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Author Topic: WoW - Resto / Ench shaman - Application to Raider rank  (Read 3650 times)

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Offline DeathStroke

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WoW - Resto / Ench shaman - Application to Raider rank
« on: 24 October, 2012, 04:53:41 pm »

Applications type (Social/PvP/Raider): Raider.
Name: Mathias Holm ( If accepted you may call me "Sir Smoopy of Awesometon")
Age: 20 (Soon 21, Sup world!)
Country: Denmark, we have bacon... lots and lots of BACON... And arrow to the knee jokes but that is something that comes along in the package
What other games apart from WoW do you play?: Since it's recently been the time of receiveness and completly not giving out anything to anyone you know, i've brought Borderlands Zwei and Resident Evil 6 (Don't spoil stuff more then u have to in the comments about said games if u got any feelings for a feeble being such as myself)
A bit about yourself: Recent news... I guess i've just restarted school after vacation n had a good ending to the past year (Not that kind of world-ending stuff) WoW is my primary escape from reality atm.


Armory Link:

Character name: Ilythia
Class: Shamanzor
Level: 90+
Current server: Grim Batol (EU)
Spec(s): Enha / Resto? Not sure tbh cause in Refusion which i am in atm i still dunno what i'm rolling for ><
Professions: Enchanting / JC
How often do you play WoW (typical weekly playtime and which hours)?: I think a better question for me personally would be, how many hours of the day do i NOT play WoW in. It depends on when i wake up since i got nothing better to do at around 5 am in the morning then flying around in circles trying to paint smilys. Probably between 12-18 hours a day. It can be between 8 in the morning to 00:00 or it can be from 15:00 - 05:00, but as i said it all depends on when i wake up.

What high level alts do you have?:
lvl 85-90:
Prot / Holy Paladin
Prot Warrior
Blood Death Knight
Resto Druid
Ret Paladin

On a small note: I do also have a mage, lock and priest but they're all allies atm and i'm not planing on moving them anytime soon.


Do you have Teamspeak? (Voice communication is essential to our raiding and it's highly recommended you get a mic if you don't have one already): Yes i do have a mic and i can use it, but my mic isn't very... should we call it stable? It sometimes bugs out and just does a loud scraching noise for everyone except me (Yes i am evil if that's what your thinking)

List the relevant raiding add-ons you use: Grid, DBM, Omen, Recount to check on how many times i've died and how / why. OmniCC, just installed Grid 2 and trying to figure out if it's better then Grid, but i guess only time will tell. Shield tracker cause i'm stupid when it comes to keeping Earth Shield up on a target more then once every 5 mins. Still looking for a good Chain Heal addon which works with Grid *wink*

We expect all members to attend any raids with food and flasks to last the whole raid night and being repaired and ready to pull bosses at 20.00

Our Raid times are from 20:00 to 0:00 server time with invites starting at 19:30. On which days will you be available for the whole duration? (A raidgroup usually only raids up to 3 nights a week)
Wednesday: Aye Captin (Available)
Thursday: Challenge Accepted (Available)
Friday: It's Friday, i mean is there any reason not to raid? (Available)
Saturday: I will obey, my master (Available)
Sunday: Can we find more like that? (Available)
Monday:  As Garfield once said: I hate Mondays (Available)
Tuesday: FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMM. Yes i did just watch Braveheart, shut up! (Available)

Have you been in another guild? (Yes/No): Yes (lies)

If so: Which one(s)? And why did you leave?: I guess i will take those in which i've been in since i got to Grim Batol. That would be from last summer which isn't a very long time to go back on, but i guess it's better then nothing?
Vex Thal - To cut a long story short, guild disband
Mox - At the time it felt like there wassn't room for me in either raid team(s) due to the 3rd raid team disbanding so i left for a greater course which would be fun for everyone!
Refusion - This would be the guild i'm in now which was the alternative to Mox as a raiding guild. I'm not gonna lie, the 25 player thing and some of the ppl i spoke with was what dragged my to this guild. It's just horrible and bad i cannot explain it in words. There is this sort of tension when in a raid where the raid leader says something which is wrong at the time being but noone says anything to help / advise him in another direction. When it's called a wipe it's the raids fault for doing what the raid leader says, but not move from the giant lazerbeaming chicken of doom which is where your told to move.

Please list your relevant raid experience, stating which encounters you have personal experience of at the current level cap: Tranquil master which doesn't count for shit anymore, 3 Hc's in MSV Feng, Totem Troll and Pixel Dragon. Oh and Blade Lord spin-on-the-spot boss.

Please link, if possible, any recent relevant logs (, so we can get an idea from your current performance in raids: I've not really used in any recent raids and neither do i posses the ability to use the website. (I haven't really tried either)
Whoa shit what's that? Shit just got real!


Now when you are done with the "basics", we want you to explain a little about different aspects of your character.


