Public => New Recruits => Topic started by: Xan on 23 December, 2009, 07:33:57 pm

Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Xan on 23 December, 2009, 07:33:57 pm
About your character/s
Ingame character names: Alie (only one on this server ;o)
Class: Assassin
Level: 31...No wait! 32, I just levelled ;3

About yourself
Are you familiar with Teamspeak? (voice communication is essential to RvR and instance runs, although it is not necessary to have a mic):
I am very unfamiliar with it, however I got tricked and bribed into logging on it and am doing so regularly. (I also do have a mic, although I'm sure some people wish I didn't ;3)

Age(must be 18year+): 23
Country: England

Have you been in any other Aion Legions and what were your reasons for leaving?

I haven't been in any other legions on this server; however was a legion leader on Castor...I've taken a break from there as the majority of the people on that server are rude and ignorant, so wanted to just try a new server and see what it's like...apparently people here are nice ;o

Why do you want to join MoX, what type of guild you´re looking for, and what you´re looking for in a guild?

/cough. I didn't get much of a choice, someone stalked me in PMs until I agreed!!! On a side note I think it's awesome here, people are great fun and enjoy grouping with them when I can.

What are your goals in Aion, what do you want to achieve and how long do you plan to keep playing?

Uhm, to finally get past level 44! Goals are just to have fun, pvp and pve are just as enjoyable as eachother to me, it's not about what I do, it's about who I do it with, if that made any sense xD (I'll keep playing until either I run out of money, or the game stops impoving itself and everything I can do is maxed crafting, I refuse to do it!)

Additional Information:
Confirmation that you have read, understood and agree to abide by the MoX Charter: Yes

Is there anything else you feel is relevant to your application or that you would like us to know?

I'm randomly unique and it's part of my charm...sort of.
Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Ryu on 23 December, 2009, 08:08:21 pm
Welcome to the forums and thanks for your creating this application, your trial will start as of this reply.
Your trial will last exactly 2 weeks where you will have to either bump this post or create a new one in the new recruits section for validation to become a MoXie!
Here you will be relying on the other members to sponsor you with the minimum requirement of 3 people to pass your trial. So allot a grouping and a bit of  

This you will need Teamspeak ([/img) for details to the server contact one of your fellow guildies or myself.
Because of Aions PvP nature we will be relying on good communication in time to come.
Also you have to read this MoX Charter ( which it seems you have already

During this time you will be bearing the MoX tag, wear it with pride as this does effect the Legion as a whole should you create hassle. Should you still need your tag, ask one of the MoXies your grouping with for a invite.
Good luck and see you in-game.
Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Durin Danark on 23 December, 2009, 10:20:19 pm
bout fooking time tarty bollocks

Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Xan on 23 December, 2009, 10:22:17 pm
Quote from: Durin Danark
bout fooking time tarty bollocks


I blame you for all this, I demand a reward for writing nice things about you tbh. Or I'm re-naming you to Gandie officially.
Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Durin Danark on 23 December, 2009, 10:25:01 pm

She is a really nice person both me and Damson have been playing with her over the last week or two she was such a loner before but I have to say she grows on people like a wart to your ars, it hurts at first but you get used to it!!

If you do not sponsor her I will hunt u all down

Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Xan on 23 December, 2009, 10:28:01 pm
Quote from: Durin Danark

She is a really nice person both me and Damson have been playing with her over the last week or two she was such a loner before but I have to say she grows on people like a wart to your ars, it hurts at first but you get used to it!!

If you do not sponsor her I will hunt u all down



Can I edit your post to:

The pain is a pleasure?

...I just realised Gandie complimented me. *faints* oo oo oo moar sponsor pl0x
Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Durin Danark on 23 December, 2009, 10:30:35 pm
It was a weak moment for me she was begging me too damn it!!!

I think Damson should be on shortly to sponsor you and I'm sure Airbag will soon.

Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Airbag on 23 December, 2009, 10:43:06 pm
While I may not have the PC to run Aion here (might try anyway for funsies ), I do check the forums ^^

Having grouped and spoken with her a bit over the last days, I can proudly announce she'll be the first person I'll officially sponsor to get into MoX!

You should feel honored!
Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Xan on 23 December, 2009, 10:54:17 pm
Quote from: Airbag
While I may not have the PC to run Aion here (might try anyway for funsies  ), I do check the forums ^^

Having grouped and spoken with her a bit over the last days, I can proudly announce she'll be the first person I'll officially sponsor to get into MoX!

You should feel honored!

Yaaaaay! I like stalking you, it amuses me and you're good to talk to about absolutely nothing for hours!

MailBox Maxing ftw ;3
Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Airbag on 23 December, 2009, 11:03:17 pm
Quote from: Alie
Yaaaaay! I like stalking you, it amuses me and you're good to talk to about absolutely nothing for hours!

MailBox Maxing ftw ;3

It's opposite world!

Or maybe I should be worried .. hmm ..
Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Xan on 23 December, 2009, 11:04:49 pm
You know you <3 me!

...and if you don't you should =P
Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Durin Danark on 23 December, 2009, 11:05:38 pm
Lets see if we can get to page two by the end of the night

Airbag ftw!!!
Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Xan on 23 December, 2009, 11:06:55 pm
Wait wait wait, Airbag ftw?

I can so feel the love right now...

Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Durin Danark on 23 December, 2009, 11:10:13 pm
remember the night you had me kill myself just so you could get your damn gate hehehehe

Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Airbag on 23 December, 2009, 11:19:49 pm
Quote from: Alie
You know you <3 me!

