Public => Public Discussion => Topic started by: Yashiro on 18 January, 2010, 09:06:12 am

Title: Aion Online - Fotress runs
Post by: Yashiro on 18 January, 2010, 09:06:12 am
There are several instances in the game, starting with the popular Noschana Training camp (NTC, spelling?), but you also have fortress instances.

People whine and moan about us having all the lower level fortresses, without understanding what we can do with them, most think that fortresses is a PvP/Raid system only, but nu-uh. The three lower-layer abyss fortresses all contain Instances within them, that can give you tons of awesome loot and money, so as long as we have them we can do the instances and gain EXP, MONEY, LOOT, AP(abyss points).

What I suggest is:

We do all the instances once a day, everyday, for a large ammount of AP/XP/loot/MONEY, if i'm not horribly mistaken the instances start at around 30, and the mobs within the instance are elite, so they're good for lower level grinding or just hoarding of loot. The instances are timed so you need to put together a good team that communicates well and know their job. The reason I want to do them once a day is because of the cooldown the instances have on them, i believe it's 18 hours or so, but it's worth it. not all of us can do Steelrake or aetherogenetics Lab (spelling?) so this is a viable option that targets the masses instead of the elite few.

What do you think?
If you think I'm wrong, please give a better suggestion on how to do things.