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Author Topic: WoW Twisting Nether - Raider Appy Heimdali - Priest  (Read 2567 times)

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WoW Twisting Nether - Raider Appy Heimdali - Priest
« on: 10 March, 2013, 04:53:35 pm »

Applications type (Social/PvP/Raider): Raider.
Name: Ryan
Age: 28
Country: UK - London
What other games apart from WoW do you play?: LoL, CoD:BO2, FarCry3, Team Fortress2, Dayz and Polly in my pocket online.
A bit about yourself:
Hello, most of you know me a little at least already from Grim Batol and now Twisting Nether, I work as a Fire Fighter in the London Fire Brigade am separated and live alone in east london (not a nice place), I have an old Mk2 Golf Gti and a push bike that is worth more than my car......


Armory Link:

Character name: Heimdali
Class: Panda/Fat Priest
Level: 90
Current server: Twisting Nether
Spec(s): Disc  and Shadow
Professions: Maxed  Alch and JC
How often do you play WoW (typical weekly playtime and which hours)?: Hundreds of hours a week - pretty much all day for 4 days and then 3-4 hrs a night other days...
What high level alts do you have?: On this server only a 90 DK tank Shívér, on other servers a warr,pally, hunter - also have 2-3 lvl 90's on Twisting Nether.


Do you have Teamspeak? (Voice communication is essential to our raiding and it's highly recommended you get a mic if you don't have one already): Yes I have all the voice comms made and my mic works just fine

List the relevant raiding add-ons you use: I use elvui, shadow priest dot tracker, PoM tracker, Absorbs tracker, Skada, Omen, Weak Auras, Sabrina buff frames, Tell me when(on some chars), DBM and GTFO.. these are the main ones.

We expect all members to attend any raids with food and flasks to last the whole raid night and being repaired and ready to pull bosses at 20.00 I have maxed cookend and had the pandaren banquet with in a week of MoP release, I also am leveling a new herb char on this realm so I can be self sufficient for all my consumables.

Our Raid times are from 20:00 to 0:00 server time with invites starting at 19:30. On which days will you be available for the whole duration? (A raidgroup usually only raids up to 3 nights a week) I know you format is normally to select days and applicants put time in those slots but I believe I can explain my raiding hours better in a paragraph!
(this is all based on server time) I work a shift system of 2 days (1000-2100) then 2 nights (2100-1000) and then 4 days off, as this is an 8 day rotation the day I start work each week moves forward one day.
So every 3 weeks I will miss weds,thurs raid days but be here for sunday,mon,tues and then the week after it will progress a day.
I realise that this schedule is not idea but if you accept me I will show you that when I am here I make it count!

Have you been in another guild? (Yes/No): Yes

If so: Which one(s)? And why did you leave?: Cuddle Vendor, I was an officer there for a long while but when you transfered recently to Kazzak I decided that I would rather join my stabber friends (touk, jay, ari) on Twisting Nether.

Please list your relevant raid experience, stating which encounters you have personal experience of at the current level cap: Current level would be ToT of which I have 0 experience, in 5.0-5.2 I have cleared all 16/16 normal, I have not had it of farm due to guild breakup but I believe I have done it enough and practised enough to know what I am doing on a range of chars / roles (dps, heal, tank).

Please link, if possible, any recent relevant logs (, so we can get an idea from your current performance in raids: Unfortunately I haven't logged any of my recent raids as they have been pugs, I do have this WoL from last week (with my 483 gear :p), there is also some date from me healing that day too -


Now when you are done with the "basics", we want you to explain a little about different aspects of your character. Disc / holy has been my main spec for a while now - as I know there is only really dps spots in your raid group at the moment (priest wise anyway - grrr Emily!) so I will talk about shadow - in 5.2 spriest have been given a crazy increase in single target damage due to MF:Insanity, now when DP is up I cast 3-4 MF:Insanity (used to be solace), I make sure I clip the 3rd MF so that I start channelling a new MF as I have 0.5 or so sec left on DP, this gives me another 2-3 secs of the imp MF, obviously I make sure all my dots are up on the target and where there is no cc I use Halo on cd (trying to get the max 25yards range for better dmg) this increases my damage done and help with raid healing a little.


Why did you choose the class you are now playing and the professions you selected?: I have been playing priest for a few years now due to a shortage of healers - everyone loves playing dps but sometimes it gets to you that queues are soo long of raids fail due to no/crappy tanks and healers - this is why all my chars except my hunter(obv) are specced to be able to heal or tank :)  Proff wise  I belive that JC is a no brainer, good income and 2x jc only gems, Alch was taken primarily to support the guild with flasks back when you had the guild cauldrons and now I still have it due to the extra time it gives me on flasks and still the ability to contribute to guild consumables - come later int he expansion it my be better for me to have JC and BS for the extra sockets but until then I will stick with what I have, also the living steel and trillium bar transmute work well for crafting items and making gold!