...and if you don't you should =P

Of course I do! <3
I would've not sponsored you otherwise

[!--quoteo--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE[div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--]remember the night you had me kill myself just so you could get your damn gate hehehehe[/quote]

You do seem to enjoy doing that
Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Xan on 23 December, 2009, 11:31:27 pm
*blushes* Airbag you're so sweet to me...  

And Gandie just likes to die...he blames me but he loved every second of it! I even killed myself as I felt bad that he died so I could do my quest >.>
Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Airbag on 23 December, 2009, 11:42:03 pm
Quote from: Alie
*blushes* Airbag you're so sweet to me...


[!--quoteo--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE[div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--]And Gandie just likes to die...he blames me but he loved every second of it! I even killed myself as I felt bad that he died so I could do my quest >.>[/quote]

Hahah, that is so you

random ps. I dont feel so well, I may have had too much chocolate.. stupid* mother going 'oh, we had this chocolate letter left from saint nicholas' (rough translation of 'holiday')...

*she actually is very sweet, but still
Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Xan on 23 December, 2009, 11:51:46 pm
Awwww, let your mum send me some chocolate, I'd happily dispose of it for her ;3
Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Airbag on 23 December, 2009, 11:57:14 pm
She could have if I hadn't just ate it all

No wait, I mean, sure, just pm me your home address... and remember to not close the windows
Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Xan on 24 December, 2009, 12:27:17 am
lmao! I warned you, I've closed all my windows for the time being, just in case you "pop over"

Sheesh, first you mentioned going to the Netherlands then my windows..what am I going to do with you, eh? =P
Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Airbag on 24 December, 2009, 12:41:06 am
Get me arrested, most likely . Heheh, people might start thinking I'm creepy from this thread

Buuut, I think I'm off to bed now, at a normal-like time!
Although, if you consider me being awake for about 28 hours already, I guess its not that much of a feat...

Have to get up early-ish as well. Brought all of my laundry with me, cause my washingmachine is broken. But my mom insisted on hanging it on my room around 11AM, before she's off to work.
11 in the morning is like .. unthinkable for me in my current (lack of) rhythm!
Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Xan on 24 December, 2009, 01:14:48 am
Aww, you're not creepy when you're asleep! Just.... =P

Now you've gone to bed, I'm left with Gandie to occupy me, and he's being all "concentrating" atm; *talks to herself*

I'll be gone when you get up me thinks, so if I am, have a good christmas and new year, I might leave you some spam in your box, like you did for me, ty btw <3
Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Airbag on 24 December, 2009, 12:34:43 pm
Ah yes, of course, I should've thought of that! Hope you have a nice christmas and new years as well!

Thank you. *wants to check mailbox, but can't... yet*

edit: and apparently I wont be able to do so.. not enough HDD space for the game.. *sadface*
Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Xan on 27 December, 2009, 11:08:35 am
Yayz, back tomorrow for 24hrs ;o *gets excited to abuse particular people*
Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Durin Danark on 27 December, 2009, 01:32:35 pm
ok ok you can spank me but only under the supervision of Damson my safe word will be


Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Airbag on 27 December, 2009, 03:24:56 pm
A shame Im still in Amsterdam for a while longer. Dont go ahead too far, or I wont be able to catch up .

Sure its only 24h?
How were your days?
*posted from my phone, typos possible*
Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Xan on 28 December, 2009, 04:27:49 pm
oo oo oo safe words sounds like fun :3

And Airbag I demand you come back sooner, because I leave again tomorrow afternoon for 6 days! QQ

OH! I want moar sponsor pl0x. :3
Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Airbag on 28 December, 2009, 06:04:38 pm
6 Days? But why?

Oh! I know! You`ll be using your ticket and will take the train to the netherlands. I knew it . Just tell me when to pick you up in Amsterdam
Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Xan on 28 December, 2009, 07:57:06 pm
Quote from: Airbag
6 Days? But why?

Oh! I know! You`ll be using your ticket and will take the train to the netherlands. I knew it  . Just tell me when to pick you up in Amsterdam

hahaha, my ticket "technically" leaves tomorrow morning, but I'm not taking much as you keep begging we just don't know eachother well enough...I'm sorry. =P

Get your computer back, I'm lonely!
Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Airbag on 28 December, 2009, 08:58:52 pm
Hahah, I know, dont apologize .

I wouldn`t even know who to look for. Or what to call you. I`ll try and restrain my remarks for a bit. Knowing me, I`ll succeed for about... 6 days .

In the train back to my place (and my pc) now. Will be there in about 3 hours..
Letting you know.. because I care
Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Xan on 28 December, 2009, 11:11:59 pm
Quote from: Airbag
Hahah, I know, dont apologize  .

I wouldn`t even know who to look for. Or what to call you. I`ll try and restrain my remarks for a bit. Knowing me, I`ll succeed for about... 6 days  .

In the train back to my place (and my pc) now. Will be there in about 3 hours..
Letting you know.. because I care

Awww, you imply you actually want me to be around when you do get back!

And I'd give you more of a clue, but wouldn't want you to get too comfy, in case you head back to my window. =P
Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Xan on 03 January, 2010, 04:27:05 pm
So I'm back again, and would love one moar sponsor pl0x or I'll cry and shout horrible vicious things at people, okay, so I wont, but it sounded all...mean and evil in my head.

ANYWAY - Pl0x Sponsor
Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Damson Danark on 03 January, 2010, 09:36:26 pm
/ sponsor

Alie is Fantastic (in her own words)

lol I have teamed with Alie a few time and think she is definitely MoX material .

Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Ryu on 04 January, 2010, 11:40:14 am
Trial passed, I will see to give you awesome semi god forums soon.
Title: Application for Alie
Post by: Airbag on 05 January, 2010, 05:08:18 am

Obligatory post ^^