Public => New Recruits => Topic started by: Merlene on 08 September, 2011, 07:32:30 pm

Title: Merlene needs sponsors.
Post by: Merlene on 08 September, 2011, 07:32:30 pm
Hello friends. I would like to apologize for being immature and arrogant making that bad post but let's get down to business (some people don't appreciate women). I need sponsors to get promoted as you can see else I wouldn't be here asking for some. Why choose me? Cause I prepot, I don't mind saying peoples name out when they are bad (including myself), Im friendly, social, cool, greek (bad economy), and overall awesome ty.
Post by: Tinbum on 08 September, 2011, 11:00:35 pm
once again can someone explain that this is meant to be slightly searious?! :P
Post by: szemere on 08 September, 2011, 11:26:18 pm
Ehhm, Merlene, could you switch your title to something more... appropriate for a sponsor thread? Feel free to make silly threads besides this.
Post by: Nobz on 08 September, 2011, 11:45:06 pm
A little more seriousness would been good. :S
Post by: szemere on 09 September, 2011, 12:07:10 am
Yes, 2 threads in your lifetime with serious name and content would be not too much asked. So if this thread could be renamed by Merlene, or remade, would be great.
Post by: Kletsnat on 09 September, 2011, 12:25:36 am
Yes, this title is funny and stands out of the rest, but as mentioned before: our New Recruits section is part of our public forums and our card to people from outside the guild. So please change your title to a more appropiate title that let's people know you're looking for sponsors.

Also make sure to answer the following questions:
Why do you want to stay in MoX and become a full member?
Also what do you think of MoX as a guild?
Title: Re: Merlene needs sponsors.
Post by: Gimhra on 09 September, 2011, 12:28:48 am
What got appreciating women with anything to do? :)  And don't get us wrong.. in our little cave we have had our fair share of more or less the same ^^

Good luck in the hunt and bribes are always a good thing.. actually that particular thing is encouraged by the leading part of the guild to a great extend

- Gim, leading part of the guild (and big supporter of bribes)
Title: Re: Merlene needs sponsors.
Post by: Merlene on 09 September, 2011, 12:42:07 am
Why do you want to stay in MoX and become a full member?
Also what do you think of MoX as a guild?

Why do I want to stay In MoX: I like it here, people are friendly and relaxed. Also got my buddies here and I also made new friends. I also see potential in MoX and I beleive MoX can be a great social guild, with a better raiding enviorment.

MoX as a guild: I disagree with many things about MoX like DKP system, banking managment, and a few more things which I can discuss all you want on mummble. Raid quality good be much better too if some things changed. Overall its fun though and people are nice to play with and hang around.
Title: Re: Merlene needs sponsors.
Post by: Merlene on 09 September, 2011, 12:42:43 am
What got appreciating women with anything to do? :)  And don't get us wrong.. in our little cave we have had our fair share of more or less the same ^^

Good luck in the hunt and bribes are always a good thing.. actually that particular thing is encouraged by the leading part of the guild to a great extend

- Gim, leading part of the guild (and big supporter of bribes)

I liked this post friend.
Title: Re: Merlene needs sponsors.
Post by: Kletsnat on 09 September, 2011, 12:46:26 am
Cheers Merlene, thanks for the feedback ;)

Happy we ran into you, so get this guy some sponsors, he definitely is a good addition to the guild!
Title: Re: Merlene needs sponsors.
Post by: Sevuna on 09 September, 2011, 08:13:59 am
Cant really say i'm really up to it... cant vote anyway duo to my short membership but just pointing out some stuff.

In BH 2 weeks ago, she asked me if I needed disc pvp gear at the beginning of the raid, told her i dont really ''need'' it.  (i am planning on collecting at some point). She told me she didnt need anything else besides disc pvp gear and if I would mind if I would pass on the disc gear.

Well no problem, guildies among each other right?

At some point the 378 shadow set legs dropped, being the only other priest besides her, I rolled for my OS and at the last minute she rolled for MS (cause she was in shadow) and she won it. Found that a little bit, weird cause she claimed she didnt need anything else besides disc pvp gear.

