Public => New Recruits => Topic started by: lumz on 24 July, 2010, 09:03:17 am

Title: Aion app
Post by: lumz on 24 July, 2010, 09:03:17 am

About your character/s
Ingame character names: Lumz
Class: Cleric ( best you've ever seen )
Level: 33

About yourself
Are  you familiar with Teamspeak? (voice communication is essential to PvP  and instance runs, although it is not necessary to have a mic):
Have headset, teamspeak2 and ventrilo but im shy and will take some getting to know you guys before using vent/ ts alot ( and it feels weird talking to a screen! )

Age(must be 18 years old or +): 19
Country: UK

Have you been in any other Aion Legions and what were your reasons for leaving? Angels & Demons love alot of them but a few got annoying.

Why do you want to join MoX, what type of guild you\'re looking for, and what you\'re looking for in a guild? Active legion with members around my lvl for grouping and general fun.

What are your goals in Aion, what do you want to achieve and how long do you plan to keep playing? lvl 50 and 40 twink ( Kazax )
Title: Aion app
Post by: Durin Danark on 24 July, 2010, 09:31:57 am
Your trial will last exactly 2 weeks where you will have to either bump this post or create a new one in the new recruits section for validation to become a MoXie!
Here you will be relying on the other members to sponsor you with the minimum requirement of 3 people to pass your trial. So allot a grouping and a bit of

This you will need Teamspeak for details to the server contact one of your fellow guildies or myself.
Because of Aions PvP nature we will be relying on good communication in time to come.
Also you have to read this MoX Charter which it seems you have already

During this time you will be bearing the MoX tag, wear it with pride as this does effect the Legion as a whole should you create hassle. Should you still need your tag, ask one of the MoXies your grouping with for a invite.
Good luck and see you in-game.
Title: Aion app
Post by: Deathstouch on 29 August, 2010, 11:19:04 am
app was made a month ago, is he/she still wanting to join mox now that they have had there 2 weeks...
Title: Aion app
Post by: Durin Danark on 31 August, 2010, 09:13:24 am
This Application is closed! Left the legion!