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Author Topic: Want to join MoX's Rank's  (Read 2719 times)

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Want to join MoX's Rank's
« on: 11 September, 2007, 01:28:08 am »
Nick: Furyen
Class: Rogue
Level: 70
Server: Grim Batol
Professions: Jewel-Crafter and Miner
/played (type it in WoW): 14 Days-17 Hours

Do you have Teamspeak? (voice communication is essential to our raiding, although it is not necessary to have a mic):Ofc also Have Mic (But some how cant get it to work)

Country: Netherlands

Would you be willing to change your build for the guild?
Yeah if that is needed.

How often do you play WoW (typical weekly playtime and which hours)?
Dayly, if im free from the time i wake until i am tired, when working after work (Around 18:30)

Our Raid times are from 20:00 to 0:00 server time with invites starting at 19:30, are you able to be available for the whole duration?
Yeah Ofc, im kinda a night person so i go to sleep around 1-2 O'clock so np for me there.
Have you been in another guild? Which one(s)?
Have been GL for 1 year or so pre Tbc, Guild was named Underworld/Underverse
After that i went to The Valour Legion which i have been in for around 6-7 months
Come and Get Me

Post a link to a profile so we can see your equipment, or post your equipment along with your application. World of Warcraft Armory is sufficient in most cases.
 Wel i can link my Gear but it kinda sux since i just dinged with this char. (1 Day 70)

Resistance gear of note: Not realy but can get some if needed ofc

Are you attuned to Karazhan?
Not yet just need to do BM but Pug Sux so bad these days not to mension the lack of tanks


Now when you´re done with the "basics", we´re on to what´s important in the application! Here we want you to explain a little about different aspects of your character and the game, so we can ensure you are suitable.

So, write a few sentences about:

Talents: Wel ive tryed some specs (on this char) like fully Combat and Assasination..But not realy much to say about it its just that ,my curraint specc (30/31/00) feels lrealy good for pvp and Pve aswel..
Assasination is Nice but in Pvp your Doomed if the see you becouse you have to have it from Stealth and the first Ambush..
Combat is nice for Dmg in the longer fights but stil kinda slow in Finishing moves..
Thats why i like it best half in Assasination (30 point) and half in Combat (31 points) for more dps critt's and more Finishing moves also very nice Imo in longer fights..

Explain why you´re using the spec you are, what specs you´ve tried, and why you came to the conclusion that this specs suits you the best.

Gear: Wel im going after the Rogue Dungeon set and add it with some random's and from there going to upgrade with Heroic parts and for my Weapon's, wel atm im dagger's with nice end Dps (Sinister Strike) but going for crafted Sword's "Felsteel Longblade's" Duel Wield ehm..Until than duel wield Latro shifting sword from Bm.

Talk a bit about what gear you´re aiming for, this is EXTREMELY important for those without good gear. Basically just give us a list of what gear you´re aiming to get (what you think is the best possible gear for your class+spec). Where is your current equipment lacking now?

Guild: Wel it seems kinda Cocky but ive been playing Wow for nearly aslong as it exists...and ive been in "some" nice guilds like Tvl (Stil in it with 1 Char, but as Comm inv becouse i went inactive for 2-3 months due to Internet probs) but i always come and a point where the guild want to make progress but the just cant (Not Tvl but others like Come and Get Me) becouse of ppl are to Noobish in some way, and ofc ppl make mistake's but the should learn from it and most players wont learn..the just dont care..and sadly that is killing the "More Skilled" players since the cant get better (achive more) if te others wont learn..and some how i feel that i must join a good guild who know that concept of learning from your mistake's.
I hope to Find that ix MoX since the are in top 3 of the server.

Why you want to join MoX, what type of guild you´re looking for, and what you´re looking for in a guild.

WoW: Wel im playing it from beginning so i wont Quit that easely, and my goals are to join 1 of the most skilled Guild's and become 1 of the most skilled players aswel, I feel i have the skil in terms of knowing how the game works and stuff but i lack the guild. but in general have a good time whle playing Wow, becouse in the end it is and remains a game.

What are your goals in wow, what do you want to achieve and how long do you plan to keep playing?

Additional Information:

Is there anything else you feel is relevant to your application or that you would like us to know?

Yeah i feel there is. I have cleared Ful karazhan ,Magtheridons Lair, Gruul's lair and killed Void Reaver in TK and i wanna add that i have More Charachters like my First char (il add them in the way i lvl'd them)
Cursed Male Orc Lvl 70 Warrior (Not that good geared since it is my mining charachter)
Crematoria Female Undead Mage Lvl 70 (Best geared charachter i have, since i done Ful Kara with it);n=Crematoria
Loxias Male Tauren Druid Lvl 70 (Medium geared , Meaning full blue from Instances)
Hulky Male Orc Hunter Lvl 65 (Kinda lost interest becouse its so Borring imo)
Furyen Male Blood Elf Rogue Lvl 70 (Medium geared Random Blue's from instances and quests)

Wel i applyed with this charachter becouse its my most reccend charachter and i like Rogue allot but if you guys can use any of my other Lvl 70's than np.

Greets Furyen, Thx for taking the time to read it and if some on have questions or want me to add some thing feel free to Whisper me Ig,

« Last Edit: 11 September, 2007, 01:50:42 am by Furyen »

Offline Chilblain

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« Reply #1 on: 12 September, 2007, 12:53:54 pm »
Sorry to say this but your gear is not up to scratch im afraid. We rarely do Karazhan and gruul/maggy these days so were really only recruiting players who are ready to jump on the SSC/TK bandwagon right away.

Good luck finding a guild though


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Want to join MoX's Rank's
« Reply #2 on: 12 September, 2007, 04:12:23 pm »
Thx anyways and il work on my Gear ofc, But if i understand it Correctly it would be considered to give me a trial if only my gear would be better..? Wel without an active guild the best i can get it is Pre Kara, would be Crafted and/or heroic items..

Greets Furyen

Offline Decomposer

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« Reply #3 on: 12 September, 2007, 04:25:31 pm »
Quote from: Furyen
Thx anyways and il work on my Gear ofc, But if i understand it Correctly it would be considered to give me a trial if only my gear would be better..? Wel without an active guild the best i can get it is Pre Kara, would be Crafted and/or heroic items..

Greets Furyen

Like Chil said, we can really only recruit exceptionally geared people at the moment as our focus lies on getting SSC and TK cleared and then moving on. We really don't have the resources to "gear people up" to get to the stage where they can raid said instances with us, sorry. I don't think it will take you too long to find an active guild though where you can gear up your rogue nicely. Until then, take care and good luck

"Aggro is a concept invented by the other classes to oppress Warlocks." - Decomposer


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Want to join MoX's Rank's
« Reply #4 on: 12 September, 2007, 06:24:45 pm »
Ok, Thx for your Reactions guys and for take'ing the time to read the application.
Gl in SSC and Tk guys keep up the good work  

If you guys are ever in need of a Skilled Player just let me know.

Greets Furyen