Public => New Recruits => Topic started by: Magnesiuz on 15 November, 2012, 08:24:52 pm

Title: Magnesiuz Looking For Sponsors
Post by: Magnesiuz on 15 November, 2012, 08:24:52 pm
As a Elemental/Resto Shaman for Team Rocket aswell as my little time playing World of warcraft outside raids since I just moved it's been hard for me to communicate with people in MoX. I was hoping some love could be shown towards a fellow gamer.

On the PLUS SIDE!:

- I play League of Legends as a AD carry mostly
- I Love football :D (I am that crazy guy that thinks Chelsea will win CL again and still think Arsenal will win thropies)

Sponsor this poor shaman :)
Title: Re: Magnesiuz Looking For Sponsors
Post by: Vuig on 16 November, 2012, 09:35:06 am
Dear Team Rocket member,

Due to tomany failures I am placing Meoth in youre care, if you want to pass this trial get me cookies/pots/w.e usefull in game.

On the Minus side:

- You play LOL

Plus side:

- You are a Shaman!


PS:: I'd love to sponsor you guys this upcomming week! WoL Looks good :)
 Bribes can be sent to bloodleĆ„f by ingame mail.
Title: Re: Magnesiuz Looking For Sponsors
Post by: Magnesiuz on 17 November, 2012, 03:00:40 am
Show me a fellow shaman love :)
Title: Re: Magnesiuz Looking For Sponsors
Post by: Kletsnat on 25 November, 2012, 01:16:04 pm
Hey Magnesiuz,

It's good to see you have a passion for gaming and the fact that this shines through in your dedication to Team Rocket.
So try to poke/bribe a few people in-game you've played with for more sponsors, so we can promote you already!