Talent specialisation:

Would you be willing to change your specialization for the guild?: Yes, I am already gearing as shadow instead of my prev MS of disc, I will of course still change again for the good of the guild if needed.
Do you have two or more specs you know well enough to use in a Raiding environment?: Yes, I can play Disc/Holy/Shadow all to a high raiding standard.
Please list any talents and glyphs you switch out for certain fights: Depending on the fight I may swop out top tier talents from Halo to divine star if there are CC'd adds about, I will also swop out first tier talents from roots to fear if needed for the specific fight, I sometimes also find that on multi dot fights the 'free' Mind Spike proccs are better than the MF:Insanity talent so will switch accordingly. For most fights I find that the speed increase from PW:S is more beneficial (for myself especially) than laying feathers on the floor so always have that tallent :p
If I am expecting to take spike damage then I will swop out the instant self heal talents over the 30% hp barrier talent so I have more control over when it is used.

Do you feel your character is sufficiently geared to compete in the encounters of the current Heroic tier? (and if not, what is your character sufficiently geared for?): My current ilvl is 497 - 499 I belive this is good enough for ToT at the current stage and definatly enough for 5.1 16/16 hc if needed.
Where do you think your current equipment is lacking now?: For shadow the main thing I miss that would increase my dps significantly is the tier set bonus - I have been running Lfr every week but never get any tokens, the same with old guild raids.
What stat-priority do you currently use (both secondary and primary stats, especially for tanks and healers), when gemming, enchanting and reforging your gear? (for both your main and off-spec): All specs need as much Int as possible while balancing regen and dot ticks secondary stats for each spec are Disc- Mastery and Spirit, Holy - Spirit and Haste. Shadow Haste and Crit (along with being hit capped (not hard with 100% hot from spirit)).

Do you know anyone in MoX who can vouch for you?: Yes (hopefully) I know Touk and Jay well and would like to think others like Tom and Breezy would have a few nice words to say about me!
Why do you want to join MoX?: I know and enjoy raiding with MoX members and your historic progress has always impressed me, I now want to be part of that and make 5.2 history with you guys!! Hurrah!
What type of guild are you looking for?: I am looking for a stable, progressive, organised and friendly raiding guild that smash everything and work hard to get what they want.

What are your goals in wow, what do you want to achieve and how long do you plan to keep playing? I will keep playing until blizz go bankrupt or I lose the use of my limbs, I feel that collecting achieves and feats of strength are great bragging rights but mostly its how people remember you and the epic stuff that happens behind the scenes that makes this game worth playing.

Additional Information: Your appy is pretty conclusive so there isn't much for me to say here except that even if I don't get a raid spot with you guys now I have no objection waiting until / being in a second raid group if that's they way you are going.
I also don't want any of you 511 ilvl heroes to be worried about me making you look bad on the meters, if needs be you can whisper me politely and I will play with one arm tied behind my back!

Confirmation that you have read, understood and agree to abide by the MoX Charter (Yes/No): Yes

Is there anything else you feel is relevant to your application or that you would like us to know? If any of my other characters if more suited to a raiding spot please let me know and I may be able to re-roll for you..... anything except frost dk is viable!

Thank you all for taking the time to read this far, have fun and see you in game :D


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Re: WoW Twisting Nether - Raider Appy Heimdali - Priest
« Reply #1 on: 10 March, 2013, 06:01:46 pm »
Who are you?

I am le joke.

I will offer u a trial in Purple Kitttens, but have in mind that you can't attend every raid. We do a In-game Calender signup, and just pick the raids ure available to attend.


Trial started 10.3.2013
« Last Edit: 10 March, 2013, 06:11:44 pm by kib »
Also known as Lucem, Sarenas, Ser Anas, Ananas
I’m a little paladin, short and stout. Here’s my hammer and here’s my trusty mount. When I get in trouble I scream and shout, then I bubble and hearthstone out!

Offline Breezy

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Re: WoW Twisting Nether - Raider Appy Heimdali - Priest
« Reply #2 on: 10 March, 2013, 06:18:53 pm »
yay grats ryan! :vloodycloody_rara:

Made by Ramsay

Offline Heimdali

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Re: WoW Twisting Nether - Raider Appy Heimdali - Priest
« Reply #3 on: 10 March, 2013, 06:54:04 pm »
Such kind words, thank you all, I wont let you down :D

