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Author Topic: Voltage - Holypriest  (Read 2028 times)

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Voltage - Holypriest
« on: 16 September, 2007, 12:47:25 pm »
Nick: Voltage
Class:  Priest  
Level: 70
Server: Grim Batol

Primary professions:
MC tailoring (375) // Rerolled Jewelcrafting (low)
Spellsfire tailoring (375) // Enchanting (369)

Secondary professions:
Cooking 265
Fishing 249
First aid 375

/played (type it in WoW):
Priest 30days, Mage 120days

Do you have Teamspeak? :

Age: 19
Country:  Norway

Would you be willing to change your build for the guild? If necessary, yes.

How often do you play WoW (typical weekly playtime and which hours)?  30-40hrs ++
Our  Raid times are from 20:00 to 0:00 server time with invites starting at  19:30, are you able to be available for the whole duration? Yes except tuesdays when I cant get online before 22.00

Have you been in another guild? Which one(s)?  
The last two months I've been a member of Vestlandsfanden, a norwegian  guild. I left them a couple of days ago as my patience went to an end.  Despite all my contribution and suggestions our officers and leaders  are to ineffective and paralyzed to act. In adition it holds 15stabile  players wich are considered ok, but theres a whole lot of members wich  noone seems to know. In short its unorganized and full of chaos. Their  position now is exactly the same as it was when I joined.  
  Other than that my previous guild preTBC was Grim howl later known as  Ravenous on Balnazzar. I raided with this people for more than a year,  unfortunately my school grades at that time went dramatically down so I  was more or less forced to quit playing for a time. Now that im done at  school I found my way back to the game as I ennjoy compgames a bit to  much I belive. I could also be welcomed back to Ravenous if that was my  wish but my RL mates forced me over to Grim Batol (something I regret  now that I miss the part of being a serious raider).

Resistance Gear: Nothing except Violet Badge, however I would get every necessary craftable item. 4,3k gold to back that up.

Are you attuned to Karazhan? yes


Talents:  Im in use of a standar priest build wich suits my priest at this moment best (23/38/0).
About ds, some basic talents and
Improved Divine Spirit is my key talent. It boosts  the raid damage by quite a lot, and the benefits of an  instant healing spell is not to be compared.
When it comes to my holytree the talents to mention is Spiritual Guidence - healing, Holy consentration and 3/5 empowered healing.

In short I focused buffs and +healing. What I could have done different? Only thing I dislike about my current build is that I lost the Talent 1/5 Silent resolve wich reduced my threat generated by ds and holy spells. Without salvation its requierd to go easy on healing if overaggro is to be avoided.

Explain  why you´re using the spec you are, what specs you´ve tried, and why you  came to the conclusion that this specs suits you the best.
Except shadow this is the only dc / holy spec I tried out with some guidence and discussions the time I specced holy.


Talk  a bit about what gear you´re aiming for, this is EXTREMELY important  for those without good gear. Basically just give us a list of what gear  you´re aiming to get (what you think is the best possible gear for your  class+spec). Where is your current equipment lacking now?

As my gear now there is nothing else but upgrades, my greatest intereset is raiding and facing new encounters and eventually beat them. Only parts I dislike in my gear is the MC items as it in fact brings no stamina at all wich dramatically lowers my HP and makes me more vulnerable.
About my current gear and spec Spiritual guidence is a key talent to +spirit in order to increase my +healing.

Why you want to join MoX, what type of guild you´re looking for, and what you´re looking for in a guild.
 As a old hardcore player I miss being part of something progressing and great. Next to a decent envoriment between players the serious type of people where 1 player afk every 5min and all the things possible to list up wont occur.

So I come to this and make my apply to you in hope for a place to prove  some dedication and camp a tent. I've been playing this game since beta  and got quite alot of raiding experience as mage and priest.

My experience:
  MC - cleared  
  BWL - Cleared  
  Onyxia - Cleared  
  AQ40 - Cleared  
  Naxx - 5-6 downed.  

  TBC - maybe a bit poor for you guys but I would love the challenge.  
  Kara - cleared  
  Gruul - cleared  
  The rest is not visited :/  


What are your goals in wow, what do you want to achieve and how long do you plan to keep playing?
My one and only goal and wish in this game, is to face hard encounters and in fact being the part of people who are interested in taking this creep down with dedication and spirit.

I fear I would play this game forever as im way to addicted to quit unless something very special in my RL would force me to

Additional Information:
Is there anything else you feel is relevant to your application or that you would like us to know?
Im a honest person so I'll let you know my current situation.

If my app was to be found interesting im not sure if you people would  accept a player who maybe got only 3 weeks at maximum attendance and after  that for a unknown period of time less activity as I and everyone else  around the age of 19 got a military obligation to attend. However if  you were to accept me I would grant you my passion, dedication wich  serious endgame raiding demands for progress. RL takes part of  everyones life, but I will always be a part of the game and hope for a  place to settle down. Get some nice ingame comrads. I might be gone for a little while/period, but I will always come back.
« Last Edit: 16 September, 2007, 06:01:07 pm by Neferti »

Offline Paulonski

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Voltage - Holypriest
« Reply #1 on: 17 September, 2007, 05:35:53 pm »
Talked to you ingame, sorry we wont take you in.

good luck!
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