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Author Topic: Planetside Recruits  (Read 3948 times)

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Raging Speedhorn

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Planetside Recruits
« on: 12 February, 2007, 01:08:05 pm »
Welcome to MoX recruit! You have just joined the best teamplay / spec ops outfit on Werner. This is just a quick explanation of what to expect from MoX, and what is expected of you.
We have a great reputation on Werner, and to keep it we have to do things correctly and by the book. Most importantly though, we want to make sure everyone has FUN! After all, it is a game.


As a MoXie there is a high expectation on your general conduct and interactions both ingame and out of game (forums and such), to MoXies and non-MoXies alike. This applies 100% of the time, no exceptions.
We are a mature and organised outfit; let's not ruin it with childish outbursts or flaming, eh?
Sticking together and coordinating our efforts is what makes MoX strong and the best on Werner. Solo Rambo'ing is not the way, youngling.


Teamspeak is essential for our style of gameplay so you MUST be on TS when you are in a MoX squad. If you have no mic, don't fret, but you must still be on TS. A mic is required for squad leading though.
Try and keep your ears peeled on TS because 95% of the time commands won't be written in chat. It can get pretty hectic at times so if you miss a command, ask for it again or /t the SL.
Please keep chatter to a minimum. TS is a tool and when there is alot of members online, then the 'unimportant' info (RL and gamefun) is best in ingame chat text.

Spec ops

Special Operations have always been our trademark in MoX. It is one of the most rewarding game experiences because it often makes a big difference in how efficiently the enemy can fight.
MoX are experts at disrupting the enemy with Spec Ops style play. We hurt the enemy by going for the heart or the nuts.
If you haven't already, you will soon find that Spec ops is fun, but not very rewarding in terms of XP.

BR and CR

There is no minimum BR to join MoX, although you must have adv medic after Br12. This is our trademark and our lifeline, and as such is non negotiable. You can squad lead and earn CEP at any point, but we would highly recommend you wait untill you are at least BR15+. Why? Because a few extra certs will be far more useful to both yourself and MoX than a reveal friendlies. It also means you will be a bit more experienced to lead 9 or more other people into battle. There are no requirements
on your implants, but as of late surge has pretty much become an unofficial MoX implant.

Squad Leading

Aah, this old chestnut smile.gif. We actively encourage any and all MoXies to squad lead but we have to have a few rules in place for fairness and efficiency. When you are squad leader, you must actually lead that squad!
There are NO free CEP rides in MoX. This goes for everyone. The reason isn't to try and piss you off or to have a go, it's simply the way it has to be. It encourages experience for the SL and it strengthens the outfit as a whole as well as making things clearer for the others in the sqd. Most importantly though, it rewards those who make the effort, and at the end of the day that's the whole point of SL'ing. If leading really daunts you, don't worry. Make sure an SL / PL / Squish is online and we will give you all the direction and encouragement we can. Just please be prepared to have a transport cert ready to move your squad about as it is your responsibility. The only way to become an effective and strong SL is to screw up and learn from it! There may be times that you get a bit out of your depth with leading, or there may be a bit of an emergency. If you are asked to hand SL over, please don't be offended. The reasoning will be simple - a squad sitting about waiting or fragmented will get bored and log. We have to keep efficient to keep going. So please respect the PL / SL's decision with the knowledge they are just doing what they think is right for the squad. At the end of the day the responsibility to keep numbers up, and you guys having fun lies with the SL / PL, so we may need to take over for a bit.
Hope that is clear guys, we do want you all to rise in CR, but just remember there is often only 1 sl position, and alot of you smile.gif

Outfit ranks

We aren't big on the "I'm a higher rank than you, so listen to me" attitude at all, but we do have to have a command structure of some kind. Here are the outfit ranks, and what is expected of each one:

1: Outfit Leader [OL]

This is Squishling. The head honcho, big cheese, master and commander (of Denmark), supreme holiness, top dog, big boss man, general know it all and drunkard drinks.gif

2: Platoon Leader [PL]

PL's are generally long serving MoXies, and although it's not a requirement all are CR5. If you need general help, you can always ask a PL. They will also be more than willing to help out with squad leading, just ask! The PL's should always be prepared to take over a squad or platoon should the need arise, and are expected to have some types of transport and / or support certs for the outfit. PL's are always on the look out for new recruits, and helping them along. Platoon leaders are (currently) all MoX Officers and as such have Admin rights on Teamspeak so that they can move people from the root to the PS channel.

3: Squad Leader [SL]

SL's are proven players who have given alot to the outfit. There is no BR / CR minimum but they are experienced and give a good image for the outfit. The MoX SL's should always be prepared to do exactly that. You guys need to be sharp at leading when required, so keep at it. The next biggest role for you guys is recruitment! Get potentials into the squad, onto TS, and vet them! It's a huge responsibility, and one you must keep up with! More MoXies = more pwnage. You are also expected to have some type of squad transport ready. Other MoXies can always ask an SL for help too, and they will give you a hand with leading as well.

4: Squad Sergeant [SS]

SS's are experienced and trusted MoXies who have a good amount of battle experience, and can assist the SL with the running and manning the squad. Be prepared to take control of the squad should the SL need you to, and always keep an eye on the squad so that you can report to the SL as needed. You are a high ranked MoXie at this level and are well on your way to progressing. Also be on the
lookout for newbies in need.

5: Corporal [Cpl]

To achieve this rank you must have contributed alot to the outfit. You are expected to know the MoX gamestyle well, be able to carry out missions effectively and efficiently, and help out newer players when needed. Base and cont knowledge is a huge advantage, as well as tactical ability.

6: Lance Corporal [LCpl]

You will be promoted to LCpl when you have displayed a good grasp of MoX playstyle, have a good number of MoX hours under your cap and when you have proven yourself as an effective squad member. You should be prepared to help out newer members and carry out mission objectives well.

7: Private [Pvt]

Welcome to the MoX official ranks. You have completed your 2 week trial and are now a fully fledged Moxie. The way up doesn't end here though, you are just at the start of the road. Keep your eyes and ears peeled, learn all you can about how we play and you'll be getting up the ranks in no time. You might also find more casual PS'ers at this rank too, some of these are vet's and know the game well, so listen out for them!

8: Recruit / On Leave

You are either on your 2 week trial, or have been AFK fo a large amount of time. Please note that we boot anyone over 90 days inactive (unless you have spoken to us directly about it). Recruits that have not registered and posted on the forums requesting a trial get booted after 30 days.

That's it for the ranks, we like to reward those who offer a lot to MoX with promotion, and we hope you are proud of your ranks! We would like everyone to progress and learn, but also NEVER be afraid to pipe up with idea's / suggestions, no matter what your rank / experience. We are always open to idea's, and no-one is perfect, we all miss things.