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Re: The time has come…again… by Kwik
[29 November, 2022, 08:34:06 pm]

Re: The time has come…again… by Tinbum
[27 August, 2022, 11:17:27 pm]

The time has come…again… by Tinbum
[27 August, 2022, 11:17:04 pm]

Re: Hello old friends by Chip
[29 August, 2021, 01:03:48 pm]

Re: Hello old friends by Tinbum
[25 July, 2021, 04:24:49 pm]

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Welcome to Malevolents of Xibalba!

MoX is a multi-game guild created in 1998 which puts fair-play and teamplay first and foremost. Enjoy your stay!

Want to join?

22:47:36 by Pain | Views: 28147 | Comments: 2

Argus is no more

Argus the soul of the planet is now finaly destroyed....

xx MoX kills Aggramar | 03 Dec 17

22:45:41 by Pain | Views: 27570 | Comments: 0

Aggramar deleted from the server

Aggramar was soon learned and killed by MoX....
22:43:53 by Pain | Views: 24434 | Comments: 0

The Coven is deaded

Another sweet kill under the belt of MoX mens....

xx MoX Kills Varimathras | 03 Dec 17

22:42:26 by Trillion | Views: 23548 | Comments: 0

MoX destroyed Varimathras in Antorus

Another sweet kill under the belt of MoX mens....
11:43:07 by Satchamoo | Views: 22744 | Comments: 0

Day one of the opening of the Tomb and MoX defeated on normal

Demonic Inquisition
Mistress Sassz'ine
Sisters of the Moon!

A few legionaries and some pretty high ilvl loot dropped! Great all round

xx The Countdown Begins | 06 Jun 17

13:15:42 by Vizen | Views: 27042 | Comments: 2


To all who  have Pre Ordered FF14 Stormblood early access is now live.

Official launch will be in 2 days on the 20th June.

We now have 11 member's in the FC on Cerberus again anyone wishing to Join in...
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