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Author Topic: [WoW] Gonti - Resto Druid  (Read 2734 times)

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Offline Gonti

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[WoW] Gonti - Resto Druid
« on: 26 January, 2012, 09:09:01 pm »

Applications type (Raider):
- Raider
- Thomas Storli
- 18
- Norway
What other games apart from WoW do you play?:
- LoL (Rarely, mostly playing WoW)
A bit about yourself:
- Well, my name is Thomas, playing wow because I like it alot. Still living home with my parents. Using most of my spare time playing wow and hang out with friends :) Ive been here before as some of u might know. Disnys back then. Im applying again because I really miss the time I had with all of you, and haven't been in such a guild ever.


Armory Link:

Character name: Gonti
Class: Worgen
Level: 85
Current server: Grim Batol
- MS: Restoration ( 10-0-31 ) This specc is without Dispell - Living Seed - Furor. Im using this specc mostly for pure healing with my hots and quick heals. Fights like Morchok hc - Yor'sah hc and such.
- OS: Restoration ( 8-2-31 ) Specc with Dispell - Living Seed - Furor (2/3) But without Blessing Of The Grove - Genesis. Using this specc for Hagara HC etc if dispell is needed. Also somewhat a tank healing specc. Using Living Seed for strong heals without extra hot healing.
- Alchemy 525: Got this one for more duration on flasks + easy way to farm some golds. Will change this for JC in the further, but no idea when I will have the golds for it :)
- Enchanting 525: Got this mostly for 40 int on both rings + easier way for me to enchant items right away and spare few golds on fee :)
How often do you play WoW (typical weekly playtime and which hours)?:
- 16:00 - 00:00 ish - About 76 hours each week based on 7 days. Might be +/- in there, depending on what im doing that week and such.
What high level alts do you have?:
- Atm i do got 10 alts in 85. But only my mage + lock at horde side.
- Tablemaker(PvP):
- Idotu(Not played on at all tbf):
Ally side/decent PvE geared:
- Htc(Disc):
-Nèver(Combat): (Few pvp items here still)
-Flashbang (Holy):


Do you have Teamspeak? (Voice communication is essential to our raiding and it's highly recommended you get a mic if you don't have one already):
- I do got TeamSpeak - Mumble - Raidcall - Ventrilo etc. I also got a mic, and im using a bit to much to be fair :p

List the relevant raiding add-ons you use:
MSBT ( MikScrollingBattleText)

We expect all members to attend any raids with food and flasks to last the whole raid night and being repaired and ready to pull at 20.00

Our Raid times are from 20:00 to 0:00 server time with invites starting at 19:30. On which days will you be available for the whole duration? (A raidgroup usually only raids up to 3 nights a week)
Wednesday: No
Thursday: Yes
Friday: Sometimes
Saturday: No
Sunday: Yes
Monday: Yes
Tuesday: Yes

Have you been in another guild? (Yes/No):
- Yes

Which one(s)? And why did you leave?:
- Beyond: Disbanded after been up for 6 years. Was in this guild for about 2 months, and killed 8/8 DS + 1/8 DS HC.
- Got Issues: Not a guild for me at all. Was recommended this guild from a good friend i met ingame. I found out that my computer is not that solid for 25man raiding, and the atmosphere was not good at all. 1 wipe on Yor'sah HC and several people whined for about 10 minutes and also 2 of their members "faked" DC.

Please list your relevant raid experience, stating which encounters you have personal experience of at the current level cap:
- Vanilla: Did not play at this time im afraid

- BC: Started 1 week before WOTLK came out, so did not clear anything.

Sartharion 3d
Had a break at Ulduar, made 4/13
Totc HC
ICC normal cleared. Some hc's

Cleared all at Normal
Bot 1/5 HC
BWD 1/6 HC
Tot4W 0/2 HC
FL 5/7 HC
DS 1/8 HC ( Got tries on Lord - Yor - Hagara - Ultraxx || Allmost killed Yor + Ultraxx ) But i do know tactics for 5/8!


Now when you are done with the "basics", we want you to explain a little about different aspects of your character.


Why did you chose the class you are now playing and the professions you selected?:
- I did choose druid as my main because i simply love druids. Ive been playing resto since i started with my druid ( Had a break as resto when i joined u guys as feral ) One of the things i do like about druids are that they got all 3 speccs ( Tank - Healer - DPS ) Mainly reason that i choosed resto is because I like holding people up, and also be responsible for our guildies death due raids :p

- About my professions i mentioned that above, but I can also say it here: Choosed Alchemy for some quick golds, longer duration on flask and easy avaible to make my own flasks aswell, instead of using a lot more golds buying them off AH. Got Enchanting for 40 intellect on both rings and to be easier avaible to create enchants for both my main and alts.

