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Author Topic: [World Of Warcraft Application] Grumpel - Resto shaman  (Read 1991 times)

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Offline Grumpel

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[World Of Warcraft Application] Grumpel - Resto shaman
« on: 24 April, 2011, 11:47:01 pm »
My name is Thomas (grumpel) and im applying as a raider.
Im 17 years old, and i ding 18 the 3rd of march. Im born and raised in Norway, and i play a variety of different games apart from WoW. Mentioning a few, would be Counter Strike, Dragon Age, tried Aion for a bit, also touched Guild Wars (didnt really like it), Left4Dead. Well yeah. Alot  :blum:
Im currently playing in a band, and i spend alot of time creating music. (Dont worry. It wont affect my raiding :P)

My characters name is ''Grumpel''. Im a level 85 restoration shaman. My current professions are Alchemy and herbalism which i am leveling up atm.
How much time i get to game really depends. Im in school, and i prioritize my studies infront of gaming. But i usually play every day. Some days more that others of course.
I have alot of alts. A lvl 85 warrior (dps), a 55 hunter, a 64 druid (resto/feral), a lvl 80 paladin named ''Spork'' who used to be my main in wotlk. I also have a lvl 80 mage and DK on another realm. These are my alts of significance. I, like every other WoW player have a 100 low lvl alts.

I have teamspeak, and used it activly in Wotlk.

I cant say i have alot of usefull raiding addons. But i am open to suggestions. The ones i have that affects my raiding is ''Decursive'', which is a dispelling addon. I also have a threat meter.

As stated earlier, my presence in weekly raids really depend. But i will try my best to attend as many as i can.

I was in a lvling guild before i applied to this one. The reason i left was because even though there were many people online, and whatnot, they were not possible to interact with. I love having a guild that i can activly talk to, and have fun with.

Im not going to lie. I have only done BH at this lvl cap. But i have no trouble at all learning tacts before an encounter. I use TankSpot, and it works great. Im also extremely open to constructive criticism.

I chose a Resto shaman due to their extreme mana sufficiency, and the fact that they are simply fun til play. I have never had as much fun healing as i have with my shaman. I chose my professions so i could get the alchemy trinket, and because of the helpfull flasks aquired. I will also be able to provide other guild memebers with flask if they forget.

My gear is not all of that good, but its not bad either. I feel that i am more than capable of healing all of the listed raids. I wouldn't say my gear is lacking anything. Its just overall improvement that is needed.

I got in touch with Xan via /2, as i was annoucing that i was looking for a casual raiding guild. Which i was told you guys are. I am not a big fan of up-tight raiding nerds. I love raiding with loose, funny people who just enjoy what they are doing.

My goals in wow are to just to be the best i can be, and occationally kick som royal ass in pvp. I have no plans of quitting wow either.

I have read, understood and agree to the MoX charter.

I know your requirement is that the player has to be 18 years old in order to join. But i can assure you that my lack of a year will not affect my behaviour in any way. Im not a immature brat who loves to complain. I consider myself to be mature for my age.

Yours truly
-Thomas (Grumpel)

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Re: [World Of Warcraft Application] Grumpel - Resto shaman
« Reply #1 on: 24 April, 2011, 11:50:28 pm »
This app made me smile, it really did. I can't wait to invite you in game - Trial Started 24/4/11

Formally known as Alie.

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Re: [World Of Warcraft Application] Grumpel - Resto shaman
« Reply #2 on: 25 April, 2011, 12:14:05 am »
This app made me smile, it really did. I can't wait to invite you in game - Trial Started 24/4/11

it's the small things that does it ;)

Welcome on board ^^
Slowly taking over the Philippines.. gangnam style!

Gimhra - lvl 85 Priest .. THE priest, not like the rest of you wannabees! (feeling sligthly overconfident)