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Re: The time has come…again… by Kwik
[29 November, 2022, 08:34:06 pm]

Re: The time has come…again… by Tinbum
[27 August, 2022, 11:17:27 pm]

The time has come…again… by Tinbum
[27 August, 2022, 11:17:04 pm]

Re: Hello old friends by Chip
[29 August, 2021, 01:03:48 pm]

Re: Hello old friends by Tinbum
[25 July, 2021, 04:24:49 pm]

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MoX Charter

MoX Charter
June 2014

  • Conduct and ethics
    MoX prides itself on having an excellent community of members who share the same values. All members are expected to conduct themselves in a manner befitting the MoX name by adhering to the following rules. Violations may result in membership being revoked with or without a warning.
    • MoX members must obey the following rules at all times:
      • MoX members shall not post, say or send offensive messages (racist, sexist etc) by any means
      • MoX members shall never cheat, hack or exploit bugs in games, software or websites
      • MoX members shall never share confidential or private information from the MoX forums about tactics or activities that would give rivals or opponents an advantage over MoX
      • MoX members shall never disrupt gameplay, deliberately annoy players through their activities (e.g. griefing, spamming etc) or bully other players
      • MoX members shall always follow the rules for the server they are playing on (unless doing so would violate this charter, in which case they are advised to find another server)
    • It is hoped that MoX members will want to be a part of the MoX guild in each of the games they play, however we do understand there are situations where this is not the case. In general, MoX members are allowed to be in other guilds or play as opposing factions either in addition to or instead of being in the official MoX guild. However, captains may, at their discretion, disallow this for their game if it is believed to constitute a conflict of interest. Such cases will be dealt with on an individual basis by the captain and Council.
  • Member Hierarchy
    MoX is currently composed of the following ranks;
    • Councillor (7)
    • Captain (1 per tier 1 game)
    • Forum Officer (as required)
    • Ingame Officer (as required)
    • Member
    • Recruit
    • Guest
  • Recruitment
    • Requirements
      All applicants must meet the following requirements.
      • Be over 18 years of age
      • Have good written and verbal English skills
      • Read and agree to adhere to the MoX charter
      • Meet any additional requirements for the specific game they are applying for as specified in the recruitment section of the forum
    • Procedure
      • Recruits will be given the opportunity to play with MoX in-game. If they are interested in joining they will be invited into the in-game guild and advised to register on the MoX forum (using their ingame character name as their forum name) and then make an application in the recruitment section. If recruits do not make an application on the forum after 2 weeks they will be removed from the in-game guild.
      • The recruit shall make a new thread in the recruitment area of the MoX forum which includes their age and ideally some information about themselves to serve as an introduction. If the game has any additional requirements (e.g. gear or abilities) these should be confirmed or listed as appropriate.
      • The appropriate recruitment officer will start the recruit’s trial by posting in their application thread stating this.
      • After playing with the recruit, if MoX members feel the applicant would make a good addition to the community they will post their sponsorship in the recruit’s application thread on the forum.
      • If/when the recruit has garnered a sufficient number of sponsorships and the trial has run for at least 1 week, the recruitment officer will end the trial and ask the recruit to confirm they wish to become a MoX member by posting in their application thread on the MoX forum. The number of sponsors required is at least 2 but may be higher at the recruitment officer’s discretion - sponsorship by long term MoX members carries more weight than sponsorship by a new member. Recruitment officers may refuse membership if they believe it to be in the best interest of MoX.
      • Once the recruit has confirmed they wish to be a member after having been sponsored and accepted, they will be promoted to MoX member.
      • The recruit will be considered to be on probation for the first 6 months of their membership in MoX. They can be removed during this time if they are deemed unsuitable members.
  • Rank responsibilities and privileges
    • Councillor
      • Decisions that affect MoX as a whole will be made by The Council by way of majority vote. Where appropriate, the council will confer with officers, captains and members.
      • The council have the authority to override any decision made by captains and officers unless the captain or officers can demonstrate popular support by members.
      • Councillors have access to and moderation privileges over all areas of the forum and all MoX servers.
    • Captain
      • Captains are ultimately responsible for the tier 1 game they represent. They have authority over all decisions relating to that game but may be overruled by the council in exceptional cases. This includes decisions on alt-characters and faction-hopping rules but these must be discussed with the council for approval.
      • Captains may choose their own forum and ingame officers.
      • Captains will be given access to the Ingame Officers, Officers and Captains sections of the forum.
      • Captains will be given moderation privileges for their game’s section of the forum.
    • Forum officer
      • The responsibilities of individual forum officers will be decided by their game captain.
      • Forum officers will be given access to the Ingame Officers and Officers sections of the forum.
