a Weaponsmith and a Prospector, dangling around Expert/Artisan right now. I'm also Woodworker, but since I can't supply myself with wood, I decided to let that bit rest until better times early on. I am always in dire need of fancy weaponsmithing recipes! I collect tons of recipes on my journeys (I like to fight a lot, you know ), but it seems that the WS-percentage is rather low among them. So if you can help me out, you'll make me happy. I won't be shy to do my part.
I can usually help with ore/ingots, however, my ultimate dream would rather be supplying the kin with weapons

So, this was much longer and more detailed than anyone wanted to hear/see/read, but that's the way I am sometimes - you get me talking, you get the story
Anything left? Ah yes: Charter read, understood and agreed - check!
Title: A New Recruit Reports To Service!
Post by: Squared on 28 December, 2007, 11:06:26 pm
Welcome Remaglar, enjoy your stay here with MoX, if you need any help don't hesitate to get in touch.

See you in Middle Earth
Title: A New Recruit Reports To Service!
Post by: Sleep on 29 December, 2007, 09:06:18 am
Have to say, impressive application

Title: A New Recruit Reports To Service!
Post by: Thorvid on 30 December, 2007, 10:34:13 am
Welcome to MoX Remaglar.
Your trial has been officially started as of the day of your post. Its been a hell of a week with family obligations and stuff so sorry for posting this late.( thanks to wicked for slapping me).

Basically we want you to get to know us and vice versa. Group with us. Have fun. After two weeks you can apply for full membership. When that has been granted, you will get access to all the inner forums.

Title: A New Recruit Reports To Service!
Post by: Remaglar on 30 December, 2007, 11:06:02 am
Hey, that's a pic from Baldur's Gate (2) in your avatar, isn't it? Loved it!
Title: A New Recruit Reports To Service!
Post by: Frenchie on 30 December, 2007, 02:24:15 pm
I think it's Icewind Dale actually

Awesome games anyhow.
Title: A New Recruit Reports To Service!
Post by: Remaglar on 11 January, 2008, 01:04:42 pm
After part of my reasons to join MoX as well as to play LotRO at all just vanished into void, I would kindly ask you to prolong my trial to give me time to realign myself. Thanks in advance.
Title: A New Recruit Reports To Service!
Post by: darR3Ke on 11 January, 2008, 01:17:25 pm
Well , you can allways try TF2 >_<
Title: A New Recruit Reports To Service!
Post by: Wicked Mouse on 12 January, 2008, 12:42:35 am
Sure, Rem
Another two weeks then, lad?