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Author Topic: WoW Application...  (Read 3768 times)

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Offline Lovesdeath

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WoW Application...
« on: 15 July, 2016, 12:14:00 pm »

Applications type: Social player/Raiding(when time permits)
Name: Alexandra (Lovesdeath)
Age: 25
Country: Ireland
What other games apart from WoW do you play?: LOTRO, Dreamfall Chapters, RPG/Fantasy mainly.
A bit about yourself: Casual gaming for now inbetween college. Me and my partner play WoW together. He's an old Moxie also looking to come back.

How often do you play WoW (typical weekly playtime and which hours)?: Often over the summer. Most nights tbh. Less over the winter due to college. Have only recently returned to the game since WOTLK and want to be part of a good guild.

What high level alts do you have?: None. Lovesdeath my DK is my main. Wish to dedicate time to one character to specialize.

Why did you chose the class you are now playing and the professions you selected?: I picked the class because I didn't like playing as a caster and preferred close up and personal. I also like undead/elf's so was a perfect combination. I chose tailoring cause I'm making good money on the AH and enchanting for gear.


Do you have Teamspeak? No ( Can soon get it)

Our Raid times are from 20:00 to 0:00 server time with invites starting at 19:30. This will also be the case when doing our social/alt raids so make sure you can stay for the duration if you sign up for one of these runs.

Have you been in another guild?
Nope. Have always wanted to be in MoX as my partner was even in WOTLK days but was a low level 

Feel free to list your PvE experiences in the game:

I like helping my partner quest and boost through dungeons.

If you apply for PvP:
- What experience do you have in Rated BGs/Arenas? None recently, but i have been off wow for 6 years and am starting to get back into it , i did pvp back in the day. but id be very rusty now a days

- What experience do you have in raids? None. Really, really want to start raiding.
- Do you have a PvP spec and glyphs and/or willing to change from your PvE to PvP spec if taken along to PvP events?: Yes I am willing to learn.
- What current gear for PvP do you currently have?: None.

Explain a little about what you like to do in World of Warcraft: Looking to play with friends and do dungeons and raiding. I am doing DPS at the moment but would like to eventually Tank but understand this takes time and practice to learn.


Do you know anyone in MoX who can vouch for you?: Yes (Quickstab) my partner who used to play a Troll Hunter called Karanak as his main. I also knew (Bloodray) & (Allyganker) who were know as Mike & Ray but not sure if they play anymore.

Explain a bit about why you want to join MoX?: Because they are one of the oldest guilds on Grim Batol. Want to join a experienced guild I can grow and develop with as a player.

What type of guild are you looking for?: Social/PvE/PvP/Raiding etc...

Additional Information:

Confirmation that you have read, understood and agree to abide by the MoX Charter (Yes/No): Yes

Is there anything else you feel is relevant to your application or that you would like us to know? I can be a quiet person but this is only because I am uncomfortable typing due to being dyslexic but this means i just get some spellings wrong and i can be very aware of it , i am very friendly even with my spelling errors . I am always willing to help people out.

trial started 13/07/2016
« Last Edit: 15 July, 2016, 05:56:08 pm by Lovesdeath »

Offline Pain

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Re: WoW Application...
« Reply #1 on: 15 July, 2016, 10:12:10 pm »
I spell shit wrong all the time, but I understnad the meaning behind it like most, so np. invited to guild.