Why did you choose the class you are now playing and the professions you selected?:
To get an idea about me and why i chose shaman, i'll say this: I've got 3 shamans, all 3 of them has an enha spec, i really like totems, when u could ankh before everyone on the lich king and start beating him up it was just priceless and not many other classes needs my armor specialisation. I mean what's not to like? All jokes aside i've been playing shaman for as long as i can remember playing wow, even though it wassn't my main at the start of the game and i still enjoyed it a lot. I don't know why but i like to play a "support" class but as you get to know me better (if i get accepted that is) i tend to help people out. A lot. Profession wise, honestly didn't  think when i took them, i know that BS, LW and Tailoring right now is the 3 best professions that a resto shaman can have, same goes for Enha perhaps with the exception of Tailoring, but JC and enchanting grants a 320+ bonus (Primary stats for enchanting and JC) in their slots while BS grants 2x extra socket slots = 320+ extra Int or 640+ Spirit, without losing any numbers to something that is already there, mainly JC. LW grants 330+ Int and Tailoring can give a boost for 15 seconds of either 2000+ Int with a 64 secs ICD or 3000+ Spirit with a 50 secs ICD. Idealy i would change JC to BS, but that's a bit exspensive for such a minor upgrade and money isn't my strong side. Or money making for that matter. Or anything that starts with "M" and ends on "oney".

Talent specialisation:

Would you be willing to change your specialization for the guild?:
I've played resto / Ele in wrath and most of cata (changed ele to enha when MOP came out) and i am willing to play all 3 specs if it's needed however, i will need to farm some gear for ele, since it is none exsisting atm.
Do you have two or more specs you know well enough to use in a Raiding environment?:
Aye, i can use all 3 specs to their full extent.
Please list any talents and glyphs you switch out for certain fights:
For resto it could be Gylph of Cleansing Waters if a lot of dispelling is needed while losing HP, or say we need some extra damage on a boss but mana is importent aswell i could take Gylph of Telluric Currents etc. For enha i guess i could put in a minor gylph to stop flame shock from spreading in case we don't want to hurt adds or something?

Do you feel your character is sufficiently geared to compete in the encounters of the current Heroic tier? (and if not, what is your character sufficiently geared for?):
Current heroic tier, maybe? In my opinion it comes down to playing your char accordingly for the fight. Not saying gear doesn't matter, but to me atleast it's a 2nd priority. But a quallified guess would be: Yes.
Where do you think your current equipment is lacking now?:
More epics! Ehm but i do seem to run out of mana fairly quickly (not like every other healer is having that problem, right?) so i guess i could use some more spirit or Int so i would have to heal less. As for Enha i'm lacking tier pieces cause them bonuses are swag yo! /highfive! On a serious note i'd say a new trinket instead of the use trinket with a 1 min cd that i really aren't good at using every min aka DPS loss. Rather want a 2 min trinket or proc. Looking into if it's worth investing in a DM trinket since 5.2 PTR just hit. Gonna wait a bit on some more info on the new dailys and the raid reputation to see if they're offering any easy-to-get trinkets that's worth the wait.

What stat-priority do you currently use (both secondary and primary stats, especially for tanks and healers), when gemming, enchanting and reforging your gear? (for both your main and off-spec):
Spirit > Int > Haste (3764 to get the extra tick from Healing Stream Totem) Crit / Mastery. Mastery and Crit is equelly importent due to crit giving mana back to live in longer fights but mastery makes the heal stronger the more HP the target has lost so it's a bit of a mix of them both i guess?     If i recall correctly, Elitistjerks suggest to get roughly 45-50% Mastery then go for crit.

For Enha it would be Agi > Hit / Exp cap > Mastery > Haste > Crit. No real "set" value to go for atm as it seems the more the better. I've been looking at some forums since i'm not very experienced with simming but haste seems to be valued higher the more gear you achieve. Still watching if any drastic changes are gonna come along, but for now i'm sticking to mastery cause i like big numbers more then fast numbers to a extent. I don't mind pressing buttons, but Enha rotation seems RNG enough as it is and with even more procs from more white hits i'm not sure Lava lash will ever show up on my meters :(.

Do you know anyone in MoX who can vouch for you?: Guessing i've been speaking to Segev a bit for some love relations, Megurine should have some sort of memory with me in them, some of em even before i got to Grim Batol. Got Emily on skype and RealID, but i'm bad at keeping in touch with people in general. Expectations, expectations...
Why do you want to join MoX?: For selfish reasons of course such as having fun (which my current guild seems to have a sever lack of), playing a game i love and socialise with ppl. Also i gotta admit that Segev is a true champion when it comes to dedication towards Mox. He truly is an inspiring person. (No flattering intented or pleasing for that matter, but u had to ask! Shame on you!)
What type of guild are you looking for?: A guild that can help me improve to even new hights, meet new people in the proces, make new friends and perhaps kill a boss every once in a while.

