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World of Warships nearing launch



World of Warships nearing launch
World of Warships is getting closer to launch. For those not lucky enough to have been selected to be a Closed Beta Tester so far, your ship has now come in. Premium ship packages (available for ~£15 and up) now include CBT access so you can join in the fun if you're prepared to pay.

For those willing to wait a little longer, the developers have stated they hope to enter Open Beta soon - though the cynics out there might argue they'll delay that now to get more money from people buying Closed Beta access.

At present only the Japanese and American ship lines are available. Both nations have cruisers and destroyers available, Japan has battleships and USA has aircraft carriers. There are plans to expand on this as development continues.

Now in open beta!

Player progress was wiped with a very recent patch so everyone's on a pretty level playing field.

Is it any good?

Worth the download? The business model and choices of Wargaming and Gaijin hasn't been the best lately

I'm quite into my ships so I like it. You have to be quite skilled to be able to fire your artillery and hit where you want, which I like. There's different classes of ship with their own strengths and weaknesses which lead to a need to stick together as a team (for example it can be quite easy for a destroyer to get in close to a lone battleship and torpedo it to death, especially if the BS is distracted shooting at something else).

My only niggle with it at present is when you're fighting good carriers they can drop so many torps on you from so many directions all at once that it can be impossible to avoid them and that's not fun.

Only played it by myself so far though, it could be very interesting in a wolf pack.

I would be interested, but I didn't like the p2w business model they used in WOT.  Subscribers with gold ammo rekt casual gamers, plus you couldnt form a team unless you had a subscription.

It's a shame as I was quite good at using the German Tank Destroyers ( got 14 out of 15 kills in one match in a Marder 2 and was last tank on my team for the last 3)


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