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Author Topic: WoW Raider App - TN - Holy Pally  (Read 2119 times)

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Offline Ceemka

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WoW Raider App - TN - Holy Pally
« on: 18 February, 2013, 06:18:56 pm »


Applications type (Social/PvP/Raider): Raider.
Country: Poland
What other games apart from WoW do you play?: League of Legends
A bit about yourself:
I started to play WoW when I was young and handsome, back in late TBC days (on some priv serv at first). I learned WoW a little bit and decided to start my jurney with this game.
Now Im just handsome but I still play WoW :) a part from that I love sports (football FTW), good movies, music and beer


Armory Link:
Character name:Ceemka
Class: Palladin
Current server: TN
Professions: alchemy/enchanting
How often do you play WoW (typical weekly playtime and which hours)?:
WEll I play Wow queit often, I work in the mornnin till 3-4 ish, then I get back home organise myself a little and log on. I play till 1-2 in the mornin. So queit a lot :)
What high level alts do you have?:
90lvl DK and some 85ish alts


Do you have Teamspeak? (Voice communication is essential to our raiding and it's highly recommended you get a mic if you don't have one already):
Yeah I got TS3, used it in my last guild. I got a mic and know how to use it
List the relevant raiding add-ons you use:
dbm, ora3, skada, ElvUI and some other ones that dont efect on raidin that much
We expect all members to attend any raids with food and flasks to last the whole raid night and being repaired and ready to pull bosses at 20.00
Ofc, I'm always prepared and rdy to roll

Our Raid times are from 20:00 to 0:00 server time with invites starting at 19:30. On which days will you be available for the whole duration? (A raidgroup usually only raids up to 3 nights a week)
Wednesday: yes
Thursday: yes
Friday: yes
Saturday: yes
Sunday: yes
Monday: yes
Tuesday: yes
Basicly I just need to know a day infront that I need to log on. Tho once  I might step out on sundays due to familly issues.
Have you been in another guild? (Yes/No):
If so: Which one(s)? And why did you leave?:
-A Polish guild on Terokkar(I rly dont remember the name)
-Unification 25m
-Asteria 10m - disbaned
-Nexus 10m - disbaned
Please list your relevant raid experience, stating which encounters you have personal experience of at the current level cap:
With Nexus we menaged to get 6hc bosses down and the guild disbaned (I didnt raid for a few weeks now). I was the core raid team healer.
Please link, if possible, any recent relevant logs (, so we can get an idea from your current performance in raids:


Now when you are done with the "basics", we want you to explain a little about different aspects of your character.


Why did you choose the class you are now playing and the professions you selected?:

I started my jurney in wow as a pally, tryed all the specs and sticked with a healer, so I sticked to it pretty much all the time I spend with this game. Healer pally had many changes that started in Cata, then they continued in MoP (not that drastic as in Cata). Pally became allround healer now lots of new spells were added and that made me wanna play that class even more.
As for my professions: Alchemy - Flask bonus is nice for raidin + you can make some gold out of this prof, Enchanting - Ring bonus enchants give a nice boost of stats + I can enchant myself and help out guild m8's with that.

Talent specialisation:

talent tree:
-Speed of Light/Pursuit of Justice - Speed of Light is very helpfull (a must on Blade Lord) on some encounters, and Its my choice for most of the time
-Repentance - I'm using this only to help cc's some times, none 'raid usefull' talent in that group
-Eternal Flame - that is the best talent in that group, it turns WoG to EF, adding a HoT to the spell, that pulls out way more healing (my top heailng spell on most fights)
-Hand of Purity/Clemency/Unbreakable Spirit - All of those can be used, depending on the encounter.
Hand of Purity - a must have on Blade Lord helps on Feng and Amber-Shaper.
Clemency is a must on Grand Empress Shek'zeer's - Cry of Terror and Gara'jal
-Divine Purpose - free procs - more EF used, seems to be logical to use that talent
-Light's Hammer - adds a AoE spell - thats a very powerfull one, 1min cd tho - no doubt best telent for 25m raidin
There arent many to choose from here, but here r my picks:
-Protector of innocent - whwnever I use EF it also heals me for 20% of the ammount - very helpfull - free healing is always welcomed
-Divinity - my LoH gives me 10% mana back
-Beacon of Light - gcd removed from that spell, very usefull at some points, 1 gcd can save lifes sometimes
and tbh there is not much to choose from after that
-maybe glyph of binding light at the point my cc needs to stun adds (but I used it only a few times on Feng hc in MV, when my raid team was lackin cc's

