Public > Event Requests

Request by Harperella for playing on WeatherStock

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--- Quote from: Padme on 09 May, 2011, 12:16:49 pm ---I would love to see this... i am curious though what times we are talking about considering the different timezones...

--- End quote ---

Oh, thats a very good point actually. I never even considered the timezones issue.  Not too big a deal for me, as I am often up pretty late most nights anyways, but understandably could be difficult for others.  Could definately do with working that out yea.

Here is hoping the organisers have thought that through and scheduled it for like 1pm US time or something on a weekend, which would make it evening here in the EU.

I dont mind asking Harp for the times or did you already Achy?

Please do Padme :) I haven't..

And I also need to clarify with other Shades members if they are willing to make dublicates of their char..

Also remember there are mobs on the top of weathertop. And we would get a lot of aggro if we show up as lvl 5 characters.

I have signed up temporary :)

The time is currently not set, so we can move it to earlier in the day to accommodate EU schedules. You would need to have Landroval toons to participate, but the Lonely Mountain Band would be happy to assist you in procurring costumes, spare musicians, and even mentoring if required. We've run this event twice and keep a fully staffed security team to make sure that all visitors from other servers can make it to Weatherstock, even with a level 3 character. Its a lot of fun!

 Originally Posted by Caelil
Hello Harperella,

Sorry for bothering you again but we would like to know at what time the event will take place since we are European based. Therefor we would also like to know if it is possible to get an early entry (somewhere in the beginning of the event) for playtime.

Another issue that was mentioned, also since we are EU based and most of us dont have characters on the Landroval server (which will probably be alot easier after the Global Service kicks in) because till now we need to download another client if you can arrange for lowlevel characters safe passage to Weathertop (because of the mobs in the Lonelands).

Sorry for all these questions but we are really enthausiastic about playing at your event. We are asking the bandmembers if they are willing and able to come and i understand Achazia has already contacted you.

With kind regards,


If we are going to use one client for the (original) US and EU servers I will be happy to come and play at the concert with my little stabber   :blush:


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