Public > Voice Comms

Mic continued to work even though not plugged in.

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I need to take anouther look at my TS set-up as I tried to use it in last night OPS event and several people were complaining that they could hear their voices being echoed back to them through my MIC.

This had not been apparent when I tested my set-up, and my mic was set to 'push to speak' and so should have been picking up anything.  However, having failed to find anything wrong I decided the only option was to rip the mic out of its plug socket.  Which I did and threw it across the room, and yet I was told that it was still feeding back people voices on the TS channel.

In the end the only way U managed to stop it was to 'mute' the mic in TS.  But I have no idea how a mic that isn't plugged in and is about six feet from the PC can still feedback peoples voices.  (it isn't a wireless mic, btw)

unplug your webcam with built in mic too :P

You're house is bugged!

I don't have a webcam.  Not sure about my house being bugged though <looks round nervously>

I was wondeirng if there was some sort of setting that feeds back sound form the speakers into the mic channel or something.  I've been recording video's woth a voice comentary so I'm wondering if something in that set-up has screwed my TS settings.

Depending on you soundcard and its drivers you can fx set your speaker output as mic input and stupid stuff like that. Also check your pc, various mobos have plugs for speaker/mic in the front and the back. Make sure you dont have anything plugged in at the wrong wholes in the back or so.
Guess you should provide abit more info about what soundcard u use and stuff.....maybe some screenies from its software or from the windows sound settings or TS settings. What windows you using anyways if you made changes in the windows sound settings.


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