Public => New Recruits => Topic started by: IceMan on 21 April, 2008, 05:43:32 pm

Title: 2 week Trial.
Post by: IceMan on 21 April, 2008, 05:43:32 pm
Hey, my name is Viktor aka IceMan. Im 18 years old and live in Sweden.
Im hereby applying to Call Of Duty 4.

Cant really say I've got any other gaming interests..I play soccer does that count?  nah, besides CoD 4 I just like to hang around with my m8's, have a few beers and some good laughs.

The reason why Im applying to MoX is that I've been in-active evers since my last clan got disolved (about a month ago) and Im now looking for a decent bunch of guys to spend som quality time with  

Besides being a good teamplayer with alot of CoD experience (CB,TWL, PCW) and a decent aim Im mostly a nice rather funny guy who likes to spend time in the company of gaming friends, prefferebly while whooping the other teams buts

--> I have read, understood and agreed to abide by the MoX Charter.

Hope to see/shoot ya'll soon!

Viktor aka IceMan
Title: 2 week Trial.
Post by: Wilbur Spoons on 21 April, 2008, 06:13:37 pm
I think i played CoD with you a couple of nights ago Iceman, nice to see you've dropped by and applied.
Title: 2 week Trial.
Post by: JXcream on 22 April, 2008, 04:22:25 pm
Quote from: IceMan
Hey, my name is Viktor aka IceMan. Im 18 years old and live in Sweden.
Im hereby applying to Call Of Duty 4.

Cant really say I've got any other gaming interests..I play soccer does that count?

no but FOOTBALL might
Title: 2 week Trial.
Post by: Durin Danark on 22 April, 2008, 08:10:26 pm
Good stuff mate sign up to X-Fire and Add me to your list, Also have a look at Enemy Down hardcore ladder you will see we are active very active.

My X-Fire: clintros

Welcome to MoX and good luck with your trial

Title: 2 week Trial.
Post by: IceMan on 22 April, 2008, 09:31:08 pm
I sure will, cheers mate!
Title: 2 week Trial.
Post by: Chip on 22 April, 2008, 10:43:58 pm
Welcome to MoX, Recruit!

Our minimum entry age is 18.

If not done so already, please:

1. Read our Charter - (
2. Get Teamspeak - ([/img)
3. Sign Up to - (

4. Xfire - ([/img) is also strongly recommended. (My user name is "Chip10". Feel free to say hi.). You can use this to join friends into any game or teamspeak.

We are a multi-gaming clan. Because of this, you should not be a member of any other gaming clans for games we already play as it would be perceived as a conflicting loyalty.


You only have access to the public forums during your trial. YOU MUST REQUEST ACCESS TO THE PRIVATE FORUMS AFTER TWO WEEKS. To do this, post a request in the 'Membership and new recruits' section, you will then have access to the private forums if/when you pass your Trial and received 3 sponsors from normal members as part of our charter.


A useful guide to logging onto out TS server can be found at (

All Server information is on - (

Any questions just ask, and don't forget the peanuts.

Your two week trial starts now..

Members please post any sponserships below for this recruit stating 2 indavidule reasons.
Title: 2 week Trial.
Post by: Tinky on 22 April, 2008, 11:33:58 pm
nice playing with you this evening iceman

feel free to add me to your x fire:twobob

and feel free to shot me and mock me as the rest do (best to date is. my god i am having a bad night even tinky higher than me)

i'll be a sponsor btw
Title: 2 week Trial.
Post by: IceMan on 23 April, 2008, 01:41:56 pm
Yeah, we had a blast and I'll make sure to add u on xfire aswell.
Thx for sponsoring me mate!!  cya l8trz...
Title: 2 week Trial.
Post by: Rosen on 23 April, 2008, 10:53:32 pm
Go Iceman.. We need some more crazy Swedes, Iceman's my rlf btw .. Gr8 seeing u here.
Title: 2 week Trial.
Post by: Yam on 24 April, 2008, 11:28:22 am
yes yes we do need more crazy swedes but lets not forget that im am the "lord of the crazy swedes" in these waters

EDIT: also i forgot, BRINGZ peanuts!!!