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Author Topic: [World of Warcraft] Social Application - Druid: Zymor  (Read 3550 times)

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Offline Zulvar

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[World of Warcraft] Social Application - Druid: Zymor
« on: 21 April, 2013, 12:35:21 pm »

Hello Leaders and Members of MoX!

Please see below my social application to join MoX as initiated by some close in-game friends of mine Feelya and Gnuko.

About Me:

Name: My name is Shaun.
Age: I am 22 years of age.
Country: I originate and live in the UK.
What other games apart from WoW do I play?: World of Warcraft is the only online multiplayer PC game I have interest in. However, I do occasionally play CoD MW3 on the Xbox 360.
A little about myself: I've recently become a proud father of a baby girl and I am happy to say that gaming has become much less of a priority. In my spare time (of which I have to myself :P), I socialise with friends and family and spend time with my girlfriend and daughter.

About My Character:

Note: My main character is a Level 90 Warrior named Zulvar on the realm Chromaggus. You may find the details here:

Armory Link: The armory link for the Druid I have recently created on Al'Alir is here:

Character name: Zymor
Class: Druid
Spec(s): Feral
Level: 19
Professions: None at present moment - Will take Mining / Herb for gathering gold
How often do you play WoW (typical weekly playtime and which hours)?: As WoW is not a priority at this moment, my log times vary each week. I may log one night, I may not.
What high level alts do you have?: I have several characters, all of which are on Chromaggus;

 - Zulvar; 90 Warrior
 - Rademius; 90 Shaman
 - Littlefoot; 90 Hunter
 - Khaizen; 90 Warlock
 - Lillybelle; 85 Gnome Mage

Why did you chose the class you are now playing and the professions you selected?: I have chosen a Druid simply because I do not have one and overall, they fulfill all types of play style.

About me as a player:

Do you have Teamspeak? At this present moment, no. I do however have Skype.

'Our Raid times are from 20:00 to 0:00 server time with invites starting at 19:30. This will also be the case when doing our social/alt raids so make sure you can stay for the duration if you sign up for one of these runs'. Sounds brilliant. Hopefully in the future I can begin to participate.

Have you been in another guild? Yes, several. I have always been situated on the realm Chromaggus. Chromaggus thrived in Vanilla and through to TBC but then later started to fade in WoTLK. Here is an overview of my guild progress:

 - Vanilla:
 - The Twilight of Doom: TToD was a great starting guild as at the time, I was relatively new to the guild. The time I spent here was great and I will always remember the individuals who made it special. Progress (if my memory does not fail me) was minimal. MC and ZG were the zones of which were been worked on at the time I joined. Shortly after was the release of TBC.

 - The Burning Crusade:
 - The Twilight of Doom: I stayed with TToD up to and including Karazhan and Serpentshrine Cavern, but as Chromaggus began to get lower and lower population, people had to start to join other guilds for progression. I then left and joined Paranoia.
 - Paranoia: Paranoia were 'driven'. At the time, there were two guilds who held the crown of 'best progressing guild' which was Cult and Nada. Paranoia followed shortly behind. My stay with Paranoia went through clearence of SSC and TK and progressed through BT. I noticed a stubborness with some of the guild members including some leaders so I left. Although this was one of the reasons, I joined another guild afterwards which I had great communications with and alsp partcipated in Raids on a regular basis.
 - Supremus: Supremus were a fantastic guild. There is no mistake about it. Supremus become the no.1 guild of Chromaggus as many other guilds departed to other servers / guilds to persue there gaming experiance. In my time with Supremus, all BC content was cleared and Sunwell had released at this time. As raiding become more difficult, Supremus then disbanded and many migrated to other realms (Al'Akir was the main realm) and joined the likes of APEX and Last Resort, some went to Nihilium. I stayed. Throughout the rest of TBC, i joined other guilds and was co-founder / raid leader up to WoTLK.

 - WoTLK:
 - Prime: Prime were also a fantastic guild. Probably the best I'd been in and the No1 Horde progressing guild. Everything about Prime made playing WoW great. THe people, the raiding structure, everything. Many of Prime's members are here in MoX. Darealfoxx and Chetigot (as i know them) are just a couple to name. I've played with these guys since the start of my WoW experiance and it would be great to have that experiance again. Prime successfully cleared all content up to and including Ulduar and ToTGC. Shortly before LK was realsed, the guild disbanded and then I joined another guild. At this point, i very rarely played as i couldnt really be bothered to dedicate myself to another team and got by.

 - Cata:
 - As above, I can not really remember the guilds I have been in as I only played as a casual. But when playing I was highly dependable. Throughout most of the guilds (if not all), I have either been a MT or dedicated OT (MT when needed). Also, one of the dedicated healers with my shaman.

Overall, my experiance with WoW and my content cleared is vast:

 - MC: did not raid
 - ZG: did not raid
 - AQ: did not raid
 - Naxx: did not raid

 - Kara: Cleared
 - SSC: Cleared
 - TK: Cleared
 - BT: Cleared
 - MH: Cleared
 - SWP: Cleared

 - Naxx: Cleared
 - Maly: Cleared
 - Ulduar: Cleared
 - ToTC/ToTGC: Cleared
 - LK: Cleared

 - Cata: Cleared only DS

 - MoP: Cleared all RF

Explain a little about what you like to do in World of Warcraft: I'd just like to be able to log in to a game, speak to some in-game friends I have alot of history with and if the oppurtinty is there, to play some end game content.


Do you know anyone in MoX who can vouch for you?: Feelya, Gnuko, Vince, Iko

Explain a bit about why you want to join MoX?: Feelya and Gnuko wont leave me alone :P

What type of guild are you looking for?: Somewhere with a fantastic atmosphere, great banter, paticipate in events.

Additional Information:

Confirmation that you have read, understood and agree to abide by the MoX Charter (Yes/No): Yes

Is there anything else you feel is relevant to your application or that you would like us to know? Yes, I am debating on transferring my Warrior and possibly my Shaman. If this would benefit you in anyway then please inform me.

Offline Hordecore

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Re: [World of Warcraft] Social Application - Druid: Zymor
« Reply #1 on: 21 April, 2013, 03:09:17 pm »

Hereby I would like to offer you a spot in our social ranks.
Enjoy and have fun.

Whisper me, Gnuko or Sillv ingame for an inv!

Good too see you agian!


Offline Hordecore

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Re: [World of Warcraft] Social Application - Druid: Zymor
« Reply #2 on: 21 April, 2013, 03:11:39 pm »
ps, Never call me DRF again plX!

Offline Zulvar

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Re: [World of Warcraft] Social Application - Druid: Zymor
« Reply #3 on: 21 April, 2013, 04:32:52 pm »
Lol, sorry Jos. Can't beat the good ol' times!

Offline Vallyria

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Re: [World of Warcraft] Social Application - Druid: Zymor
« Reply #4 on: 30 April, 2013, 03:00:20 pm »
post mortem thoughts about this: we should instadecline apps wrote in comic sans :P

Offline Elisa

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Re: [World of Warcraft] Social Application - Druid: Zymor
« Reply #5 on: 01 May, 2013, 03:04:36 am »
post mortem thoughts about this: we should instadecline apps wrote in comic sans :P

Please be my light in the dark and show me how to be a happy pony!