      • Forum officers may be given moderation privileges for their game’s section of the forum at their captain’s discretion.
    • Ingame officer
      • The responsibilities of ingame officers will be decided by their game captain.
      • Ingame officers will be given access to the Ingame Officers section of the forum.
  • Rank changes
    • All rank changes must be approved by the council.
    • All promotions are subject to the member being in good standing, having been a member for an appropriate length of time and their being active on the forums. Ingame officers, forum officers and captains must be active in-game and have shown dedication to the guild therein. Additional criteria may be required depending upon the position to be filled.
    • Promotion procedure (Captains & Councillors)
      • A post will be made on the forum stating the vacant position and its requirements. The post will remain for a minimum of 3 days. Anyone interested in taking up the position shall post their desire to be considered for the position.
      • The council will review the applicants eligibility against the criteria and inform anyone who does not meet them of the reasons they will not be allowed to stand for election.
      • A post will be made for the approved applicants to post manifestos for all members to read explaining why they believe they are the best candidate for the position. The post will remain until all candidates have posted manifestos.
      • A vote will begin for members to choose their preferred candidate for the position. The vote will remain open for a minimum of 3 days. The candidate with the most votes will be promoted to the position.
    • Promotion procedure (Forum officers)
      • The game captain will choose a candidate they believe will perform well and who meets the role criteria.
      • The council will review the candidate’s eligibility against the criteria and inform the captain of their decision.
      • If the council approves of the candidate, the candidate will be promoted to forum officer immediately.
    • Promotion procedure (Ingame officers)
      • The game captain will choose a candidate they believe will perform well and who meets the role criteria.
      • The council will review the candidate’s eligibility against the criteria and inform the captain of their decision.
      • If the council approves of the candidate, the candidate will be promoted to ingame officer immediately.
    • Resignations
      • Ingame officers, forum officers, captains and councillors who wish to resign their position and return to being a regular member may do so at any time. There will be a 2 day cooling off period for them to confirm their decision.
      • If, after the cooling off period has passed, the member still wishes to resign their position they can do so. If a replacement is required one will be sought using the above procedures.
  • Official games
    • Game tiers
      MoX has 2 tiers for official games that are supported with an organisational structure within the guild, but untiered games may also use the MoX name with permission from the council. Games will be constantly monitored for their activity and may be moved between tiers after consultation between game officials, officers, captains and council.
      • Tier 1
        The most popular games in the MoX community will be granted tier 1 status. Tier 1 games will be represented by a game captain and as many officers as the captain and council deem necessary. Tier 1 games will have their own dedicated top-tier section of the forum created.
      • Tier 2
        Less popular games which still maintain a substantial following will be granted tier 2 status. Tier 2 games are represented by a game official. Tier 2 games will have their own forum section under “Other Games.”
      • Untiered
        Games that are neither Tier 1 or 2 are untiered. They have no official representation but in many cases there does exist a MoX guild within the game.
    • Server choices
      When choosing a server for MoX to play on, all members will be free to voice their opinions and a vote will be created to choose the server type (Role Playing, Non-Role Playing, PVP, PVE etc) and individual server if necessary.
  • Servers
    • Voice
      MoX operate a voice server for the free use of all members. It is password protected at all times but the password is to be made available to all members, recruits and selected allies. The following rules apply:
      • Members should use the appropriate channels and not be disruptive by talking about non-game related subjects when in game channels (there are designated hang-out channels for that).
      • Members should refrain from using bad language as much as possible;  others in the channel may have company that can hear you.
    • Game
      From time to time, MoX may host servers for popular games via a hosting company or a dedicated server. Access to administrate these servers will be given to the council and appropriate captains and forum officers. Policing of these servers will be done by selected members and should follow the following procedure:
      • If a user is being disruptive or breaking the server rules they should be given a warning.
      • If the user continues being disruptive or breaking the server rules they shall be warned again and threatened with a kick.
      • If the user still continues, they shall be kicked from the server.
      • If the user returns and continues again, they shall be permanently banned from the server.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Donations
      MoX servers and services are provided for free to MoX members. Contributions to the running costs are very welcome and can be send to the appropriate MoX accounts organiser. There will be links on the forum to donate to the fund.
    • Complaints
      Complaints or concerns should be made known to the appropriate game captain where possible or to a councillor.