Soon she whispered me that i could have the legs cause she didnt really ''need'' it anyway cause it isnt BiS she told me.

So at the end of the raid she trades me the legs and at the moment i click trade AFTER asking her if she was sure, she told me she wants them back...

I asked her why the sudden change of heart and she told me that i was playing on a alt (apparently some officer accidentally made my alt, main rank and my main, alt rank). So i explained her this is my main and then she starts talking stuff about how i'm under geared (I hit lvl 85 only a few days earlier). and that she's a raider and thus more important.

Because I don't like having a bad name and don't want to start a rascus and in the end, she won the roll (even though she said she wouldn't roll on other stuff). I trade her back the legs.

She then told me, she would buy me 359 BoE legs in return.

Where 1.5 week further now and she haven't said a single word to me about it.

Just to make clear, I don't care about the leg's(no really, screw those) but the point i'm trying to make here is its the thoughts behind it... about promising ppl stuff and just ditch them.

I'm missing the entire guild feeling here and I don't find her really social at all in the guild chat.

Title: Re: Merlene needs sponsors.
Post by: Merlene on 09 September, 2011, 10:09:04 am
Cant really say i'm really up to it... cant vote anyway duo to my short membership but just pointing out some stuff.

In BH 2 weeks ago, she asked me if I needed disc pvp gear at the beginning of the raid, told her i dont really ''need'' it.  (i am planning on collecting at some point). She told me she didnt need anything else besides disc pvp gear and if I would mind if I would pass on the disc gear.

Well no problem, guildies among each other right?

At some point the 378 shadow set legs dropped, being the only other priest besides her, I rolled for my OS and at the last minute she rolled for MS (cause she was in shadow) and she won it. Found that a little bit, weird cause she claimed she didnt need anything else besides disc pvp gear.

Soon she whispered me that i could have the legs cause she didnt really ''need'' it anyway cause it isnt BiS she told me.

So at the end of the raid she trades me the legs and at the moment i click trade AFTER asking her if she was sure, she told me she wants them back...

I asked her why the sudden change of heart and she told me that i was playing on a alt (apparently some officer accidentally made my alt, main rank and my main, alt rank). So i explained her this is my main and then she starts talking stuff about how i'm under geared (I hit lvl 85 only a few days earlier). and that she's a raider and thus more important.

Because I don't like having a bad name and don't want to start a rascus and in the end, she won the roll (even though she said she wouldn't roll on other stuff). I trade her back the legs.

She then told me, she would buy me 359 BoE legs in return.

Where 1.5 week further now and she haven't said a single word to me about it.

Just to make clear, I don't care about the leg's(no really, screw those) but the point i'm trying to make here is its the thoughts behind it... about promising ppl stuff and just ditch them.

I'm missing the entire guild feeling here and I don't find her really social at all in the guild chat.


Half the story is worse than a lie :>
Title: Re: Merlene needs sponsors.
Post by: Pebbles on 09 September, 2011, 10:31:16 am
You could say i dont rember it or something like that but dont say he lies cause i know for sure he doesnt lie about it.
That and something happend a week or 2 before that you said to me some words that werent nice and you appoliged a few days later (ok i accept that) but if you stay doing things like that sorry but no sponsorship from me.
Title: Re: Merlene needs sponsors.
Post by: Gimhra on 09 September, 2011, 11:32:47 am

This is the reason why you got veterans and officers.. if you experience stuff like this please take it up with us so we can address the situation and avoid stuff like this on our public forum :)

Not saying you have to come whining to us everytime you feel misstreated, but if it has had such a big impact on your gaming experience in the guild or relation to a guildie, or as in this case the future of a recruit, then please notify us..

Now with that said.. I don't really know any of you two that well and can't say what has happened but that's probably the worst reply you could ever ever write Merlene if you were innocent.. This is not going to turn into a big discussion or flamefest, if this topic becomes anything else than a list about sponsoring I'll close it and those derailing it will be penalized.

