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Author Topic: Application Form - SWTOR  (Read 4148 times)

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Offline Rex

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Application Form - SWTOR
« on: 30 June, 2013, 04:37:33 pm »
APPLYING FOR: (PvE RP Empire/Republic)


Name: Tyler James
Age: 18
Country: Currently in Austria but originally from the U.S.
What other games apart from SWTOR do you play?: Neverwinter, Battlefield 3, Planetside 2, Diablo 3, WoW, Firefall, DC Universe Online.
A bit about yourself (interests, hobbies etc): I'm a huge Basketball fan I even play in a team myself.


Character name: Tyranusrex but people call me Rex
Class: Sith Sorcerer
Spec: Experienced in Healing (Corruption) and DPS (Madness)
Level: 55
Professions: Biochem, Bioanalysis and Diplomacy
How often do you play SWTOR (typical weekly playtime and which hours)?: I play every day if nothing important comes up, mostly in the evening or in the morning, it's like from 8am - 2pm then i usually log back at about 4pm until i decide to stop playing for the day, sometimes i dont stop at all. lol
Why did you choose the class you are now playing and the professions you selected?: I was always a Huge Darth Sidious fan and wanted to try the Sorcerer out myself, I took Biochem because I can make stims for raids.
Do you have any alts? (Empire and/or Republic): I got 3 Imperial alts, and one on the Republic side, the Republic one is a lvl 52 Jedi Guardian tank.


Do you have Teamspeak? (It is not very important, but this is our current Voice Comm server, so if you want to join in on the chat, it sure is handy!)
Yes, i do, i've used it in raids with my old guild.

Have you been in another guild?
Which one(s)? And why did you leave?
Consuming Darkness, I left because the guild died.

Feel free to list your experiences in the game:

Explain a little about what you like to do in SWTOR: I like to do a lot of dailies and alting, HM FP's, and i can do Operations if you'd like i was the former raid leader of my old guild, i have a lot of experience. So PVE basically.


Do you know anyone in MoX who can vouch for you? (eg. Friend, relative etc): Yes, Aritz, he's one of my best friends and we've been playing and laughing together since i can remember.

Explain a bit about why you want to join MoX?: When my old guild died, i was looking for a more social, friendlier & experienced one. So i looked around until Aritz informed me about MoX.

What type of guild are you looking for?: I'm looking for a guild where i can be with friends and meet new ones, and team up to do stuff to do so.

Additional Information:

Confirmation that you have read, understood and agree to abide by the MoX Charter (Yes/No): Yes

Is there anything else you feel is relevant to your application or that you would like us to know? I've been playing since the Beta, i got a lot of experience with the game.

Offline Aduilas

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Re: Application Form - SWTOR
« Reply #1 on: 30 June, 2013, 05:08:25 pm »
Hey Rex and welcome to MoX

Your two week trial officially begins now. Please use this period to get to know people in the guild and to allow them to get to know you. Once the two weeks are complete, should you wish to become a full member please post back here or start a new thread requesting sponsors. Once you achieve three sponsors, full membership will be granted and all the secret stuff on the forum will open up to you.

Good luck and most of all have fun!

Trial started 30/06/13
« Last Edit: 30 June, 2013, 05:14:44 pm by Aduilas »
- Aduilas

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Offline Gahrret-Amell

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Re: Application Form - SWTOR
« Reply #2 on: 30 June, 2013, 05:51:54 pm »
Welcome to MoX, pal.  :D

Rex is an awesome healer and decent tank I became friends with during our time together in Consuming Darkness, where we were both officers. He always managed to keep everyone alive during Ops, even if that meant taking care of the healing for the main tank and then shielding and restoring anyone in danger with a relatively high ease, even when he was ill and/or tired. :P

In any case, if you need me to invite your Republican alts to the alt's version of MoX you can send me a tell and I'll take care of it; for the Imperial version, Malevolents of Xibalba, an officer would have to take care of that. Once you've passed your two weeks trial period you can have as many alts as you desire on both versions of the guild, but during this short period you are limited to one or two as maximum.

Having said that all that reminds for me is to wish you the best and funniest time with us Moxies and also that you like the guild enough as to commit yourself partly to it and then get the three sponsors needed for the permanent membership. :)

Regards, Aritz.

PS: Remember that the bribing currency here are peanuts.   :lol:

Offline Padme

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Re: Application Form - SWTOR
« Reply #3 on: 30 June, 2013, 07:10:47 pm »
Welcome Rex! Nice to see a friend of Aritz joining and if you are anything like him im sure you will be a great addition to the guild ;)

Please keep in mind that during the summer activity is a bit on the low side (but the raids and other event do still continue!) but when the summer ends im sure the regular nights activity will start to rise again.
Hope to meet you ingame soon ;)


-=Paad'm 65 (BH Merc) - Paam'd 55 (Sniper) - Pluk 51 (Sorc)=-
-=Human Torch 33 - Black Widow 35 - Cyclops 39 - Silver Surfer 46 =-
-=Paadm 70 (P208) Wizard - Paam 70 (P208) Barbarian - PadmOne 70 (P208) Monk - Padmoon 70 (P208) Demon Hunter - PadCrus 70 (P208) Crusader =-

Offline Rex

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Re: Application Form - SWTOR
« Reply #4 on: 30 June, 2013, 09:02:01 pm »
Thank you guys!
It's a real pleasure to be here and i'm sure that i'll enjoy this community.

Welcome Rex! Nice to see a friend of Aritz joining and if you are anything like him im sure you will be a great addition to the guild

You could say that i'm the more silent version of him, but still i'll do my best to commit myself to the guild.  ;)
And i don't mind low activity, makes gameplay a bit more relaxing.  :)

Rex is an awesome healer and decent tank I became friends with during our time together in Consuming Darkness, where we were both officers. He always managed to keep everyone alive during Ops, even if that meant taking care of the healing for the main tank and then shielding and restoring anyone in danger with a relatively high ease, even when he was ill and/or tired.

Haha, you're too kind old friend, i wasn't that good.  ;)
But still, i could never have performed so well without my pro bro's awesome tanking. :P

I'll do my very best to contribute to this guild, if it's operations, some heroics, borrowing credits, dailies, you name it... i'll do my part. ;)
And i have some very good friends from "Poorly Coordinated Companions" that could lend us a hand in Operations or such, if you need more people just ask me and i'll ask them.  :D


P.S. If Peanuts is the bribing currency then i've got all of ya'll in the bag cus i've got loads of it. lol

Offline Gahrret-Amell

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Re: Application Form - SWTOR
« Reply #5 on: 15 July, 2013, 12:24:13 pm »
Hi there.

Two weeks and a day have passed since you wrote your application to MoX, it's time to open a new topic to ask for sponsors or do it directly from this thread, you can also ask for a trial period expansion if you don't manage to get enough sponsorships.

Best of luck on getting three Moxies to vote for you and I hope you get over those migraines plus that you come back home from those trip of yours in order to enjoy the game properly.  :p

Your friend, Aritz.
« Last Edit: 20 July, 2013, 08:00:16 am by Gahrret-Amell »

Offline Rex

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Re: Application Form - SWTOR
« Reply #6 on: 20 July, 2013, 12:28:29 am »
Lol thanks old friend, sorry for the delayed answer, just came back from my trip.
And i'll do the sponsorship thread as soon as i can. ;)