Talent specialisation:

Would you be willing to change your build for the guild?:
- Ofc, this is not a problem at all! Give me a /w ingame or a mail and this will happend whenever I'll see it.
Do you have two viable PvE speccs?:
-  Atm I only got resto x2 as i said before. I can easly respecc if you need me to do so. Got mostly OS gear as tank/cat but do got my resto gear + trinkets for moonkin that works fine for atleast normals.

Do you feel your character is sufficiently geared to compete in the Dragon Soul encounters?:
- Yes, im pretty sure it is. At this moment im mostly reforged to mastery, and got my haste breakpoint (  2005 haste ) As Got Issues ( Current guild ) are 25man I do got abit to much spirit. When I played in Beyond we did go 10man HC, and never had a mana issue, so might fix abit on my reforging. Other from that I just miss a lot of Epic gems ( 50int ) Only reason for this is lacking of golds, and also lacking of sellers at alliance side.
Where do you think your current equipment is lacking now?:

Do you know anyone in MoX who can vouch for you?:
- I do know most of the members from FL. Played mostly with Anelith - Sagiv - Backalive - Bloodray ( pvp ) - Angeldeelite. Also loads of other people I did dungeons etc with :)
Why do you want to join MoX?: I want to join MoX again mostly cause of the atmosphere. Never been in a guild with that nice members. Also because i do know that all your raiders know what their doing, and are stabile.

What type of guild are you looking for?:
- Im looking for a nice guild, with good atmosphere first of all. Also wanna be proud of being in a guild that are doing great with no such things like " Ninja " members. A guild that r going for HC progress and a 10man guild for sure. Will not be a problem for me if MoX r going to be a 25 man raiding guild in the future, cause i will order a new computer within the month :)

What are your goals in wow, what do you want to achieve and how long do you plan to keep playing?
- Kill madness HC, meet some new ingame buddy's and enjoy the game. Wouldn't mind 10k + achivements tho :D

Additional Information:

Confirmation that you have read, understood and agree to abide by the MoX Charter (Yes/No):
- Yes

Is there anything else you feel is relevant to your application or that you would like us to know?
- I do got some small internet issues. Can happend that im without internet for 1 whole day. This have not happend to me for over a month, but I do remember it happend around 1-2 times a month before. But I also got a laptop that can handle 10man raiding as back up, so should not be a problem at all! And like i said - will have a new one soon ( In februray sometime )
- Im Ally atm, but will come to the horde side very soon :)

Big thanks to Piffnifty at!

Offline Chi

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Re: [WoW] Gonti - Resto Druid
« Reply #1 on: 26 January, 2012, 09:49:03 pm »
Nice post, im sure a wow officer will come along and sort things out soon enough :)

Offline Lithia

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Re: [WoW] Gonti - Resto Druid
« Reply #2 on: 26 January, 2012, 10:10:50 pm »
Hi there - is this your old user?;u=24518

I'm sure the WoW officers and admins can sort you out though, so you have only one active user :)

*tiptoes out of thread and leaves it to the WoW guys*

LOTRO: Lithia (81 Hunter pew pew) / various alts at all levels

No, I do not have a playernote on Lithia, and may I quote myself: Neverr!!!

Offline Ramsay

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Re: [WoW] Gonti - Resto Druid
« Reply #3 on: 26 January, 2012, 10:15:00 pm »
I just want to thank you for your well explained leaving of MoX.
"Major kudos to those who still play healers, your ability to deal with the changes is truly amazing. I wish there were more of you but there is not, and we are all suffering because of it"

Offline szemere

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Re: [WoW] Gonti - Resto Druid
« Reply #4 on: 26 January, 2012, 10:24:21 pm »
Yeah, okay, let's get straight to the point here.

You don't deny anywhere that you haven't been in MoX. Yet you do make a totally new account, to re-apply, while you already have a Full Member access account. Asking for re-admission into the guild and applying for Raider rank once again seems more logical to me.

Also, you don't seem to list us in the "Which guilds have you been in and why did you leave?" Because I am VERY interested to see why you left. You see, I don't recall you leaving in an appropriate manner at all.

Also, "Worgen" is not a class.

Offline Kletsnat

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Re: [WoW] Gonti - Resto Druid
« Reply #5 on: 26 January, 2012, 10:26:13 pm »
Also, "Worgen" is not a class.