Everyone has had the change to make up their own mind about Merlene and I'd like for people to stick to their own impression, thank you :)

- Gim

Title: Re: Merlene needs sponsors.
Post by: Joclemen on 09 September, 2011, 12:04:31 pm
Well, I came to this thread initially with intent to sponsor and ended up having to do some deliberating.

I'd echo what Gim says - Officers and Vets are there for a reason, please use us. But also, more importantly, try to work these issues out amongst yourselves if possible, as adults should. MoX is a big community, and everyone has disagreeances, arguements and misunderstandings from time to time, but MoXies are your friends, and that should always be at the forefront of your mind. Quite often, the subtleties of communication are lost between a large group using a common language that may or may not be their first, so patience and understanding really are the key to harmony (maaaaaan).

I hope you two can talk it out in private, because it'd be a shame to have people in the community that couldn't see eye-to-eye because of one incident. I know, from what I've seen whilst online, that you're both bigger than that, so to that end I'm going to /sponsor Merlene - because I trust him to talk this out, and wish to give him opportunity to do so.

Asides from that, he is an exemplary raider. Involved on Mumble, good-spirited, knowledgable and after speaking to (probably more like 'at') him a great deal about the group who have joined with him (Lif, EnBee, Ailwyn, et al), believe that he will soon be an exemplary MoXie too.

I truly hope you get your sponsors, and that you manage to reach an amicable conclusion with Sevuna.
Title: Re: Merlene needs sponsors.
Post by: Merlene on 09 September, 2011, 12:31:26 pm
No need to sponsor me for anything don't think i'll continue raiding. Don't like the fact that random people waited for me to post my sponsor post to start their personal attacks at me. Also for that idiot who said on mummble something about me taking the embers is a waste well you know where you can shove them sir :> peace. Bli. Also thanks Sagiv, Jocle, Rams, and Muffin. Hope you never change.
Title: Re: Merlene needs sponsors.
Post by: Ramsay on 09 September, 2011, 12:47:41 pm
Title: Re: Merlene needs sponsors.
Post by: Tinbum on 09 September, 2011, 02:10:56 pm

Why do I want to stay In MoX: I like it here, people are friendly and relaxed. Also got my buddies here and I also made new friends. I also see potential in MoX and I beleive MoX can be a great social guild, with a better raiding enviorment.

MoX as a guild: I disagree with many things about MoX like DKP system, banking managment, and a few more things which I can discuss all you want on mummble. Raid quality good be much better too if some things changed. Overall its fun though and people are nice to play with and hang around.

thats just mox wow...the rest of us are awesome ;)
Title: Re: Merlene needs sponsors.
Post by: Warguard on 09 September, 2011, 02:38:43 pm
I came here to drop a sponsor only to find a massacre, just ... wth...
Title: Re: Merlene needs sponsors.
Post by: Gimhra on 09 September, 2011, 04:17:18 pm

Why do I want to stay In MoX: I like it here, people are friendly and relaxed. Also got my buddies here and I also made new friends. I also see potential in MoX and I beleive MoX can be a great social guild, with a better raiding enviorment.

MoX as a guild: I disagree with many things about MoX like DKP system, banking managment, and a few more things which I can discuss all you want on mummble. Raid quality good be much better too if some things changed. Overall its fun though and people are nice to play with and hang around.

thats just mox wow...the rest of us are awesome ;)

Tinbum can you please keep away from anything wow related if you don't have anything to contribute with? :)

Besides that I'm looking forward to hear what you got that we can do different.. Different opinions are always welcome

- Gim
Title: Re: Merlene needs sponsors.
Post by: sickman on 09 September, 2011, 04:21:23 pm
I don't know what happened between u guys and what's the misunderstanding but i agree that you can just talk and solve things out. Merlene is a really good raider, knows what he is doing in raids and in my opinion would be a really good addition to the guild.

Wish u best of luck from me in getting ur sponsors too bad i cant sponsor u yet :) hope u are given the chance to stick around could use another greek person in the guild :)