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Planetside 2015 update outlined



Planetside 2015 updates outlined
Luke Sigmund, the lead designer of Planetside 2, has unveiled a raft of new features and updates that will hopefully be coming to the game soon.

First among these is the ANT resource vehicle, which was a crucial part of the Planetside 1 resource system. The ANT will now allow players to harvest resources, and then use them to construct objects and structures, the first of which coming to the game will be a constructible base turret. This update has been described as a 'baby step' by RadarX on twitter, and there are hints that there are much bigger changes in the works, possibly NTUs or more structures, we can only speculate.

Other features that are to be added were mentioned, but in less detail. These were:

* Better Continent capture
* Leadership Tools
* Implant improvements


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