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Author Topic: Kravors Wow App.  (Read 1874 times)

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Offline Gore

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Kravors Wow App.
« on: 13 December, 2007, 03:27:19 am »
Posted for my friend Rasmus, who have been one of my best friends for the last 15 years, so biiiiig vouch from here. Good player, knows his class, knows his gear and in general a nice and mature guy.

Name: Rasmus Loft

Nick: Kravor
Class: Warlock
Level: 70
Server: Grim Batol
Professions: Herbalism / Alchemy
/played (type it in WoW): 37d (11@70)

Do you have Teamspeak? (voice communication is essential to our raiding, although it is not necessary to have a mic):
Age: 25
Country: Denmark

Would you be willing to change your build for the guild?  Yes

How often do you play WoW (typical weekly playtime and which hours)?  18~24 most weeknights and some weekends.
Our Raid times are from 20:00 to 0:00 server time with invites starting at 19:30, are you able to be available for the whole duration? yes
Have you been in another guild? Which one(s)? Quru

Post a link to a profile so we can see your equipment, or post your equipment along with your application. World of Warcraft Armory is sufficient in most cases.

Resistance gear of note:

Are you attuned to Karazhan? Yes


Now when you´re done with the "basics", we´re on to what´s important in the application! Here we want you to explain a little about different aspects of your character and the game, so we can ensure you are suitable.

So, write a few sentences about:

Talents: I have tried a bit different builds, I will respec if I join mox after talking with class leader to find out what you want, but I will definitely take 5 point in suppression. Improved imp, improved HS and shadow embrace I will decide after talking with you.

Explain why you´re using the spec you are, what specs you´ve tried, and why you came to the conclusion that this specs suits you the best.
Well, I have fooled around with some demo build, but have not found them useful in raids, I like the playing style of aff, but if I had to go desto, due to too many aff locks, I would get the 15% increased shadow dam from demo.


Talk a bit about what gear you´re aiming for, this is EXTREMELY important for those without good gear. Basically just give us a list of what gear you´re aiming to get (what you think is the best possible gear for your class+spec). Where is your current equipment lacking now?

I have, until the patch, been farming heroic epics, badge of judge epics and dungeon set pieces. Since the patch I have been farming season 1 gear, since this will push my stats passed 10k HP and 1k ShaD no problem. I am 18 / 41 badges from trinket.
I will buy the spell blade as soon as I can grind the honor. As soon as I get an epic I socket and enchant. I hope to soon get more raid pieces, but so for I have yet to win a roll. My current gear will get me hitcapped with 5 points in suppression, at exactly 77 hit.


Why you want to join MoX, what type of guild you´re looking for, and what you´re looking for in a guild.

I have been looking for a raiding guild since I reached lvl 70, but most have had unserious players, inexperienced raid leaders, or extreme raiding schedules, only raiding a few hours Friday nights is an example.
My expectations for mox are a raiding guild with serious players who put the raid first and their own progression second. Also, a friendly environment where people help each other when possible and have fun when time allows.


What are your goals in wow, what do you want to achieve and how long do you plan to keep playing?


My goals in wow are to have fun and to see more of the endgame contents, and to experience the fun of talking down big bosses. I hope to continue raiding in WotLK and see the new raiding instances, so I have no plans to stop any time soon.

Additional Information:

Is there anything else you feel is relevant to your application or that you would like us to know?

I’m always prepared to raid, with flasks, buff food, and a full 26slot SS-bag.

I am an elixir master, I can make the tanking flask, and have 7 currently.

 Hope to see you all in raid soon


Goresh - 80 Resto/Balance druid
Gorelag - 80 Prot/Arms warrior
Anarith - 72 Ret/Holy paladin
Kaelthar - 71 Frost mage

Offline Carym

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Kravors Wow App.
« Reply #1 on: 13 December, 2007, 02:27:26 pm »
I will speak to you both in game.
85 Druid