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Author Topic: WoW Twisting Nether. Vemara. Rogue  (Read 2203 times)

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Offline Vemara

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WoW Twisting Nether. Vemara. Rogue
« on: 11 March, 2013, 03:56:44 am »

Applications type: Raider
What other games apart from WoW do you play?: Civilization 5, Skyrim, Assassin's Creed games.
A bit about yourself:I'm a 18 year old living in the middle of Finland, studying to be a chef. I'm usually kind and helpful to almost everyone. To my friend I'm loyal and very open. I don't like being rude or hostile to other people without any reason and I try to voice mu opinion if I see my friends being rude to others without reason. In my free time I usually play games or read fiction, and sometimes watch some videos on youtube.


Armory Link:
Character name: Vemara
Current server:Stormscale
Professions:Alchemy and Leatherworking (both at 600)
How often do you play WoW (typical weekly playtime and which hours)?:
I don't usually keep track how many hours I play wow in a week, but I'd say about 35-40 hours in a week. I usually log on wow in the middle of the afternoon, and I can keep playing from that raight to when the raids end, but I usually do something else before the raids start.
What high level alts do you have?: None on Twisting Nether. But on Stormscale I have a tanking monk, and a elemental shaman.


Do you have Teamspeak? (Voice communication is essential to our raiding and it's highly recommended you get a mic if you don't have one already): I have never used Teamspeak, all the guilds I have been in have used ventrilo, but I will get teamspeak if I join this guild.
I have a working mic.

List the relevant raiding add-ons you use: Pitbull, Omen, DBM, Classtimers, Bartender, TidyPlates, Grid,

We expect all members to attend any raids with food and flasks to last the whole raid night and being repaired and ready to pull bosses at 20.00 I can make my own flasks, potions, and food. I can be ready at 20.00.

Our Raid times are from 20:00 to 0:00 server time with invites starting at 19:30. On which days will you be available for the whole duration? (A raidgroup usually only raids up to 3 nights a week) I can raid at those times everyday.

Have you been in another guild?: Yes

If so: Which one(s)? And why did you leave?: Ataraxia on Stormscale. I'm leaving because after MoP launched the guild  fell apart. Many people left and others lost interest. We usually have to pug one or two players and we have got very little progress in the current raiding tier. I have thought about leaving for about 3 months now, also hoping that the guild could get back to its feet because I like the people in it, but that hasn't happened and the new raiding tier started. I'm not leaving the guild on bad terms or anything, while the guild master would want me to stay he understand why I'm leaving.

Please list your relevant raid experience, stating which encounters you have personal experience of at the current level cap: I don't have much experience with tier 14 because my current guild has been barely able to raid. I have cleared MSV on normal and 1 boss in HoF with my guild and 2 bosses in TES in a pug. With tier 15 I have no experience.

Please link, if possible, any recent relevant logs (, so we can get an idea from your current performance in raids: I'm afraid I don't have anything to link for you.


Now when you are done with the "basics", we want you to explain a little about different aspects of your character.


Why did you choose the class you are now playing and the professions you selected?:
For a long time I played a Death knight as a main, but I was starting to get a little bored of it so I switched to my rogue and I liked the play style of it.
As for the professions: Leatherworking so I could make gear for myself, and Alchemy so I could make potions for myself and for selling.

Talent specialisation:

Would you be willing to change your specialization for the guild?:
Yes, I like all the rogue specs.

Do you have two or more specs you know well enough to use in a Raiding environment?: in MoP I have raided in both Assassination and Combat spec,
I also have experience with subtlety.

Please list any talents and glyphs you switch out for certain fights:
I switch Anticipation for Marked for Death, for fights where there are many adds that i need to dps. There are also some fights where I would switch Leeching poison, for Elusiveness or Cheat Death.

Do you feel your character is sufficiently geared to compete in the encounters of the current Heroic tier? (and if not, what is your character sufficiently geared for?):
The item lvl of my PvE gear is 489, In tier 14 heroic I think I can do them, ofc better gear always helps  :D. For Tier 15 heroic I think I need better gear.

Where do you think your current equipment is lacking now?: offhand, trinket,

What stat-priority do you currently use (both secondary and primary stats) when gemming, enchanting and reforging your gear? (for both your main and off-spec):
For Assassination agility is top, then hit to cap, then expertise to cap, after that mastery, haste and crit are in the last place. With gemming if the socket bonus in not at least 60 agility then its not worth getting it.
For combat Agility, then hit and expertise t to cap, then haste, then mastery with crit being the last on the stat priority. With gemming if your item lvl is somewhere between 480-490 its worth getting gems with haste on them ( red sockets being agility/haste gems).

Do you know anyone in MoX who can vouch for you?:
I don't know anyone in the guild  :(.

Why do you want to join MoX?:
I want to join a guild that has active raiding at good progression with people who know what to do and who are fun to raid with.

What type of guild are you looking for?: Active raiding guild with good people.

What are your goals in wow, what do you want to achieve and how long do you plan to keep playing?
I want to raid heroics. I plan on playing wow until Blizzard stops making any more raiding content.

Additional Information:

Confirmation that you have read, understood and agree to abide by the MoX Charter (Yes/No): Yes

Is there anything else you feel is relevant to your application or that you would like us to know? Cant think of anything.

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Re: WoW Twisting Nether. Vemara. Rogue
« Reply #1 on: 11 March, 2013, 06:21:07 am »
Hey Jouka, and thank you for applying to MoX.

Im sorry, but we are currently full on melee classes.
I wish you good luck in finding a suitable guild.

Also known as Lucem, Sarenas, Ser Anas, Ananas
I’m a little paladin, short and stout. Here’s my hammer and here’s my trusty mount. When I get in trouble I scream and shout, then I bubble and hearthstone out!

Offline Vemara

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Re: WoW Twisting Nether. Vemara. Rogue
« Reply #2 on: 11 March, 2013, 09:50:17 am »
Ok I understand. Good luck and have fun with your future raiding  :).