What are your goals in wow, what do you want to achieve and how long do you plan to keep playing?
I don't really have any "real" goals for the future, i guess to see all the content in raids, defeat bosses on all 3 modes, perhaps have a bit of fun along the way? Playing wise i want to play for as long as Blizzard offers new content every now and then. Considering the fact that i've never had a break for a longer period of time and i rarely play any other games i'm positive this game has a special place in my heart and will keep that place for many years to come.

Additional Information:

Confirmation that you have read, understood and agree to abide by the MoX Charter (Yes/No): Yes

Is there anything else you feel is relevant to your application or that you would like us to know? In case you've forgotten about me i'll just add the info that this would be the 2nd time i apply to Mox but i've already explained why it felt like the better choice was to leave Mox, at that time. I have a feeling that once this app is posted that there will be some mixed feelings about someone who jumps all over the place, and i cannot really make any claim that would sound credible enough for you to belive in me staying for a longer period of time. All i can say on this matter is that my intention is to stay for a long time. It's something that you'll have to trust me somewhat on this matter.
« Last Edit: 07 January, 2013, 09:18:43 pm by DeathStroke »
"Remember... Snake... We're not tools of the government, or anyone else! Fighting was the only thing i was good at, but atleast i always fought for what i belived in..." Frank Jaeger aka Gray Fox

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Re: WoW - Resto / Ench shaman - Application to Raider rank
« Reply #1 on: 24 October, 2012, 10:13:03 pm »
Really nice DPS, played with him a few times in Dragon Soul :) Good luck on your app!

Made by Ramsay

Offline DeathStroke

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Re: WoW - Resto / Ench shaman - Application to Raider rank
« Reply #2 on: 25 October, 2012, 12:31:49 am »
/gasp i lied when i was asked if i knew anyone inside MoX! Emily <3
"Remember... Snake... We're not tools of the government, or anyone else! Fighting was the only thing i was good at, but atleast i always fought for what i belived in..." Frank Jaeger aka Gray Fox

Offline Cainde

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Re: WoW - Resto / Ench shaman - Application to Raider rank
« Reply #3 on: 25 October, 2012, 12:43:33 am »
You're cheating on me now are you?!

Offline DeathStroke

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Re: WoW - Resto / Ench shaman - Application to Raider rank
« Reply #4 on: 25 October, 2012, 03:14:14 am »
You're cheating on me now are you?!
It's hard runing a double relationship isn't it? I dunno how to put this to ya, but: Yes.
"Remember... Snake... We're not tools of the government, or anyone else! Fighting was the only thing i was good at, but atleast i always fought for what i belived in..." Frank Jaeger aka Gray Fox

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Re: WoW - Resto / Ench shaman - Application to Raider rank
« Reply #5 on: 25 October, 2012, 06:31:03 am »
I love this thread.

Offline Kletsnat

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Re: WoW - Resto / Ench shaman - Application to Raider rank
« Reply #6 on: 25 October, 2012, 12:18:19 pm »
Hey Deathstroke,

Thanks for applying to MoX.
I only just now had the time to read your entire application and I must say I really enjoyed the read.
Unfortunately we already have two very experienced Resto Shamans and melee we have two on each team as well. We are however looking into the possibility of starting up a third team, for which we have yet to determine which classes/specs are needed. So please stick with us while we discuss your application in relation to a possible third raiding team.

Kind regards,

Guildmaster of Artifex
Klets - Zipora - Segev - Sagiv

Offline DeathStroke

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Re: WoW - Resto / Ench shaman - Application to Raider rank
« Reply #7 on: 25 October, 2012, 03:05:14 pm »
Hey Deathstroke,

Thanks for applying to MoX.
I only just now had the time to read your entire application and I must say I really enjoyed the read.
Unfortunately we already have two very experienced Resto Shamans and melee we have two on each team as well. We are however looking into the possibility of starting up a third team, for which we have yet to determine which classes/specs are needed. So please stick with us while we discuss your application in relation to a possible third raiding team.

Kind regards,

First i want to say thanks for the fast respons

Also as i mentioned in the app i can go elemental if needed, even though i would have to gear up for it first n stuff. I could probably take a lot of the gear from resto but i haven't even started to look into that yet.

Looking forward to your respons
"Remember... Snake... We're not tools of the government, or anyone else! Fighting was the only thing i was good at, but atleast i always fought for what i belived in..." Frank Jaeger aka Gray Fox

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Re: WoW - Resto / Ench shaman - Application to Raider rank
« Reply #8 on: 25 October, 2012, 05:55:10 pm »
Just reforge spirit to haste ^^ and you're good to go as ele.

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Re: WoW - Resto / Ench shaman - Application to Raider rank
« Reply #9 on: 25 October, 2012, 06:40:04 pm »
Mathias is a quite good leader by the way. He used to run millions of alt runs and pugs during the week, especially during FL.

