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Author Topic: TRAC event 28/03/14  (Read 3206 times)

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Offline Archangel

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TRAC event 28/03/14
« on: 29 March, 2014, 10:45:05 pm »

MoX teach the NC to UPGRADE NOW

28th March 2847

After yet another fierce battle around The Ascent in the centre of the Amerish continent, the TRAC forces under the command of General Mordus from the [FU] brigade, held firm against both the New Conglomerate forces assaulting from the North West, and the Vanu Sovereignty in the North East.  Although the facility at the summit of The Ascent fell into the hands of the Vanu forces, they could push no further.

The area surrounding The Ascent, dubbed 'SkullFuckMountain' by the Terran troops was initially held by the Republic.  However due to our initial advantage in territorial control, both the Vanu and Conglomerate forces moved to assault our Northern front lines.  MoX deployed ourselves to provided a rapid response squad to be dropped in where our forces we hard pressed, or on targets of strategic priority such as enemy deployed Sunderer transport vehicles using the rebirthing technology to keep the pressure on our positions. 

We concentrated out forces  on the western aproaches to Heyoka Techplant, by making sure West Pass Watchtower and Cobalt Communications  remained under our control.  After a number of assaults on enemy forces trying to gain a foothold we were called to make a suicidal run to attempt a secure of Ravens Landing, directly south of The Ascent.  As our Galaxy Air Transport approached the drop zone, we ere counting down the seconds left to save the facility from capture by the Vanu forces. We commenced the combat drop With just 10 seconds left to save it.  Other TRAC squads had also heard the call to respond and had also arrived seconds before.  Republic troops throwing personal safety aside, rushed headlong into the building containing the facility ownership system and overwhelmed the Vanu forces, returning it to our control with 2 seconds left on the clock.

MoX next moved into the rocks North East of Cobalt Communications with Max units armed with the Anti Air burster flak cannons to provide support to the hard pressed defenders at Heyoka.  The air was filled with Conglomerate aircraft of all types making runs toward Heyoka, and we initially had so many targets to shoot our fire was uncoordinated.  However Major Archy, himself in a burster armed Max, began calling targets and soon aircraft were bursting to flames all around us.  One of the enemy galaxies we downed was reported by Sargent Bullborn to have been transporting a whole squad of the dreaded NC shotgun armed Maxes which could have devastated the Republic infantry at Heyoka.

Unfortunately unbeknown to us, the Terran forces had begun a controlled withdrawal out of Heyoka, and South to a new defensive line at Heyoka Chemical, however they were assaulted and over run before they could set up their defences, and so they again moved South to Chimney Rock.  Here MoX made our last combat drop of the evening onto the hillside to the west of facility, and right onto a position held by the infamous WASP corporation of the NC.  The fight was brief but fierce and when the dust settled, MoX were alone on the hilside and in a position to rain destruction upon the Conglomerate armoured vehicles moving along the road to the north of our position. 

A cease fire was declared and all sides agreed to hold a meeting at the Vanu held Bio Labratory of Onatha.  MoX attended and tea and biscuits were passed around and polite conversation was made until an unknown Vanu soldier forgot where he was and accidentally passed a live frag grenade to a representative from the New Conglomerate, at which point the ceasefire abruptly ended and the attendees found themselves in the rebirthing tubes at their Warp Gates.

MoX returned to base for some well earned rest, and a bedtime story from Uncle Clueless about the time he stepped on a land mine.
« Last Edit: 29 March, 2014, 10:49:36 pm by Archangel »

