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Author Topic: MoX PlanetSide 2 Application Cheffeke  (Read 3411 times)

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Offline Cheffeke

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MoX PlanetSide 2 Application Cheffeke
« on: 22 March, 2014, 11:39:49 am »
Name : Alex
Age : 28
Country : Belgium
What other games apart from Planetside 2 do you play ? Total War, Skyrim, and others really occasionnaly.
A bit about yourself : I'm working 300 hours a month as rescue man, my planning is a little complicated to be sur to be there specialy same days each week. So I'm online when I'm. But I'm a lot 'cause paradoxically I neeeeeeed to kill some people after work to change my mind  :D
Character name : Cheffeke
Main class : I can play eveything exept infiltrator.
Battlerank : 72 ? Something like that, don't know by my self.
What are you mainly certing into (main class, vehicle, leadership etc.) ? : Hard to answer, I've some certs in everything. So What can I say... To long to tell you with details. If you want to know about somethings specialy, ask me ingame, could be more easy  :)
How often do you play Planetside 2 (typical weekly playtime and which hours) ? So, because of my job planning, I play 80% days of a month, but its impossible to tell about some days and which hours specificaly. It can be the morning, the afternoon, the evening, or sometimes the night. So... I'm playing around 10 hours each week.

MoX essentials

Do you have Teamspeak 3? (Voice communications is essential to our playstyle and it's Mandertory to play with us.) Yes I do.

Please also confirm you have read and agreed to the MoX Charter Found here:

Also by the end of your two week trail you Must have AMS and squad beacon 1 certifications : already done highest level.

About you.
Have you been in another outfit on Miller ? (Yes/No): Yes.

If so: Which one(s)? And why did you leave ? Outcasters and 6-Reco (French one). I've left the Outcasters because I didn't learn anymore things there, and I've left the second one because the outfit were crashing down because of some new leaders I didn't like.


Why did you choose the class you are now playing as your main class ? I play what the squad need normally. Don't have a main class.

Certification (ie what you have spents certs on what you plan for the future : As I told before, I've some certs everywhere. I already learn a lot with you, what you need in a squad, for some tactical goals, so I'm certing  for that now (for exemple, AA skills)

Do you know anyone in MoX who can vouch for you ? Not really. I'm not talking a lot. English is not my first language as you understood. I'm already happy to understand you for 80% to 90%  :D

Why do you want to join MoX ? So, I'm here to learn specificaly about tactical squad moves, spots, etc. I'm looking at you and learning a lot, really. It's really nice.
But to be honest, I've to say that, in one month, maybe I'll have to leave you, because a friend of mine want to create with me and some others a new outfit, but he can't do it rignt now. He told me about that before I met you. But When I did (meet you), I thought itcould a nice way to learn, with you, even for a short time.
I hope you could accept that. I spend a lot of time to write this because I was waiting about my friend, but I'm still waiting, so...  :D

What type of guild are you looking for ? Tactical outfit (with some crazy times

What are your goals when playing Planetside 2, what do you want to achieve and how long do you plan to keep playing ? I'm playing since more than a year, and I'm still loving it, so...

Additional Information : Thanks to welcome me in your team guys.

Offline Cheffeke

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Re: MoX PlanetSide 2 Application Cheffeke
« Reply #1 on: 23 March, 2014, 10:11:27 am »
So, finally, I've made this post one day too early, and I'm a little ambarrassed with that. Because you welcomed me, and now I'm here to already tell you that I'm leaving know. Things have changed with my friend. So, I apologize for that, really. But If I don't go and join my friend, I will regret.

Thank you again. Of course I'll keep people from you I've as friend, because... we never know what about the futur  ;)

So, have fun, and see you ingame of course, killing NC or VS together  :D

one kill, one beer. Many kill, many... snores...

Offline Archangel

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Re: MoX PlanetSide 2 Application Cheffeke
« Reply #2 on: 23 March, 2014, 03:41:06 pm »
Well good luck with you and your friend, you will be welcome to join our open squads. And should you feel.things are no working out, you are welcome to.join back up, and your your friend too.