Would you be willing to change your specialization for the guild?:yes
Do you have two or more specs you know well enough to use in a Raiding environment?: yes I can play ret well 2, just the problem is lower gear for os
Please list any talents and glyphs you switch out for certain fights:
as I mentioned above :)

Do you feel your character is sufficiently geared to compete in the encounters of the current Heroic tier? (and if not, what is your character sufficiently geared for?): yes Im geared for HC modes, tho I could use a 4th piece of tier to get teh bonus.
Where do you think your current equipment is lacking now?: 4set bonus
What stat-priority do you currently use (both secondary and primary stats, especially for tanks and healers), when gemming, enchanting and reforging your gear? (for both your main and off-spec):

With the mana capped to 300k, the key is to get as much regen as possible, so spirit is the best stat by far for any healer. Mastery in MoP got buffed for pallys (Illuminated Healing - direct healing spells also place an absorb shield) thats one of my top 3 healing abilities!! more mastery the more absorbs.
So stats prio:
For Ret:
Strength > Melee Hit (7.5%) > Expertise (7.5%) > Haste > Mastery > Crit

Do you know anyone in MoX who can vouch for you?: nope
Why do you want to join MoX?: you guys seem to be a solid group of ppl that enjoy video games and will continue to play em. Also your progression seems to be fairly simmular to mine
What type of guild are you looking for?:
I R looking for some nerds to farm all the achievs !!
joke, but to be fair I wanna meet ppl that enjoy this game as much as I do. Also some late night PvP is always welcomed :)

What are your goals in wow, what do you want to achieve and how long do you plan to keep playing?
Well...I play this game for many reasons, the most important one is RAIDS, HC progression is the best thing in this game by far. Also I get lots of fun in achiev farms, PvP and mog set farms. The thing I like the most is that this game brings endless fun!! I dont plan on stopin playin WoW, I get way to much out of it

Additional Information:

Confirmation that you have read, understood and agree to abide by the MoX Charter (Yes/No):
Is there anything else you feel is relevant to your application or that you would like us to know?
As I said, I started to play this game back in TBC times, but on a priv serv, ofc as healer pally I did BT and Sunwell there, but I wouldnt count that as regular raiding. When WotLK hit I moved to the Blizz servs. A new realm took my atencion -> Terokkar became my home for a long long time, for those days I was a casual raider in a Polish guild that was mainly focused on the social part. So basiclly I started some more eficent raidin in Cata, I joined Unification 25m (still on Terokkar realm). This guild was arround 2k rated on wowprogress, that guild gave me lots of fun, the whole t11. In t12 I had to stop raidin due RL stuff, but I came back late t12 and moved on in t13. I found a 10m guild on terokkar - Asteria. That guild gave me the most out of this game, ppl were very friendly + we all enjoyed raidin. We menaged to hit 4/8hc queit fast, after that we had trouble with raid members, some ppl had to quit WoW and we decided to move on to a more populated realm - Twisting Nether. When we showed up on TN recruitment wasnt a big deal any more, few missin spots were filled very fast. 6/8hc came out of nowhere. I't was all going to well I guess, after all that trouble we had another one came out, our raid leader (and GM in one person) had to quit WoW, so guild slowlly disbaned. I decided to enjoy the summer and rejoin raidin when MoP hits. I Joined Nexus not so far into t14. We hit 6hc and again guild started to struggle with raiders -> dissbaned not so long ago. Ive been growing with rust for the last few weeks ;/
So I decided to give a shoot and apply here, also I checked wowprogress and you guys r LF a holy pally + your raid times fit me very well.
If you need any more info feel free to poke me ingame Ceemka or Ceeman (or add me Ceemka#2707)

« Last Edit: 18 February, 2013, 07:03:04 pm by Ceemka »

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Re: WoW Raider App - TN - Holy Pally
« Reply #1 on: 21 February, 2013, 06:11:55 pm »
Hey Milosz, and sorry for the late response.
Very good application. Its well written and you seem to know well how to play holy paladin.

We are currently full on healers, unfortunatly, and I wish you good luck finding a guild to raid with.

However, I will add you on battletag, and maybe some day a spot will be open :)

Also known as Lucem, Sarenas, Ser Anas, Ananas
I’m a little paladin, short and stout. Here’s my hammer and here’s my trusty mount. When I get in trouble I scream and shout, then I bubble and hearthstone out!

