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Author Topic: SWTOR - Smuky's application  (Read 2216 times)

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SWTOR - Smuky's application
« on: 15 July, 2011, 06:02:04 pm »
Hello there. I hope its not to soon to apply for your guild even tho the release date is not officialy out yet, but I hope the game will come soon out :)

name: Jan
surname: Butala
Age: 18
Country : Slovenia

Game expiriance
I have alot of mmorpg game expiriance and shooter's expiriance from all series of battlefield. But since swtor is mmorpg I will be talking only about them. I started my mmorpg carrier about 7 years ago with Lineage 2. I used to play it on private server, but after some time it became boring of killing every1 with best gear (every1 had same gear but it depended on ++ enchant) When the server got closed I moved on to WOW. I started to play as paladin but I got bored on lvl 52 and I created Tauren Druid. At first I played him as feral-tank and then I moved to Restoration.

My raid expiriance
karazhan - clear
gruul - clear
ssc - clear
eye - clear
hyal - clear
bt - clear
the last raid don't remember name - i quitted be4 it was released
WOTLK (Came back to wow)
All raids cleared on 10/25 even on HC mode. (I even cleared ruby sanctum after that I quitted aka sold account due to i needed money urgeant)
I had all achievemnts in ulduar and ICC, I had both drakes from ulduar and icc and flying head from ulduar last boss no help from those bosses (alone in darkness (?))

Gaming expiriance on raids
I never get mad or rage. I am fully disciplined raid player. I helped with suggestions on tactics and help with advices to player that don't underastand what to do or help to improve their gameplay if I can. I love to talk (but not during raid where is required to have 100% focus), do guild instances, pvp and all kinda stuff. As restoration druid I always had top healing done on dps meter since I only did HoT's and regrowth and lifebloom and jump around like lunatic :D
And if I fail I admit that I fail, but I rarely fail :)

It's kinda hard to do application for the game in which we even don't know hows its going to be. But as we can see in videos instance = flashpoint and raid = operation.
I am kinda willing to play Sith Warrior, advance class marauder since I love from 1st part or SW saga the dark side and light sabers :D

If you have any questions just ask. And I hope I can get reply about the guild in SWTOR.
Best regards, Jan