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Re: The time has come…again… by Kwik
[29 November, 2022, 08:34:06 pm]

Re: The time has come…again… by Tinbum
[27 August, 2022, 11:17:27 pm]

The time has come…again… by Tinbum
[27 August, 2022, 11:17:04 pm]

Re: Hello old friends by Chip
[29 August, 2021, 01:03:48 pm]

Re: Hello old friends by Tinbum
[25 July, 2021, 04:24:49 pm]

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Welcome to Malevolents of Xibalba!

MoX is a multi-game guild created in 1998 which puts fair-play and teamplay first and foremost. Enjoy your stay!

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exclamation MoX TS3 Discontinued | 01 Jun 17

11:00:40 by Farrow | Views: 12720 | Comments: 3

As per the discussion in General Discussion, MoX is cancelling its TS3 service and switching over to Discord.

The TS3 server will remain available until its subscription expires around the 21st June. We suggest you make the change to Discord before this....

exclamation Stormblood | 24 Apr 17

18:40:21 by Vizen | Views: 14826 | Comments: 3

Final Fantasy 14 ARR 2nd Expansion Stormblood will be released 20th June 2017.

Anyone Interested in trying Final Fantasy 14 ARR can by giving the free trial ago.

Join me on Cerberus under The Cresent Fangs banner.


xx Nighthold HC cleared! | 13 Apr 17

00:30:51 by Satchamoo | Views: 10215 | Comments: 3

Nighthold HC Cleared!

Even though we're missing a few peeps we managed to finally tick off Gul'Dan HC!

Great effort and patience from all!

Now to level up cooking or something :-S
16:48:36 by Satchamoo | Views: 9027 | Comments: 0

The Nighthold Cleared!

These pesky rebels cleared The Nighthold, GJ TEAM!

Now moving slowly onto Heroic 2/10 so far!
12:43:54 by Tinbum | Views: 9488 | Comments: 0

Dragons of Nightmare and Ursoc Defeated

After the Second day of raiding, team MoX downed another two bosses. The Wild God Ursoc, Patron of the Furbol and the mightiest of Ysera's dragon brood, the Dragons of Nightmare. Keep it up brave heroes....
02:38:54 by Tinbum | Views: 11560 | Comments: 1

The Emerald Nightmare is open!

The brave heroes of MoX ventured into the Emerald Nightmare! On the first day we cleaned up two bosses and had a wonderful time, good job team cya next week!...
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