Made my day :D
Guildmaster of Artifex
Klets - Zipora - Segev - Sagiv

Offline Gonti

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Re: [WoW] Gonti - Resto Druid
« Reply #6 on: 26 January, 2012, 10:44:23 pm »
Thanks for fast respons :)

The reason that I made a new account is because when I logged into mumble/TS i could not use any other names, so people asked several times who I was. Thought this would be easier for people that dont recognize my voice. But sure thing, I will make new apply as Thomas3440 user, and explain in details why I leaved MoX, ok? :)

- Regards Gonti/Thomas

Big thanks to Piffnifty at!

Offline Kletsnat

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Re: [WoW] Gonti - Resto Druid
« Reply #7 on: 26 January, 2012, 10:51:40 pm »
Nah just stick to this apply, since it's no use posting the same app twice.

But yeah feel free to eloberate on why you left MoX in the first place :)
Guildmaster of Artifex
Klets - Zipora - Segev - Sagiv

Offline szemere

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Re: [WoW] Gonti - Resto Druid
« Reply #8 on: 26 January, 2012, 10:57:06 pm »
Thanks for fast respons :)

The reason that I made a new account is because when I logged into mumble/TS i could not use any other names, so people asked several times who I was. Thought this would be easier for people that dont recognize my voice. But sure thing, I will make new apply as Thomas3440 user, and explain in details why I leaved MoX, ok? :)

- Regards Gonti/Thomas

The whole reason I found it odd why you applied on this character, is that when you would get back on your other character, you are still officially a member, and would be just able to whisper anyone in the guild to get back in as normal member. The only thing you would have to do is re-apply for Raider rank in the class forums.

But that's not really the big deal to me. If you want to get back in as raider, the thing I want to know is why you left, and why you think you want back in.

Offline Gonti

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Re: [WoW] Gonti - Resto Druid
« Reply #9 on: 26 January, 2012, 11:16:15 pm »
I leaved MoX after some awesome weeks, cause of my IRL life. The week before I leaved your guild, I broke up with my GF. I found out that she was cheating on me, so was upset for a long time. Backalive can confirm that I was not my self at this time.

I could not see any fun about this game anymore, so I was planing on quitting. After few days I found out that quitting this game won't do shit, in the case i'm fine whenever im online, but not whenever i'm not. So i started playing more casual and raided whenever I was in the mude for it. I'm very sorry for my actions, and don't expect you to take me in again either. But I wanted to give it a try, for the reason I miss those times when I was playing with you.

I thought i sent Sagiv a in game mail with an explaination like this, but for some odd reasons he never had it. I know this is not a good explaination for leaving the guild, I could just ask for a social member spot or something like that, but I did what I did and i'm sorry for it.

I wanna come back to MoX because I have stabilized my life, and can't see any problems show up now. I feel sorry for what I did to you, and hope I can change that with coming back and help as much as I can do. I leaved you on an unmature way, and wanna do my best to make up for it!

- Regards Gonti

Big thanks to Piffnifty at!

Offline Poochi

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Re: [WoW] Gonti - Resto Druid
« Reply #10 on: 27 January, 2012, 10:07:32 am »
I feel you broski, I know that you had some rough times when you broke up with your GF. Seeing as I'm le best mate irl I can confirm that all of what's been said from gonti is fo'real! And I would really love to see him back in the ranks!

Big thanks to i4ni @

Offline Kletsnat

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Re: [WoW] Gonti - Resto Druid
« Reply #11 on: 27 January, 2012, 08:20:16 pm »
Hey Disnys,

Im just going to call you Disnys, since that's how I know you :D
Your application is pretty awesome and really shows how much you liked it here.
Your apology is honest and shows your remorse for leaving MoX WoW in the first place. However you've never done anything against MoX's community rules and are still a MoXie as far as the WoW Officer Team is concerned. Meaning you can always can get an invite back to the guild.

However, your application also shows you're looking to pick up raiding with us again.
That might be slightly difficult seeing as we only have room for 1 more Resto Druid and we'll be accepting another Resto Druid application that we've received before your re-application. Meaning we'll have 1 Resto Druid in each group. In other words, right now we don't have room for a third Resto Druid. I have no idea how good your other specs are geared, but the only thing we really need is Ranged DPS (preferably with Bloodlust) for Team Red.

This is how our current situation is.
And although I would love to have you back in one of our Raider teams, since you seem really spirited and willing to raid with a good and fun raiding team, I'm afraid you'll have to make a Raider request, with either another spec, or another class that we do need.

/The Officer Team  :)
Guildmaster of Artifex
Klets - Zipora - Segev - Sagiv